Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 135 Heresy and Paganism

He ordered the craftsmen to replace the neck straps tied to the horse's shoulder blades with collars, which can disperse the force and make the horse feel more relaxed when pulling the carriage. At the same time, the shafts were placed flat on the left and right sides of the horse to lower the center of gravity of the carriage and further enhance the stability of the carriage. The modifications in a few details have obviously improved the performance of the carriage, and the cost increase is not much.

Orville can be said to be almost ignorant of many chemical or physical problems, but he can still give some advice on applied technology. These craftsmen are professionals who have been immersed in it for more than ten years or even longer, and they are basically the type who can understand it at a glance. Orville gave the general design direction and draft, and they could figure out the finished product by themselves.

Everyone was surprised how Orville could imagine these designs. If there is no personal practice and only relying on fantasy, there will always be shortcomings, but the things designed by Orville are not always like this, and they are all very practical.

Orville casually said that this was wisdom from the East. The craftsmen probably knew that he had designed an upgraded version of the Roman javelin and a new bow before, so they just regarded him as a very smart inventor. Although there were not many similar people in this period, there were some.

After arranging the work of each subordinate, Orville only needed to deal with necessary government affairs every day. Unless he found something to do, the governor was not so busy that he could not get away.

He was quite confident in some of his subordinates. The commanders of each legion were responsible for maintaining public order in various places, and Belisarius patrolled between various cities in the province to ensure that the Roman soldiers did not overly oppress the locals, or at least curb the occurrence of such a situation.

After the test, he kept some local officials and recruited some temporary officials from Gaul. Together with the people sent by Vespa, it was not difficult for these people to maintain the daily operation of the government.

The current situation is that the overall situation has been determined, and Orville has also announced that he will not impose taxes on the locals. There is no unscrupulous behavior in daily governance. Thanks to this, the local people's resistance enthusiasm has been significantly reduced. In this way, Orville's first-stage goal was achieved. Maintaining the status quo of Gaul and preventing the situation from further deteriorating and getting out of control was Orville's bottom line requirement.


Since the Romans conquered Gaul from south to north, the Romans set the capital of Lugden Gaul in Lyon, a city in southern Gaul. The Romanization here was the highest, and commercial and cultural activities were relatively prosperous. It was one of the most suitable Gaul cities for Romans to live in.

All successive governors set up the governor's office in this city, which was quite magnificent and luxurious overall. However, for the sake of his future battle plan to conquer Britain, Orville did not set up the governor's office far away from the front line.

He directly set up his governor's office in Caen. He originally wanted to rely on the tents in the army to make do with his job, but in order to show the nominal separation of military and political affairs, he finally requisitioned the property of a wealthy man in the city and lived in a Roman-style mansion in the city.

This was not a forced levy. Orville gave the task of purchasing Viking food to the rich man, so he also gave him enough benefits, and both parties were quite satisfied.

After finishing the necessary work for the day, Orville called Jeanne Dacre. He wanted to verify something from her.

Jeanne did not wear the expensive and exquisite clothes that Orville prepared for her. She was just wearing ordinary clothes. Her expression was neither humble nor overbearing. She did not show any sign of submission or humility. She was still the same as at the beginning.

"It is definitely a bit late to confirm some things with you now, but I have never found a suitable time before. Now I think we should have a good talk and at least have a basic understanding of each other."

"Of course, what do you want to know?"

Some of the decisions made by Orville after he took office as the interim governor and tax officer should have satisfied the other party. Jeanne Dacre's attitude towards him during this period has obviously softened. It can't be said to be enthusiastic, but at least it is not cold.

"Regarding the angels who talked to you and taught you, I am not questioning the authenticity or piety of your faith, but you need to understand that no one who truly communicates with God has appeared in our world for more than a hundred years, and I cannot directly confirm that what you said is true."

Seriously speaking, a certain prophet who was crucified should also be a chosen one of God, but the Romans of this period did not know much about him. On the one hand, time is one aspect, and now the other party has just died not long ago, and on the other hand, the Parfis have been obstructing the spread of Christian faith in the empire.

Heresy is more hateful than paganism, which is probably the meaning, and it has never changed. Although it was the Romans who executed the prophet in the end, the reason for this is the Parfis themselves.

The right to interpret their faith in the Eternal One is in the hands of a few elders, and they are in a monopoly position. Of course, they do not want to see another belief model appear, which is a challenge and impact on their authority.

The Parfis sentenced the prophet to treason. They accused this person of betraying the Roman Empire, which felt a bit unfounded.

Therefore, in fact, most Romans do not know that there is such a prophet. The Gauls in Gaul do not have a deep understanding of this person. It is estimated that his deeds will not be widely circulated in the world until many gospels are circulated in the empire.

"Do you need evidence?" Jeanne did not think so much, but just asked back.

"That's what I mean. I need to confirm that you have some corresponding ability."

Jeanna was not angry, but nodded and agreed: "Then let's do this. Since I am your informant, you can call a few people in at random. I will prove my ability to you, so that you should not doubt the existence of God."

Orville agreed to the other party's request and randomly pulled a few lucky passers-by in from outside the mansion, trying to select as many samples as possible.

Jeanna walked up to these people, observed their appearance and behavior, and started to call out their names one by one after a few seconds.

"Your name is Jacob, and your recent trouble is that the horse at home is sick. Your name is Guillaume, and your recent trouble is that the children at home often go out to play. Your name is Craig, and your recent trouble is that you have a bad relationship with your wife."

The people who were called all looked surprised, and it was obvious that what Jeanna said was true.

Orville's expression had changed from subtle to surprised and even shocked.

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