Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 131 Peace Talks

A few days later, Vespa's appointment came down.

Tia became the governor of Lugden Gaul, while Orville became the emperor's treasurer of the province and the commander of the first phase of the British expedition.

After entering the imperial era, Rome carried out some reforms in the administrative system, one of which was the separation of administrative power and taxation power.

The taxation power was given to the tax officials appointed by the emperor, who were responsible for taxation issues. The governors of ordinary provinces only needed to be responsible for taking money, spending money and using funds, and did not need to participate in taxation. Octavian, the founder of the Roman Empire, believed that this would reduce corruption and curb the growth of the governor's power.

The provincial governors of the three legions were exceptions. In order to deal with local powerful enemies, they held military power, administrative power and taxation power at the same time. Only by concentrating power could they deal with the powerful enemies of the empire.

In fact, the relationship between Orville and Tia was just a matter of transferring from one hand to the other, but the form still had to be followed. Vespa's appointment was quite reasonable.

Tia is too idealistic. It may be difficult for her to collect taxes in a place where a war has just ended. It would be good if she doesn't issue a benevolent policy like "tax exemption for three years".

It's not that benevolent policies are bad. Orville is short of money for the war. Now he has to find a way to reasonably and sustainably exhaust the resources and get military funds from some local people.

The most similar thing between Orville and Vespa is these tricks to make money. He has no shortage of these ideas and sometimes he is ruthless. Although he has no formal political experience, it's just right for him to be the financial officer.

After all, he is a modern man with strong arithmetic skills. Orville is not worried that he will not be able to figure out the accounts. He has accumulated some management experience when running a hotel and leading troops to fight. Vespa will also give him some special treatment, so he is still confident.

After the defeat on the front line, the Frankish king Pepin the Short had not given up and wanted to find another opportunity to fight again in the future. However, with the end of the Gallic War and the gathering of the Roman legions in Trier, he also realized that the situation was not good, so he quietly prepared to negotiate peace with the Romans and began to stop losses in time.

He could probably guess the reason. The fundamental reason why the Roman army had not yet turned from defense to offense should be that the financial situation was empty and they did not want to further expand the war and increase expenses, so they came to negotiate peace without fear.

Vespa was very unhappy with the new Frankish king, but there was nothing he could do. It was a fact that the treasury was short of money. It was not a good choice to fight a tug-of-war with the other party. Changing the peace treaty was the realistic choice.

So, after several hasty "border frictions", the Roman Empire and the Frankish Kingdom, the two most powerful countries on the European continent, reconciled. In order to show his sincerity, Pepin the Short compensated the Roman Empire with a sum of money, which was equivalent to about 4 million dinars. At the national level, this money was better than nothing.

Vespa was anxious to end the war, so he reluctantly accepted the peace treaty and asked Pepin the Dwarf to disband his army immediately, which Pepin did.

After Pepin disbanded his army, he quickly disbanded many temporary armies. In addition to the 50,000 German legions left in the German province as a defensive force, one legion was withdrawn from the three legions under Tia, which means that now Orville has one and a half legions (half of the self-funded legion) and Tia has one legion left. This is the force they carry to stabilize the Lugden Gaul province and march into the British Isles.

It's a little less, but there is still room for operation.

Vespa left these four million dinars to Orville and Tia. This is their financial support for a period of time in the future, which is probably enough for one year's military expenses, under the premise of not expanding the army and upgrading equipment.

It's probably a challenge to find a way to solve the remaining money.

After all the things in Gaul were dealt with, Vespa was ready to return to the court. Tiya originally wanted to stay in Lugden Gaul, but as a war hero, Vespa wanted to hold a triumphal ceremony for her and Aurelian, and praise Tiya's military merits and popularity, so she had to come forward in person.

Orville could also participate in the triumphal ceremony, but since he did not fight any big battles, his contributions were not small but a little hard to say, so he did not steal Tiya's limelight. He would be the temporary governor of Lugden Gaul and be responsible for dealing with the remaining local rebels and laying a good foundation for Tiya.

In addition to showing up, Tiya also had her own mission when she returned to Rome this time - Orville reluctantly gave Tiya the 500,000 dinars he had scraped from various nobles in Gaul, and also gave her a list, asking her to prepare manpower and materials according to the content on it.

Shipbuilders, blacksmiths, oarsmen, accountants, architects and other talents will be used by Orville soon, and the best place to find these talents is near Rome, so Tiya will handle these things by the way.

Although she was sometimes a little bit stupid, she was still quite reliable in most situations. Orville was not worried about her problems, but just hoped that she would save more money for him. It was not easy for Orville to earn some hard-earned money.

A few days later, Vespa left Trier with a large army and all the necessary personnel. Some people would participate in the triumphal ceremony, but most of the soldiers would be dismissed along the way and go back to their homes.

Their mission of "defending the country" had been completed. The empire could not support too many soldiers at the same time. What awaited them was disbandment, which was also a good ending. At least they could go home in the end instead of being sent to guard the border somewhere.

The highest official in Trier now is the new governor of the German province and the new commander of the German corps, and the other person is Orville.

Since Orville and Domitia are members of the royal family after all, the other party does not mind temporarily giving up the governor's mansion, but Orville did not want to make the other party angry, so he moved out of the governor's mansion very tactfully and found a villa in Trier to live in.

He planned to give the soldiers a few days off and was not in a hurry to leave.

The war was over and the salary had been paid. Except for those who wanted to save money or had special financial problems, most soldiers would still enjoy it by the way.

Bathrooms, arenas, banquets and even some gray and yellow places, Trier has all the facilities to satisfy the desires of these soldiers. Orville personally has some mental cleanliness, so he declined some places, but he would not stop his soldiers from enjoying it.

After coming down from a highly tense environment like the battlefield, everyone needs to relax. In this era, he certainly has no reason to care about things that do not violate the law and seem reasonable and legitimate. He even received kickbacks from some businessmen. Some businessmen consciously gave money to him, the acting governor, hoping to be given the green light.

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