Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 129 God and Man

Of course, the royal family didn’t need to queue up or be harassed if they wanted to meet their father. The two of them easily met Vespa and explained their ideas to Vespa in detail.

Vespa pondered for a while after hearing this, and after a few minutes, he said, “Whose idea was it in the first place?”

“Mine, the idea that came up during the siege of Paris.” Orville said honestly, “I have learned about the situation on the British Isles in detail from the Gauls and Vikings. From the perspective of the conquest goal, there is no place more suitable than there. The population is more than three million, and there are rich minerals, timber and aquatic products. There are many flat and arable lands in the south, which are very suitable for development.”

“I know, because I also had the idea of ​​​​the British Isles before, but later I had to give up. Do you know why? Because those Angles were protected by the Franks, and their actions to attack Britain were instructed by the Franks from the beginning, so it was so smooth.

The king of the Franks called the kings of the Angles ‘the closest brothers’, ‘the most powerful protectors of your country’ and ‘supporters of faith’, what a good one. This touching scene really makes people want to spit at them.

If you want to get involved in Britain, not only the kings on the British Isles, but I'm afraid the Franks will also come to join in the fun, so you have to be mentally prepared. The financial situation of the empire is not very good now. I can't allocate too many materials and troops to you, so most of the time you can only rely on you to find a solution. "

Tiya took over the topic: "We have considered this matter in detail. There is no problem. As long as we have the manpower and material resources of the Lugden Gaul Province, we can almost solve it. The main contradiction now lies in what the people in the Senate think. "

"Them? I will solve it naturally. You just need to solve the external enemies. Let me and the Senate slowly argue about internal problems. I still have this power. After all, I am the Roman emperor, haha. "Vespa waved his hand generously at the two of them, indicating that they don't need to worry too much about political struggles and just focus on their work.

"We need the assistance of the locals, so the woman named Jeanne Dacre is indispensable. We need her influence among the Gauls. "Tiya continued to make demands.

"The mastermind of the Gallic rebellion this time is Bagauda, ​​the noble lord of Rennes. He is an enemy and traitor who betrayed the empire despite the name of the Julius family. Of course, we must eliminate the main culprit. As for the rest of the people you mentioned, I think it's just a smokescreen.

A teenage woman led the army to fight and killed two Roman legions. Isn't this fooling children? I think this is just a deification movement of the Gauls. There is nothing big about it." Vespa gave his solution, and both of them could accept it.

Someone has to take responsibility for the rebellion. Bagauda can't be saved, and Orville and Tia don't want to save each other, so they died for what they deserved.

Tia was very touched: "Thank you, father, for always tolerating our willfulness and recklessness. We will not let you down. I promise you that I will completely solve the problem of Lugden Gaul within three years, and then capture the British Isles as quickly as possible!" Vespa smiled brightly: "Just pay attention to safety, don't let unnecessary things put you in a trap, your future is not just in Gaul and Britain." After the two encouraged each other for a few words, Vespa found a reason to get Tia away, saying that he wanted to talk to Orville about "something between men." ——

After Tia left, Vespa said to Orville, "You have to keep an eye on Jeanne Dacre. I think she is very unusual. I know everything you reported to me. Bagaud was supposed to have participated in the Battle of Caen. If that's the case, we might not have finished the battle yet.

The military awareness shown by the other party is quite unusual. I don't believe she is just a country girl. Do you know how the army of the governor of the German province was annihilated? They were marching on the road, but they were stopped by the Gauls for no reason and rushed to the vicinity of Alequah. How could they be so accurate and catch the Roman legion marching to Alequah?"

Orville considered the language and how to express the facts without causing Vespa to be overly vigilant: "This person is very unusual. I think there may be some truth in some rumors about her."

Vespa frowned: "Are you saying that she is really the daughter of your god?"

Vespa didn't care about the issue of faith, but Orville's eyelids jumped when he heard it.

"I don't believe in the Eternals. I believe in Minerva just like you. Don't let me make a mistake. Besides, I think it's debatable whether she is the daughter of God, but maybe a certain God really favors her."

Ovel's meaning was very clear. He suspected that Jeanne was the so-called Chosen One, but he couldn't be sure.

Vespa frowned deeply, as if he was really struggling with something important. After a long while, he said, "Does anyone else know about this?"

"You know, I have always had a special way to judge a person, so I believe it more than others. But there should be other doubters, but as long as we don't say it, others can't be sure. The person is here with me, and I have designated him as a reporting attendant."

"Inform the attendant? You have a bad taste, just like me. Let's do this for now. I acquiesce to this person's continued life, but you have to remember that when you feel you can't control her, just kill her directly. And no matter what, once many people begin to really suspect that she is the Chosen One, you must kill her immediately. The foundation of the empire cannot be shaken, you know.

Tie her to you and Tia, don't give her the opportunity to grow and develop, and don't give her the opportunity to preach. It's best to make her a believer of gods such as Minerva or Jupiter. You can try, but I don't think there is much hope."

The empire has not had a Chosen One for hundreds of years. A Chosen One suddenly appeared among the Gauls who believed in pagan gods. It goes without saying what this means to the Romans who believe in Greek and Roman polytheism in the empire. It will deal a blow to their confidence and the stability of the empire. Vespa will definitely not accept this. In principle, such people should be strangled immediately while they are alive, but Orville and Tia pleaded for Jeanne.

In his view, letting this man live is like a time bomb. Now Jeanne is still worth living. He thinks Vespa and Tia can still control this bomb, so he reluctantly accepts the reality. But it is reasonable for him to warn Orville for this.

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