Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 193 Provincial Arrangements

In general, the Romans were a nation that was good at learning. When they conquered the eastern provinces, they learned a lot of ideas from the Hellenistic kingdoms, such as the control of banks. Unlike the Greeks, they did not directly set up a state-owned bank, but gave a large part of the bank's functions to some temples.

The temples stored gold and silver, provided loans, and perhaps some cross-regional deposit and withdrawal services, which were similar to some money houses in later generations. If the Roman priests could be hereditary like some countries, it would be very likely that some rentiers would be raised. Fortunately, most of the Roman priests were part-time in rotation, so there was not much of a problem. However, other problems followed. Like other positions, the heads of these temples were not professional, which did not meet Orwell's requirements for specialization. This was the fundamental reason for his reform.

The soldiers probably understood Orwell's reform ideas and expressed their strong support for it.

First of all, there are not many children of prominent families among them. Most of them are from civilian backgrounds. After a long period of military training, even if they don't have a systematic understanding, they can probably understand a very simple truth: everyone has their own specialties. People who specialize in chopping people are generally good at chopping people. People who specialize in farming, accounting, and studying law must be better in their professional fields.

Based on this, they can understand Orville's concerns. There is also a very realistic reason - more jobs make it easier to find a job. Whether they turn to politics after retirement or pave the way for their descendants, it is a sure win. Citizen soldiers from civilian backgrounds don't mind this very much. Anyway, it won't hurt their interests too much.

Now some people in the army are taking over the functions. Orville also knows that this is not a long-term solution. It is necessary to separate the army and the administration. He can't start this bad thing. However, Orville can't get too many such talents at the moment. He plans to go back to the European continent and find some people from there to solve this problem.


While Orville was steadily advancing the provincial construction project and suppressing sporadic rebellions and uprisings in various places, new news came from the Gaul province. It was a handwritten letter from Tia.

[I have some unfortunate news to tell you. According to the plan, the central government of the empire should provide you with some financial and material support. After all, you have just conquered the land of Britain, the cost is relatively large and there will not be much output there for a while.

But recently many provinces of the empire have been unstable. The Parthians and Germans on the border are restless. Our country has experienced several wars such as the Parphi War and the Gallic War, which are extremely costly. During the reign of Emperor Nero, the treasury reserves were almost exhausted. My father just took over the power and finally got some money and invested it in the Gallic War. Now it is really a bit out of money.

My father just sent me a letter. Rome decided to appoint you as the governor of Britain, responsible for the war and rule over Britain.

The Roman lands on the British Isles are collectively called the British Province. As the Governor of Britain, you accept my command. Currently, the British Province will temporarily exist as a subsidiary of the Lugden Gaul Province before it stabilizes. This is the general appointment and arrangement. In the past two years, the Lugden Gaul Province does not need to pay taxes to the central government, but the central government of the empire will not provide you with any decent support. Financially, you and I need to think more about ways to solve the problem.

After a few months, when Gaul stabilizes, I will find time to go to your side to see the situation, and then I will discuss these issues with you in detail. At present, I can't give you any decent support. If you need more soldiers, I can transfer thousands of people to you. There are still some stocks of weapons and equipment. The legion commander of the Germanic Province sent a batch of front-line stock equipment before. I really don't have any good solutions for funds. I can't give you too much before the autumn harvest. If you need it, I can transfer hundreds of thousands of dinars to you. This is the limit.

If conditions permit, do not impose new taxes in the province of Gaul. Just maintain the current tax status stipulated by the empire. That's about all you need to know. I hope everything goes well for you in Britain. Be safe and don't take too many risks. 】

The content of the letter is roughly like this, and it's not unexpected. Orville knew that Vespa could not give him more substantial support, and the emperor's family had no surplus food. When he was in Rome, he was in contact with the empire's accounts every day, and he was very clear about this.

In fact, the Romans were able to quell the Gallic uprising so smoothly thanks to the wealth donations from the Egyptians. Without the millions of dinars donated by the Egyptian Berdinos, Vespa would have to rack his brains to plug the hole.

Now Vespa's fiscal policy is to transfer part of the fiscal pressure to the province of Lugden Gaul. Historically, the Roman province of Britain has been operating at a loss for a long time, but Britain can provide the minerals, livestock, slaves and other resources needed by the Roman Empire, so generally speaking, it is not a big loss.

Before the British province is completely stabilized, the Romans will suffer losses here. Vespa is aware of this, so he lets Orville and Tia figure out a solution to the problem themselves. The subtext is that he doesn't care about the specific methods, as long as the results are good.

It was not a difficult situation, because Vespa had always given them a lot of preferential treatment. It was just a test. When they could not hold on any longer, Orville believed that Vespa would still send some resources to Orville to maintain the British province of the Roman Empire.

But Orville felt that the situation should not be so bad. He and Tianu could solve the problem with their efforts. It would be better not to ask for help if they could solve it internally, which would reduce the overall evaluation and impression of him and Tianu by the Senate and the residents of Rome.

After carefully collecting the letter, Orville called Belisarius, who had been on standby, and asked him: "How are the Celts in the north?"

What Orville was talking about was actually the ancestors of the Scots in the future. The Romans at that time could not tell the difference between the two, so they simply called them Celts.

The situation in Wales was relatively normal. Boudica had returned to her own territory. As a leader with a certain degree of authority, she could still stabilize the emotions of the locals to a certain extent.

Orville also repeatedly asked his soldiers to exercise restraint, so the two sides have been getting along with each other for some time.

As for the Scots, it is not entirely the case.

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