Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 101 Able-bodied Men

It has been tested before. The quality of the soldiers from Palphi is worrying. To exaggerate, they were half refugees when they came out. Although the Romans let them eat something in Egypt and during the voyage so that they would not starve to death, the hygiene, health and mental state of these people were not very good, just maintained at a decent level.

These "soldiers" were pushed to Orwell. He did not like the human wave charge tactics that used people as animals emotionally and rationally, so if conditions permitted, he would let these strong men go back alive. However, who can say for sure what happened on the battlefield? Although the Roman Empire in history also quelled the rebellion in Gaul during this period, it was not so grand. There is no corresponding record of this battle in history, and who can know the victory or defeat.

So Orwell thought that even if he died, he would die with a full stomach. Before the battle, he let these people eat their stomachs first, and also prepared a farewell banquet for them.

The legionnaires were distributing bread and other food, and several large barrels were constantly boiling noodle soup with meat slices. Orville also took out some wine from his inventory.

This was their dinner, which was much worse than the treatment of the Roman legionnaires, who were treated to a feast of fish and meat, but no one was dissatisfied, and they all ate silently.

The two were indeed not comparable. The former were proper citizens, with a social status of at least upper-middle class, with benefits such as salary, free medical care in service, and retirement benefits.

In the early days of the Roman Empire, auxiliary soldiers generally had no salary income, and 25 years of military service could only be exchanged for a light citizen certificate and a certificate of honor. The end of hard work is the starting point of others. No one would blame Orville for treating them differently. If he treated them equally, someone would make trouble and question his disrespect for citizens and soldiers.

Looking at the men who looked like starving ghosts, skinny but still stuffing food into their mouths, Domitia was instinctively afraid. This kind of situation could not be seen in Rome, and the center of the world certainly did not allow such hungry people. Even the slave market was more decent than other places.

Orville did not dislike this kind of scene. The people who came out of the Holy City were even more half-dead, and there were cases of people who ate themselves to death. This was considered a small scene, that is, the eating manner was slightly indecent.

He gestured to the soldiers on his left and right, indicating that he was going to start speaking.

The soldiers first loudly announced that everyone should stop eating, then turned to scolding, and later even used canes and sticks to hit those who were still eating. It took a lot of effort to make everyone stop and concentrate on listening to Orville's speech.

"I don't know whether you came here voluntarily or under duress, nor do I know whether you can understand the concept of war, but you will need to obey my orders and fight for me in the future.

I will not let you die on the battlefield, but it is foreseeable that many of you will die on the battlefield. In order to prevent you from losing your lives, I will use more stringent means to urgently train you, regardless of whether you can bear it or not, the decision is this.

If you want to go back alive, listen to your instructors. If you don't listen, there will be severe punishments waiting for you. It will be difficult to adapt at first, but you have no choice. I can guarantee that you will have enough food under my command. As long as you train hard, you may be able to go back alive. The brave will be rewarded, and the cowardly will eventually die. You may not understand what I say, just remember to obey orders."

Compared to the powerful speeches involving honor, patriotism, morality, bravery, and professional responsibility that Domitia read in the book, Orville's speech was very dry and straightforward. It can be summed up in one sentence - obey orders and don't complain.

Obviously, these people's focus is on "eating a full meal". Some people rushed out of the crowd and bowed to Orwell, prostrating themselves on the ground to show humility and obedience.

Domitia couldn't quite understand what was happening in front of her. It seemed that what Orwell said had a good effect. She really couldn't understand how such a speech could move people.

Orwell felt a little embarrassed about the situation, but he continued: "Now, please continue to enjoy your dinner. This time may be the last time, so cherish it. But don't cherish it too much. It's not worth it if you eat yourself to death."

After that, he signaled everyone to continue eating. They were not polite, and they picked up their bowls and continued to eat.

Orwell stood there and didn't leave, just letting Domitia observe the eating and demeanor of these people.

Domitia also watched seriously for about ten minutes, and Orwell took her away and let her come to Tia's tent.

At this time, the self-disciplined general had finished dinner and was reading a book by the light of the torch. She was also surprised to see Domitia coming over, but after Domitia explained the situation again, Tia fell into silence.

Tia felt more guilty, but she really couldn't solve the problem from her side.

After a few minutes, Tia rolled up her sleeves and showed Domitia her scarred arms.

Her fingers were not as slender and soft as those of her peers. On the contrary, because of years of martial arts training and holding swords and guns, she had a layer of calluses and looked much stronger.

Due to her superb martial arts and good armor protection, Tia was rarely injured on the battlefield, but as a general charging on the front line, scars were inevitable.

Sword marks, arrow wounds, scrapes, scratches. Just the shoulders and arms that could be shown to Orville had many completely different scars. This was a soldier's medal of honor, but it was inevitably a bit shocking to the onlookers.

"I can't guarantee that you will have a bright future after you choose the same path as me, but I will try my best to gain the right to choose for you. This power is not available to many daughters of prominent families, but this may not be suitable for you. It's good for you to come here now, at least you have enough time and opportunity to think about these things, which is impossible in Rome.

If you choose to give up and return to normal, I will ask my father to arrange a truly suitable marriage for you, so that you can have a happy, peaceful and prosperous life, which may not be bad. However, the final right of choice is up to you, and you are the one who makes the final decision. I can buy you four or five years, during which you can slowly think about what is best.

Don't give me a definite answer now, you have to see with your own eyes, feel with your heart, and finally make a decision. I will solve your father's side for you. I agree to this matter. You can stay with Berenice, and she can take care of you. Don't worry about other problems. I will find a way for you."

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