Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 162 The siege continues

After several days of low-intensity offensive, the walls of Winchester had become very loose, collapsing a little every day. The Wessex defenders would also repair them at night. However, despite this, the overall structure of the walls was still loosening. After all, the strength of the walls made of wood, stones and mud was definitely weaker than that of regular stone walls.

During this period, the Wessex defenders and the Romans continued to engage in small-scale conflicts. At night, the defenders in the city would take advantage of the night to start large-scale activities. Both sides had their wins and losses. Overall, they caused considerable trouble to the Romans, but it was not very serious.

Orville was a little afraid of the Frankish regular army that did not move, so he prepared to fight quickly. After the strength of the walls weakened, he ordered his soldiers to start the next plan.

The soldiers, arranged in a classic tortoise shell formation, held up their shields and lined up in neat rows to cover the siege hammers as they entered the front of the battlefield. The archers on the siege platform, which was more than ten meters high, shot arrows at the defenders on the city wall from a high position, and the two sides began a fierce offensive and defensive battle.

The Romans were well-trained, and the Wessex people wanted to defend their country. Both sides had a strong will to fight, and the intensity of the war was high from the beginning.

The Wessex defenders on the city wall threw stones, logs, and even boiling water from top to bottom, but the Romans were unmoved. They began to control the siege hammer and hit the city wall again and again despite the resistance of the Wessex people.

Compared with the Palphians who were located at the intersection of three continents, the Wessex people obviously did not have so many strange things in their hands, such as flammable items such as asphalt and oil. They could only use heavy objects or fire arrows to try to destroy the structure of the siege hammer, but for the extremely durable and fire-resistant siege hammer, this effort had little effect, and they did not succeed in igniting the siege hammer for a while.

Seeing that the city wall had been smashed into an obvious gap, the defenders in the city could not bear it and began to pour out of the city gate.

The infantry on both sides held their spears, swords and shields tightly in their hands. The Wessex people issued an exciting war cry to give themselves courage, while the Romans were silent and began to line up to prepare for the impact under the orders of the centurions.

"Line up! Raise your shields! Point your sword forward and kill with one blow!!"

"ōu! ōu! (Go! Go! ! !) ōu! ōu! (Get out! Get out!!)"

Both sides were determined and fought to the death. The differently equipped infantrymen collided like waves. The crisp sound of metal clashing and the dull sound of shields colliding mixed together. The figures of the soldiers intertwined on the battlefield, painting a picture of the most violent and bloody conflict in human history.

The warriors of the Kingdom of Wessex were not inferior in courage or martial arts. Their biggest problem was the gap in productivity.

The first group of people to attack the city were Orville's most elite guards. He was never stingy with his own people. He would use the best. They were truly heavily armed warriors.

They all wore very fine chain mail, and added a layer of Roman rings on the basis of the chain mail. Armor, the first 200 soldiers were super luxurious warriors wearing two layers of armor.

Traditional Roman armor had a large shield to protect the body, so the protection of the limbs was very weak. Orville gave them an experimental new technology - chain mail that covered a large area of ​​the limbs, and it was also embedded with many large armor plates to strengthen the defense. In fact, it was the design idea of ​​the later plate chain mail.

People of this era certainly couldn't make full-body plate armor, but it was no problem to make armor plates to strengthen the protection of key parts. It was just a cost issue, which was acceptable. The money for those extravagant banquets was more than enough to arm a hundred-man team. Orville never did these extravagant things, and the money saved was all Part of it is used to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the army.

Thanks to this, in the Kingdom of Wessex, where most of the army is lightly armored or even unarmored, these super-heavy-armored warriors can achieve dimensionality reduction strikes, and are almost immune to a large part of physical damage except for super-standard weapons such as rolling logs and stones, battle axes and hammers.

The warriors of the Kingdom of Wessex are quite brave, but they are still at a loss when facing enemies who are better in training and equipment, and they have been unable to break through the defense of the Roman army and reach the siege hammer.

The Romans have analyzed the characteristics of these barbarian armies in battle very thoroughly, which applies to the Franks, the Gauls, and now the Anglo-Saxons. The same applies.

Barbarian armies often have advantages in physique and explosive power, but they often lack organization, endurance and obedience. To put it bluntly, because of lack of training, they only have three tricks. They rely on physique and courage to fight a wave. After the first wave of impact, the opponent will gradually show a decline. The battle time will gradually drag on, and the Romans will have an advantage.

Seeing that the Romans have sent another team of infantry to seize the city gate, these Wessex soldiers finally had to retreat back to the city wall. The action against the battering ram failed, and the Romans finally succeeded in chiseling a small hole in the city wall.

The soldiers who had been waiting on the side took over the position of the guards and began to attack and capture the city.

Some of them started climbing the wall directly, while others came to the wall with specially reinforced super-heavy shields, carrying drafts, chisels and other props, and began to dismantle the stone bricks of the wall.

It must be said that the resistance of the Wessex people is very commendable. The offensive plan organized by Orville was repeatedly frustrated at this step. The wall-climbing suicide squad had difficulty making any progress and was dragged on the wall by the opponent. After several strong attacks, they were pushed down the wall. In the end, the losses were a bit serious, the morale was not very stable, and the soldiers' endurance was a bit unbearable. Orville could only choose to retreat first and fight again the next day.

Taking stock of the results of the whole day's siege, Orville only broke down a small section of the wall and chiseled off a lot of stones and bricks from it. It was not a major achievement, because he knew that the Wessex defenders would repair this section of the wall overnight tonight, and the wall would be able to barely maintain it tomorrow.

But today's losses made Orville feel a little painful. Dozens of soldiers died and the number of injured reached 173. These were all precious regular troops. Not to mention the somewhat mundane issue of pensions, Orville felt very sad when five or ten of their combat effectiveness were lost in the war.

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