[Paris] This name originally came from the Parisi people who lived on this land. Due to the unique geographical environment, there were ethnic groups settled here a long time ago and developed towns.

At this time and space, the overall development of Gaul was higher, and Paris became one of the top cities in Gaul.

I don’t know whether it was because of the superb military accomplishment of the Gaul generals accompanying the army or because of Jeanne Dacre’s so-called "divine revelation", in short, they had arrived in Paris before Orville and stationed there. Orville did not find a good opportunity to attack, and the other party was already on guard.

At the same time, there were not only Gauls and Romans entrenched near Paris, but also a third force besides the two.

They were a group of North Germanic people from the Scandinavian Peninsula. To put it in a more familiar way, they were a group of "Vikings".

The Vikings, who had troubled European countries for hundreds of years, also appeared in this world in advance. They took their longboats, went upstream from the mouth of the Seine, and came to the coast to plunder.

In the era of Roman rule, these people annoyed the local governors, who often had to deal with these pirates. In order to save trouble, many Roman governors even chose to pay these pirates a sum of money in private to avoid being annoyed in front of them.

Although they have not reached the peak of their military careers, the combat capabilities of these Vikings are still quite remarkable, otherwise they would not have been able to kill all sides in the future - conquering England, ruling Novgorod, looting Paris, obtaining Normandy, conquering Sicily, and even almost achieving the achievement of conquering Constantinople

Barbarians do not necessarily mean that their combat capabilities are weak. According to the scouts' report, there are about four to five thousand Vikings stationed here, which is also a large number and can affect the balance of this Battle of Paris.

Orville is definitely not inferior to this group of people alone. The Romans should not be afraid of any infantry in a fair fight with the same number of infantry, but if the other party unites with the Gauls, things will be more troublesome.

Orville was not absolutely sure of defeating both of them at the same time, especially since the nominal commander of the Gauls was the legendary saint. It was better not to challenge them.

Now these Vikings were camping to wait for the price, waiting for the Romans and Gauls to offer them. Orville was not afraid of this. The Romans were much richer than the Gauls, and they had the advantage in terms of financial resources, so they were not too weak.

The camps of the Gauls, Romans, and Vikings were arranged in a triangular pattern, and they were somewhat wary of each other. Orville didn't care about their twists and turns and started to build the camp.

After the camp was built, he continued to strengthen it, and began to lay a defense network consisting of small fortresses, watchtowers and fences around it, making it clear that he was going to fight a sit-in war.

Anyway, his goal was to delay Jeanne Dacre and her army. It would be best if there was no war, and neither side would have to die. Orville was very careful about his reputation, and the death of one person was a loss. At the same time, he could get military merits, and it was most beneficial for him to waste time.

In the end, the first to be exhausted were not the Romans or the Gauls, but the Vikings who did not bring much food.


One night, Orville got the news that the Viking leader Ragnar Lothbrok came as an envoy in person to discuss war with Orville.

He did not rush to agree, but first called Belisarius and Stilicho out of the army and brought them to his side to ensure his safety.

Ragnar, the pirate king, is a semi-legendary and semi-historical figure. It is said that he looted Paris in history, and his descendants caused the Vikings to invade England. Orville was wary of him not because of anything else, but mainly because the other party was very likely to be a gifted person, so he had to bring bodyguards to his side to ensure his safety, so as to avoid the other party's anger and blood splashing five steps.

In some legends, Ragnar is positioned as a fan character of the famous dragon slayer Siegfried, and there are even sayings that he married Siegfried's daughter, the half-human and half-god Aslaqi, so the sons he gave birth to later were a bit weird.

For example, Ivar the Boneless may have only cartilage or be weak and boneless when he was born, and Sigurd the Snake-Eyes has the Ouroboros pattern in his eyes, which naturally reminds people of the Midgard Serpent, the Ouroboros Jörmungandr.

Sigurd is actually "Siegfried" in German. The grandfather of this "Siegfried" is Siegfried the Dragon Slayer, the grandmother is the Valkyrie Brunhilde, and the mother is a half-human and half-god who can predict. Ragnar, who has such a son, makes people feel that he is also a bit "out of scope".

Orville is playing a farming script, and the other side is a heroic legend. The heroic legend of this world may really be a heroic legend, so it is necessary to be on guard against others. It is always right to be careful.

After ensuring that he has someone to protect him, Ragnar Lothbrok was invited into the tent.

Unlike the stereotypical Vikings who say "I'll use your skull as a bowl!" or "I'm Thor, for the glory of the North!", Ragnar doesn't look like a muscular bodybuilder. Although he looks strong, his height is not outstanding, and his face is rough and a little gloomy.

The other party simply saluted Orville and said, "Ragnar Lothbrok, leader of the Vikings, commander-in-chief of this raid."

Procopius spoke for Orville: "In front of you is the prince of the Roman Empire, the commander of the legion, Orville Flavius ​​Vespasianus. What do you want, Ragnar Lothbrok?"

"I'm here to ask the Romans for a good price, hoping that you can hire me and my brothers to fight for you."

At this time, Procopius was silent. He couldn't get involved in financial issues, and the money was in Orville's own hands.

Orville straightened up slightly from his seat and stared at him condescendingly: "How much do you want?"

"Fifty dinars per person per month, I have a total of 5,000 people, and I want 50,000 dinars per month as a command bounty. After the city is broken, I will have to plunder for three days."

Orville smiled and said, "You're asking for too much. Are you really so confident in your own strength?"

If you calculate it, he asks for 300,000 dinars per month from himself. The salary and maintenance fees of all Orville's men combined are not as expensive as 300,000 dinars.

"I came to you first because the woman in Paris was very disrespectful to me and even instigated people in the city to beat me up first. In the end, it didn't work, but it still made me very upset. I heard that Romans have always been wealthy and generous. They can come up with the money, right? My price is very fair. It's inevitable that you have to charge a lot for a very special matter."

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