Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 187 The dust has settled

Once there was a breach, a second and third breach soon appeared, and the Germanic formation was quickly riddled with holes.

As the battle line was broken down, the will of the Germans to resist was also broken. After the formation was broken through, most people lost their confidence in fighting. Some people chose to launch suicide attacks, and some chose to surrender on the spot, but more people still chose to The route of escape.

Most of them were local Anglo-Saxons, and it was not particularly difficult for them to find a place to hide there. The number of soldiers who were still fighting calmly became fewer and fewer, and in the end almost only Harrow was left. Germany and his bodyguards.

His will to resist was very respectable. Until this time, he had not considered retreating. He still stayed on the front line to command the troops and tried to restrain the deserters from returning to the battlefield.

Orville saw all this in his eyes, and felt a little pity for talents in his heart. He still respected people with strong bones, but he just thought about it in his heart, because looking at this situation, Harold Gewenson should be very good. Death is not an option.

First of all, the Romans must have a target to take the blame for their war in Britain. Orville would not push Alfred of Wessex to take the blame. The only person in the right position was Harold himself. Secondly, Harold was the culprit responsible for the death of old Trajan. Orville had a relationship with old Trajan. Old Trajan was also Vespa's confidant and friend. Orville had to give Vespa and Lao Tu this matter. A complete explanation from Lazhen’s family.

His adoptive father Vespa is on the one hand, and old Trajan's son is on the other. After all, Trajan, one of the Five Wise Emperors, is far more important in Orville's heart than Harold. .

In the end, under siege by soldiers, the unsustainable Harold was shot in the eye by a hail of arrows while commanding the troops. Although the geniuses in this world have stronger combat power, their bodies are not stronger than ordinary people. too much.

Harold, who was shot in the vital part, struggled a few times and died on the spot. He died with hatred. The German army, whose commander was killed, completely lost its will to resist.

Everything after that happened naturally. Most of the Germanic troops who remained on the battlefield and did not surrender now surrendered. A very small number of soldiers who were determined to resist finally carried out a suicide attack, but it was still a drop in the bucket. The war was declared at this point. Finish.

Since the losses on his side were also heavy and the soldiers were generally in poor condition, Orville did not order the soldiers to pursue the fleeing soldiers. They were not familiar with the terrain and could easily suffer losses if they advanced rashly.


Letting the auxiliary soldiers clean up the battlefield, Orville led most of the soldiers back to the occupied London city.

He grandly showed the captured soldiers, flags and various trophies to the residents. The cold facts extinguished most people's enthusiasm for resistance.

Orville wore ceremonial ornate brass armor and was dressed like heroes in sculptures. He rode a tall horse and walked at the head of the army with majestic equipment.

Arriving at the small square in the center of the city, it was now filled with civilians watching. Belisarius was worried that there were assassins mixed in and wanted to evacuate the crowd, but the proposal was rejected by Orville himself. He stood on the platform in the center of the square, looking down at the surrounding civilians.

Most of their expressions are very complicated: there is fear, anger, and sadness. Of course, the most common ones are uneasiness and confusion about the future. They don't know where they will go.

Orville did not make a long speech this time. The first person to stand in the middle of the square and speak was Alfred. Although he was not the local king, he was quite well-known on the British Isles. Relatively speaking, the civilians gathered in London were still Those who know a little more about the world know that the one holding the red dragon flag is the royal family of the Kingdom of Wessex, the most powerful and recognized ruler in the area.

Standing in the center of the crowd, he took some time to adjust his mentality before speaking: "Everyone, I understand your current mood. You don't know how the future will take you, and you don't know what the new Romans are like. What I said may be There is no credibility, but I still hope you can believe me. I believe these Romans will bring order and stability, and you will live a better life than before."

In fact, it is just some official talk to appease people's hearts. Regardless of whether Alfred thinks so in his heart, this is all he can say now.

After Alfred finishes speaking, temporary officials arranged by Orville will come over to take over the work. These people are considered professionals, so there won't be any big problems. Orville didn't waste too much time on the local residents. After inspecting for about twenty minutes and confirming that everything was going as planned, they left the central square and headed to a farm outside London.

During this period, the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in Britain were generally in the early feudal stage, and there was no shadow of the so-called centralized monarchy. In addition to the king, there was also a very important organization that played a role, that is, the local council of wise men.

Strictly speaking, this was a council convened by the king. Most of the participants were the king's close ministers, superior squires and noble families from various places, powerful local nobles and some religious priests.

Originally, the king of East Anglia was a mediocre man. He only wanted to compromise when facing the Vikings and did not want to resist, so he was killed by the angry local people. After the king was killed, the Council of Sages elected Harold Gwenson as its leader. , and united under his banner to fight against the Romans and Vikings.

From this point of view, Orville had every reason to be hostile to the participants of the Council of Sages. After all, they were local tyrants who wanted to go against him. However, as a newcomer, he could not openly make enemies with everyone.

Even if the Romans were powerful and had a deep foundation, they only had less than 20,000 military forces in Britain, which was only one percent of the local Anglo-Saxons. They could not govern this land well by bloody and terrifying rule.

He believed that maintaining a relative balance was the key to stable rule. As for what balance was, this question should be decided at the meeting, rather than him just patting his head and promoting something wishful.

So after winning the battle, he announced on the spot that he would convene a new Council of Sages and asked all those who were qualified to participate in the Council of Sages to gather in London immediately. He did not give a specific deadline, but those who cared about this news would naturally arrive immediately.

As far as Orville knew, this was indeed the case. Now there were more than 20 people waiting near the venue.

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