The British Isles were definitely not a place with excellent natural endowments in the classical era or the early feudal era. On the contrary, they were relatively poor.

In the oral tradition of the ancestors, this land was called "Vertes collines" and later "Isle of Honey" (l'le du Miel), which was somewhat a gilding of their hometown, because the population here was actually not much larger than that of Rome, and the land was not fertile and rich, and of course it could not feed many people.

The soil here is heavy and sticky, and it is actually not so suitable for farming. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, the agricultural output here even declined. In the early and middle Middle Ages, it was normal to produce about 50 kilograms of wheat per mu. In comparison, the wheat yield of 250 kilograms per mu in China during the Tang and Song dynasties was considered an average, which was really miserable. Many of them had to rely on coarse grains such as barnyard grass to survive.

Relying on the fact that there are many people and the per capita cultivated land area is two or three times that of the small farmers in the Central Plains, it is actually still maintainable. However, in Orwell's opinion, the value of Britain is not very huge. Instead of spending a lot of effort to study the land here, it is better to cultivate the land in Gaul, where the natural conditions are still superior.

"The Whip of the Tyrant", Tacitus, one of the most famous historians in Rome, made an analysis of the British Isles, and Orwell thought it was quite pertinent and practical.

"Britain produces gold, silver and other metals, and the value of conquering it lies in this."

In fact, in addition to this, there are raw materials such as grains, livestock, leather, hounds, wood, and hounds, which are practical tools and luxury goods. In short, it is a place that produces resources and provides money.

In his opinion, the land worth occupying and worth studying is only near the present England. He is only going to implement the Romanization project near England, and the rest of the places can be subdued and taken as vassal states.

In another time and space, his predecessors also managed Britain in this way, building a part of it, and maintaining control over the rest of the places. There must be a reason for this. Orville did not intend to go against this practice. He did not need to put too much pressure on himself when there was a suitable practice.

Boudica finally looked at Orville deeply and said, "I hope you can keep your promise in the end. I will let my men investigate the situation here."


Orville was not in a hurry to discuss the details with Boudica. When the time comes, he will let people like Procopius talk to the other party once, and he will just modify the draft and sign it. At his level, he does not need to worry about everything.

After thinking about it, he called Jeanna again and asked her some questions.

"Are you satisfied with this result?"

"If you can keep your promise, I am generally satisfied. My compatriots here need the technology and stability of the Romans, which is better than their current situation. They are now threatened by the Anglo-Saxons and have to hide in the mountains to survive."

Orville laughed dumbly: "When have I ever broken my promise? I value and abide by any promise and contract."

"Of course, otherwise I would not cooperate with you, and I would help you Romans persuade the Celts here."

Jeanne was not polite to Orville at all. She said whatever she wanted to say. Although she didn't curse, there were still many direct and thorny words. Orville didn't mind it. He just regarded the other party as an advisor who occasionally gave him advice.

He was suspicious only when he was fighting. The rest of the time he was still very generous and would not even listen to these words. He was quite happy when someone was willing to tell the truth.

"Then I have another task that needs your help. Do you want to hear it?"

"I don't seem to have any other choice." Jeanna shrugged slightly, asking Orville to speak quickly.

"Your people in Scotland and Wales should have been resolved. Their future problems can be handed over to my people to coordinate. You don't have to worry too much. But there is another problem. There is a country of your people on the other side of the ocean west of Wales. If you are willing, you can go there to explore the situation and see if you can bring back some answers."

Hearing this, Jeanna frowned: "Those people on the other side of the sea have always stayed away from disputes. Do you want to involve these people? They won't affect your Roman cause."

Orville felt a little strange: "I thought you knew that there have always been conflicts between Wales and the Irish on the other side of the channel. The two sides have almost become enemies. If left alone, this kind of hatred will definitely continue, and the Welsh barbarians who have gained some of the power of the Romans will become even stronger. They will start a war on that small island. Do you know what disastrous consequences this will bring? Instead of doing this, it is better to prevent this situation from the beginning. What do you think? "

Orville really didn't lie to the other party on this point. This is the actual situation that happened in history. Archaeological excavations have unearthed relevant traces of war, and the local Celtic mythology in Wales clearly records the story of the war between Ireland and Wales. The record is so tragic that it seems that only five people in the Irish camp survived in the end. Of course, it's better to just look at this. It is estimated that Ireland also claimed that it won in the end.

It seems that Jeanna really doesn't know these things at all. It seems that the abilities of the angels are not so magical, as if they know everything with a perspective cheat. They just know what they should know.

Orville guessed that this boundary should be whether or not to pray to the Eternal. Jeanna fluently said all the names and trivial news of those villagers before. Maybe those news were leaked to the Eternal and its angels during the prayer, so Jeanna was able to know those specific details. The locals still believe in their own Celtic mythological gods, such as Silver Arm Nuada, Long Arm Rug, Good God Dagda, etc. In short, it is not under the control of the old man, so naturally they don’t know the corresponding news.

This is just Orville’s own imagination. I don’t know if it is the fact. Anyway, Orville himself was convinced by this conjecture, because no matter how powerful the Chosen One is, his ability will definitely be limited. It is impossible for an omniscient human to exist.

Jeanna looked a little suspicious, but finally accepted this task: "I will go over there to see the situation. If this is true, I will try my best to let both sides put aside their contradictions and disputes and usher in harmony together. If this cannot be done for the time being, then follow your method first. You Romans will bring them the necessary technology and resources. In return, those people will accept the indirect governance of the Romans."

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