Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 121 The Surrender

After sticking to the opponent's mobile force, everything else will be a matter of course.

Later, Tiya killed the Gaul commander with her own hands. The Gaul cavalry, who lost their commander, resisted for a while, and then declared surrender and accepted the prisoners of the Roman army.

After dealing with the cavalry problem, Tiya turned around to deal with the problem of the infantry line. In fact, the current Gaul infantry line has begun to collapse. Some people with poor fighting willpower began to drop their weapons and run away, but some people still insisted on holding their weapons and gritting their teeth with the Romans.

In any case, it was already a dying struggle, and the battle was over here.

This willpower and spirit are undoubtedly worthy of admiration. Tiya did not recognize their quality as soldiers, but at this moment she also recognized the resistance spirit of the locals a little. The brave can make the enemy respect.

Let her cavalry disperse to capture the fleeing soldiers. Tiya rode to the rear of the Gaul line with the guards and kept shouting to persuade them to surrender.

"The battle is over. You have already lost. There is nothing you can do to save the situation! Now retreat and lay down your weapons and surrender. I can guarantee that your lives will not be harmed. This is the last mercy. Cherish your chance!!"

Most people chose to surrender on the spot. At this point, their morale could not stand up. After their courage and passion declined, they had to fight with endurance and perseverance. For them, who were just civilians, they had done their best to fight to this point.

There were still a few people who insisted on attacking the Romans. The legionnaires also fulfilled their wishes and let them die gloriously on the battlefield.

After stabbing the last resisting soldier to death with a dagger, the Battle of Caen was declared over. The result was a hearty victory for the Romans. They defeated the Gallic army composed of militiamen and a few regular troops without much effort.

"Leave someone to guard the prisoners, clean the battlefield, bury and cremate the bodies, count the spoils, rest for two days, and then continue to march towards Rennes."

After giving such an order, Tia returned to her tent to rest. Commanding the battle and swinging the sword to cut people consumed a lot of physical strength. After a few hours, she was already a little exhausted.


More than ten days later, the Roman army camp outside Paris.

The upper-middle-class nobleman of Gaul who had been inclined to negotiate peace before now came to the Roman camp under the cover of night. Orville looked at the other party's uneasy expression and felt funny and sad in his heart.

It stands to reason that the two sides can solve the peace talks by sending envoys, but the other party is now so anxious and panicked that he chose to come to negotiate in person.

The results of the three battles have been passed to Orville one after another. In the end, the Romans won without any danger.

Aurelian defeated the last main force of Bagaudat under the city of Rennes, and the other party almost escaped with his life.

Tia defeated an army of peasants and a few real soldiers in Caen, beheaded the enemy commander and captured most of the officers, and the road to Rennes was unobstructed.

On Vespa's side, the Romans relied on fortifications to block the Franks' offensive. Pepin the Dwarf was a very capable military talent, but the national strength of the Franks and the Romans was not equal now.

He couldn't quickly capture the defense network that the Romans had worked hard to build. Playing strategic detours like Aurelian would easily be caught by the Romans with superb technical and tactical skills. In the end, he didn't dare to gamble on this possibility. After two failed attacks, he had to retreat.

He had just seized the throne of the Franks two years ago and replaced the original Merovingian dynasty to rule the Franks. Because of dealing with domestic factional struggles, he missed the best time to attack the German provinces. I don't know if he will regret it now.

All three battles were won. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Romans would be the final winner. The Gauls were doomed and powerless.

After Orville learned the news, he quickly sent a message to the defenders in Paris and provided the head of the Gaul commander sent by Tia as evidence. For a time, the defenders in the city were naturally in a state of panic and didn't know what to do.

That night, the noble came to negotiate with him. In a sense, he was also a highly mobile and malleable person.

"In fact, the plan revealed to us by Jeanne Dacre herself was like this. She originally strongly suggested that Bagoda abandon Rennes and attack the two legion soldiers led by Her Royal Highness Princess Tia near Caen. But now it seems that Bagoda did not adopt Jeanne Dacre's plan. Only a small number of local nobles and a large number of villagers obeyed her orders."

Orville did not discuss the peace talks with the other party first, but asked the other party to provide Jeanne Dacre and the Gaul army's battle plan, and the other party told Orville everything. As a top noble in Gaul, he was very familiar with these plans.

In the original world, Joan of Arc ordered the French army to launch a surprise attack on Paris, but the French king refused. This time and space still cannot escape this fate, but it has changed to reinforce Caen, but the Gaul leader refused.

In fact, if Joan really follows Jeanne's battle strategy, the Gauls may not win, but they may still struggle for a while.

If Bagaud temporarily abandons Rennes and reinforces Caen, then Tia will have to use more than 10,000 people to face the Gallic army of nearly 100,000 people at the same time. The combat effectiveness of the army led by Bagaud is not at the level of villagers. Facing such a large number difference in field battle, Tia may not be able to win.

After defeating Tia, the strategic situation became much brighter. It didn't matter whether Jeanne Dacre, who came to rescue Paris, defeated Orville's troops, or continued to use sticky tactics to support Aurelian. But now that they had lost, there was no other way.

Not everyone had the courage to abandon their core areas with deep roots and move to other places. Obviously, Bagaud was not such a person. He regarded Rennes as his last and most important fortress, which must not be lost. Unfortunately, this was not the case. The Gauls did not have the ability to fight head-on with the main Roman forces on the front battlefield.

At this moment, Aurelian was clearing out the remaining enemies on the supply route between Rennes and Orleans. The next step was to clear out the last stronghold of the Gauls in Brittany.

Tia was clearing out the remnants of the enemy in the forest and mountainous areas near Caen. After doing this, she would come to Paris to meet Orville, and the two sides would meet again.

Orville decided to quickly solve the problem of Paris before that, otherwise he would seem to be a little too lazy.

"Now is the time to prove your sincerity. As long as you make the right choice, I can guarantee that most of your property and rights will not be infringed."

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