Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 203 Layout and Weapon Distribution

According to the course of historical development, Cleopatra, who was expelled from Egypt, would rely on her status as Alexander's successor royal family in Greece, Asia Minor, Syria and other places to call on her Greek compatriots to organize an army to help her regain the throne.

During the confrontation between the two armies, Caesar came to the land of Egypt, and what happened next is relatively familiar. It has been one of the topics that people talk about throughout the ages.

The political situation of this time and space must be different from that of history, but it should be similar. If Cleopatra was driven out of Egypt, she would either choose not to involve the Romans and organize her own army to fight with Berdinos and others. , or make things bigger and ask Orville to help solve the problem at the Roman Empire level.

Orville had a headache thinking about the situation at that time, but fortunately he still had a few years to prepare. The main task in the next few years is to pacify the British province, establish stable rule and deal with the Viking issue. He will wait for a dispute to break out in Egypt in a few years, and then find a way to intervene in the Egyptian issue.

Before the problem broke out, from various perspectives, it was better for him to make his ally Cleopatra stronger.

With this mentality, Orville wrote a reply to the future Cleopatra, explaining various problems and reminding her to pay more attention to the relationship between siblings.

After writing a letter, Orville wrote another letter to his subordinate Nicanor in Rome, asking him to use reserves to expand the size of the transport caravan. First, he would increase the size of Orville's fleet from thirty to thirty. Let’s expand to fifty ships. In the future, when finances become more abundant, it is estimated that we will need to expand several more times to meet demand.

The biggest advantage of the time traveler is here. Knowing the historical development, he can make targeted preparations in advance. Orville has already made plans in his mind to restrain the weapons and equipment of the Egyptian army. If something happens, the Egyptians will be defeated by him. Death place.


About half a month had passed since Tiya's letter, and a large fleet landed in Britain. These ships were all Roman-style Mediterranean merchant ships and galley warships, and the leader was Tiya herself.

Orville received the news in advance and personally ran to the landing port to wait for the other party.

Seeing Tia who was riding the horse first, Orville himself immediately rode up to meet him with a smile on his face: "It's been a long time no see! Do you feel that the environment here is not comfortable? I have prepared cold-proof clothes and a banquet to catch the wind and wash away the dust. , everything is ready, and the location is nearby.”

Tiya interrupted him: "Let's talk about these things after we deal with the Vikings. Our time is precious now, and we must try our best to solve the problem before the autumn harvest. Otherwise, residents everywhere may be afraid of harvesting wheat. I hear You said that the main stronghold of the Vikings is further north. Many of my soldiers are seasick and are in poor condition. I can let the soldiers rest for a while. You and your soldiers will take me to the border.

I need to know the situation as soon as possible without any delay. Every day we delay, a village will be destroyed by those rowing barbarians. This is something I cannot tolerate. It not only provokes the authority of the empire, but also despises the preciousness of life. These people simply die without mercy. "

Tiya almost said the second half of her sentence through clenched teeth. When Orville saw this situation, he probably understood that the other party was now in a state. He would probably have to concentrate hard until the battle was over, and he himself Unfortunately, I have to be dragged into a similar state. I will definitely be busy recently.

The soldiers on Tiya's side are also familiar with Orville. They all marched all the way from Rome. They are all looking at him with gloating at this moment, and their expressions can basically be read - wish you good luck.

".Then I understand, come with me, we will go there now, we can act at any time."

After complaining a few words in his mind, he took a few seconds to calm down silently, and ordered his men to entertain Tia's soldiers well and not to neglect his comrades. Orville turned around and began to lead the way, with a very smooth change of behavior.


A few days later, a handover was taking place on the border between the Roman province and the Celtic lands.

Trucks and boxes of weapons and equipment were delivered to this border post. On one side were the Romans who were ready to go, and on the other side were a group of Celtic chiefdom leaders standing scattered, Astolfo Station Be that mediator between the two.

Various Celtic words came out of his mouth fluently, and he spoke the local language as fluently as his mother tongue. This made Orville look at him sideways: obviously he is not a stupid person, on the contrary, he is very smart. , you can speak a foreign language to such a high level in a short time.

The leaders of the chiefdom came forward in batches to receive the weapons and equipment, and everyone would definitely unpack them and check them, taking the opportunity to allow everyone present to see the general condition of the equipment - to put it bluntly, they were all just for errands.

Some were captured by Orville on the battlefield, and some were old equipment in stock, but most were old weapons collected from locals.

After he took over the province of Britain, he required that the private military strength of each nobleman should not exceed a certain limit. Alfred, the most powerful, now only has nearly a thousand men, and most of the remaining nobles' private military forces cannot exceed 500 men. , some of the targets under special care are limited to only 200 people, which basically means they can only protect themselves against bandits.

Such an armed force would definitely not be able to directly confront the Romans, and even lead to a lot fewer local armed struggles and family feud cases, with remarkable results.

If Orwell discovered that they were hiding military forces, they would be fined or their lands confiscated or their noble status revoked. After punishing a few of the offenders, the situation basically stabilized, or at least they learned to hide the extra military forces in a corner where Orwell could not see them. He himself did not believe that his policy could be fully implemented.

Even so, he still successfully confiscated a large number of weapons and equipment. A considerable part of them was distributed by Orwell to the autonomous guards of coastal villages to strengthen the armed forces, and the other part was left. There was no point in keeping these inferior goods, and they could be put to good use now.

The Celts naturally had no objection to this. After all, it was good to have free weapons to use. Their metallurgical level was just so-so. After all, the weapons of the Germans were generally several levels better than their current inferior iron and even bronze wares, so they looked quite satisfied.

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