Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 214 Earning Money and Joining the Partnership

In short, there is a very important problem now: he should withdraw and deal with the problem in Egypt, but he is tied up by these Vikings.

At least within a few months, Orville will never be able to solve the complex problem of the Vikings, so there are actually only two choices before him: either he believes that the matter of Egypt is more important and entrusts his stall in Britain to someone else; or he believes that the matter of Britain is more important and entrusts someone else to deal with the matter of Egypt.

In fact, there is no need to entangle and know which one to choose, because the importance of Egypt and Britain is not of the same order of magnitude.

Historically, Rome's conquest and governance of Britain was more of a loss, mainly because of the need to seek natural resources here and protect the coastline of the Gaul province. In fact, there is no profit here.

At this time and space, Britain is slightly richer, but it is not much better. That's it. Orville thinks it's good not to lose money, but the situation in the Egyptian province is completely different.

Egypt was much richer than Britain at that time. Although the land survey in Britain had not been completed, Orwell estimated that there were at most two million people in England, and even more than one million people was not bad.

This number was actually not more than the population of Alexandria. Britain could not compare with Egypt in many aspects, whether it was resources, food, population, strategic location or anything else. If Orwell was asked to choose who to prioritize, this was self-evident.

And then again, in fact, the current British province no longer needed Orwell to do it all by himself.

He had almost laid the framework in the past year, and things would basically go according to his ideas. In terms of specific implementation, as long as these ancient people understood Orwell's ideas, they might not do worse than him.

Although those Vikings have always been a big hidden danger, to be frank, they are more of a group of psoriasis. As long as they are careful, at the moment when the Franks do not want to engage in a full-scale confrontation with the Romans, although they cannot be shaken off, they will not be fatal.

As for the matter in Egypt, Orville felt that although his subordinates could fully execute his orders, they were limited to obeying orders after all. The situation there was more chaotic, and the struggle was more limited to the political level, requiring more on-the-spot changes and political decisions. Orville's subordinates were either rough generals or more pure intellectuals, and there were no so-called politicians or diplomats.

As it stands now, if a general was allowed to go there, Orville was really worried that something bad would happen.

So after a little hesitation, Orville decided on the next plan - handing over his career in Britain to others, and personally dealing with the succession to the throne in Egypt.

The current goal is to build the framework first, then eliminate potential risks, to ensure that the people who take over will not be in a hurry or encounter any major crisis, and then choose a qualified successor for himself.

The specific implementation of the former still needs to discuss strategies. Orville has almost chosen a successor for himself - Belisarius, who just married Alfred's stepmother. He is familiar with the situation here. The most important thing is that Orville trusts him. For this kind of position, loyalty may be more important than ability. In terms of loyalty, in addition to family members like Vespa and Tia, Orville trusts Belisarius the most.

Whether from history or from his current performance, Belisarius is a person of noble character and exceptional loyalty, and he is also an excellent talent with impeccable ability.

[Belisarius Flavius ​​Sabinus Loyal and Decisive Warrior》Loyal and Decisive General]

Diplomacy: 19》20

Military: 18》25

Management: 13》14

Strategy: 8》9

Knowledge: 17》19

It should be said that he is a military talent who deserves to be remembered in history. Since Vespa sent him to Orville's camp, his ability has made great progress in a few years, and now he can be regarded as a general who can stand on his own.

It is precisely because of his improvement in ability that the evaluation of him on the panel changed from a warrior to a general. The two are not of the same nature, which means that the panel now recognizes his ability.

In addition to his in-law relationship with the local nobles, it should be the safest and most appropriate choice for him to take over as the Governor of Britain.


Although the Roman Empire has now conquered England and has initially established a relatively stable political and social order in the local area, it is still undoubtedly a bitter and cold place in the eyes of most serious Romans - the sky and the ground are full of water and damp, which is life-threatening, the culture and products are extremely scarce and can only be said to be enough to survive, and the surrounding areas are all barbaric barbarians far away from the center of the civilized world.

Basically, all kinds of uninhabitable debuffs are stacked up. Except for those who are desperate, few people other than soldiers and bureaucrats come to the British province.

But now, a sailing ship from the Mediterranean is docked at the port of Portsmouth. This is Trajan's ship from the Spanish province. Just as Tia had discussed with Orville before, Tia agreed to Trajan's request to come to the British province to serve. Now he has packed up and arrived in Britain.

After learning about his arrival, Orville personally went to Portsmouth to pick him up to show his importance. He was also the first to meet this young "Five Wise Emperors".

Tall, strong, well-proportioned, and well-trained, his eyes are deep and resolute, and his every move reveals a strong self-confidence from the heart. No matter from which point of view, this is a young talent that everyone can recognize at a glance.

In history, Trajan was an emperor who was quite popular with the Senate and the Roman people, because he basically gathered all the elements that the Romans liked, but there was no fatal flaw that could be said: outstanding military exploits, compassion for civilians and soldiers, self-discipline, and tolerance, these are all virtues recognized by Rome. It is precisely because of these special virtues that he is particularly popular, and even has the title of "Best Head of State", which is shining in history.

The Romans especially liked this heroic and relatively benevolent ruler, and even used this rhetoric when praising him: Augustus is blessed by heaven, and his virtue is comparable to Trajan. The love, respect and recognition for him can be seen, which is rare in Roman history.

Now, this young man who will have great ambitions in the future is still immature and has fallen into the service of Orville.

Orville is not a jealous person, but he insists on one point of view: as long as the talent is not used to death, it should be used to death. It is conceivable that Trajan's service life in the future will be quite busy.

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