Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 205 Gauls’ Cooperation

From a geographical point of view, the Franks and Denmark are bordered by land, and the Franks have a very powerful army. It may not be enough to deal with the Romans, but it is more than enough to deal with all the surrounding barbarians.

Thanks to simple geopolitical issues, the Danish king had to obey the Frankish king in many aspects. This was ultimately the case. The Franks gave the order, and the Danish king had to do it whether he was willing or not.

There were already more than 10,000 Vikings in number before, and this time more than 10,000 came. Unless the other party brought all the regular troops in the country, it would be difficult for a small country like Denmark to gather so many. Come on, Orville doesn't really believe that the Danish king can be so determined to bet this time. Winning the bet won't actually be of that much benefit to him. The territory belongs to Ivar and not to His Majesty the King.

Therefore, if the number of troops this time is true, it is estimated that there will be some "volunteers" in it, that is, the Franks disguised themselves as Danes to fight the Romans. This is basically a tacit fact that both parties know. They are just not sure how determined King Charles of the Franks is and how many troops he can send to fight Orville.

I heard that King Charles is recently mobilizing troops to conquer the barbarians in the eastern border of the country. If the information is true, they probably won’t be able to gather too many people in the short term. In other words, just tens of thousands of people will be able to fight for Austria. Vail caused trouble, but not too much to deal with.

Orville is not interested in arguing with the other party diplomatically, because it is useless to talk about it, just solve the problem, and there is little point in thinking so much.


Half a month later, a massive event was in full swing throughout the British Province.

From south to north, residents found that every village had ferocious investigators coming to inspect and count the fields, livestock, population, and even farm tools and seeds in each village.

The squires in some places instinctively resisted the investigation from the top, so they wanted to shut them out. However, a few days later, heavily armed Roman troops came to physically assist the investigation. The squires who dared to resist had their fields and property confiscated directly, and the remaining The people below immediately became silent and did not dare to make any mistakes, and obediently cooperated with the Romans in the inspection work.

Most of these investigators were Celts from Gaul, accompanied by Romans. They were not the local squires and nobles they were familiar with. Even if they wanted to do anything, it would be troublesome. They were not familiar with these outsiders. There was no exchange of interest, and thanks to the fact that the inspection work was carried out more smoothly than expected.

Orville had taken the time to meet Gilderes and offered him an olive branch of cooperation - the Gauls would help the Romans in the land inventory of Britain.

If Jeanne, as long as this matter is more beneficial to the public, then she will probably agree directly, and will not talk about exchange of interests, but after all, there are only a small number of such people, Gil Dres and other nobles Like his children, he received a complete political education.

So the first question he asked Orville was not what benefits would be gained by doing this to the Britons. He didn't care about it at all. He didn't even care if all the Britons died. What he cared about was what he and the Gallic nobles could gain. What.

Orville did not hesitate to offer the other party a suitable price: agricultural and medical knowledge from the Eastern Province, dinar silver coins, a large number of livestock and land in the British Province.

Needless to say more about the former, as for the latter, Orville clearly promised the other party that as long as the land inspection work was fully carried out, he would set aside a piece of land for the Gauls in the British Province to allow them to cultivate, live and live.

These conditions are still very tempting, because as foreigners under the Roman Empire, unless they completely abandon their identity as Gauls, there are really not many opportunities for them to expand their territory. Without ink for too long, Gil On behalf of some of the Gallic nobles, Dres accepted the conditions proposed by Orville.

Orville himself did not mind muddying the waters of Britain at all. The more chaotic the local composition, the more suitable it was for Roman rule. Previously, at least in England, the vast majority of the local people were Anglo-Saxons who had merged with the Romans. People also vary greatly.

If there were only Romans and Anglo-Saxons in England, it is conceivable that the conflicts between the two sides would be very direct and sharp. Any problem would be pointed directly at the Romans as rulers. There were at most one or two Romans in the local area. With a standing garrison of tens of thousands, if one has to always pay attention to the rebellion of the locals, ruling Britain will be even more of a loss than a gain.

So he chose to add sand into it. Since the locals were united, he would disrupt the composition of the locals. Not only would he introduce the Gauls from the south into Britain, but he would also place surrendered Vikings like Rollo here. , the more chaotic people are, the better, so that their future conflicts will be more complicated, not to mention directed at the Romans, and will be limited to internal consumption and fighting. This situation will undoubtedly be beneficial to the Romans in the long run.

After all, their goal is not to govern Britain into a real island of honey. As long as the stability of the northern border can be ensured and the province of Britain does not suffer losses, the goal will be successfully achieved.

Gil.Dress could vaguely see Orville's general idea, but this did not conflict with his interests. Anyway, he finally got the land, and Orville promised that as long as the matter was handled well, his family would become the leader of the British Gauls. As long as it went smoothly, it would be a sure win.

Because of this, he worked particularly hard to mobilize hundreds of intellectuals who could read, count, and measure from Gaul. It was unknown how much he paid behind the scenes. This had nothing to do with Orville. He just needed to see the results.

Through this inventory, at least he could roughly know how much land, how many people, and what the general situation was under his command, instead of being completely ignorant like other barbarian leaders. Knowing that he could mobilize good resources was a basic skill.

Although the Gauls were definitely not professionals in this field, Orville did not have more people to do these things so far, and could only rely on these Romanized barbarians who had received some education. The person who was finally responsible for checking the statistics was the astronomer Ptolemy. With his ability, it was not difficult to calculate and count the land, and the deviation should not be too outrageous. At most, he could review it later when he had more manpower.

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