Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 218 Conditions for Peace

Ivar had known about Orwell's suggestion, but he also knew that it would be difficult for both sides to reach an agreement on the specific details.

He and his warriors were very greedy, and the Romans' greed for land was almost endless. The interests of both sides conflicted in many places, but now in order to end the war as soon as possible, Ivar tried his best to reach a consensus with the other side.

"I need the Romans to give up their interests in Ireland and the north so that we can attack freely. At the same time, it is best to provide us with supplies and gold and silver so that I can give an explanation to my men.

In return, I promise that there will be no more large-scale Vikings plundering the Roman coastline in the future. Believe in my authority and ability. This is something I can do. If there is an accident, you don't need to do anything. I will solve it myself.

How about this? You don't need to pay anything. Just nod and agree, and cooperate with me a little bit. Other jars (the name of Viking leader nobles) will never give you such generous conditions. This is my limit."

Compared to the first condition, Ivar did make some concessions. Originally, he was going to include the lands in northern England into his territory, and now he doesn't even ask the Romans to help him deal with the locals. As long as the Romans let it go, it's fine. In terms of the current strength comparison between the two sides, this is a sincere request, but it's a pity that Orville still can't agree to the other party's conditions.

The new image he created for the Romans in Gaul and Britain was "the defender of fairness and order", and so far he and Tia have been doing a good job.

Tia is different from the previous governors who were just sitting there doing nothing. She is very responsible, and she really believes in the logical theory of the Romans from the bottom of her heart.

People all over the world should obey the rule of the empire, but the prerequisite is that the empire must bring them peace, stability and order. The two are complementary, so she really attaches great importance to these issues. In her nearly two years as governor, the locals have a very good evaluation of her.

The common people will not dislike such a ruler who cares about the people, has high morals, and works rigorously and seriously. The shadow of the previous governors' rule has also been diluted a little by Tia's unremitting efforts.

In the direction of Britain, Orville turned "Joan of Arc" to his side, and he has always marched into Britain under the banner of "doing justice for the Celts". This is his public opinion foundation to a certain extent. Only with this prerequisite can he play checks and balances in England. If the locals, especially the Celts, no longer think that the Romans are establishing order and justice here, then it will be very difficult for him to rule again.

Therefore, he cannot agree to this condition. If it is used by others, it may directly cause a crisis of trust in the Romans by the locals. This is not the core interest of the Romans. Rule relies more on trust and spontaneous obedience. Without these, it will be difficult to move forward in England.

"You know very well that I can't agree to such conditions involving the future of the Celts. I am not their ruler, and that is not the land of the Roman Empire. I cannot decide the future of the people on that land at the negotiation table."

Ivar's eyes were slightly sarcastic: "You are a politician of a big country, you should know these things better than me. Do weak people have the power to decide their own life and death? It's nothing more than what the real ruler says, they have to follow what they do, or their own destiny is determined, that's all. The reason why I can sit here and talk is just because I am more powerful than them, which can make you a little nervous and concerned. If I am a weak person who can't even tie a chicken, then no one will care what I think. But I am the powerful Yar, so many people listen to me."

Orville didn't follow the other party's words and continued: "I have another proposal to make, otherwise how about this .

I can let you keep the territories of the Vikings in various places as they are temporarily, but you can't invade the Celtic territory again. This is my bottom line. I can provide you with the materials and money you requested after you withdraw your troops, and the quantity of these things will satisfy you. I don't allow you to over-compress the living space of the Celts, but in return I can give you a pass to enter the Roman Empire.

We lack excellent navigators like you northerners. If you accept our employment as mercenaries or sailors, I believe that the nobles in Rome will provide you with unimaginable rewards. If you prefer to work alone, you can also do so. There are unowned lands in the world that are not under the jurisdiction of the Romans, and you can capture them at will. "

Orville gestured to his servants, and they brought a huge scroll, and then several people worked together to slowly unfold the scroll in front of Ivar.

What appeared in front of Ivar was a map he had never seen before. With his almost instinctive familiarity with the geography around the North Sea, he saw the "world" in his eyes on the map at first glance.

It was just a small corner of the map, occupying only one twentieth or even one thirtieth of the entire map.

[The world is so big...]

This was his first thought, and then an unprecedented strong desire to explore arose from the bottom of his heart.

Orville saw this and struck while the iron was hot: "The wealth and land you seek can be found in this world. If you keep your eyes on the poor land of the North Sea, your life will pass by like this, but if you set your eyes on other places, it may not be the case.

I admire the courage of you northerners. You can cross the storms and waves of the North Sea. If you can pass through such an ocean without any obstacles, then the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean are no problem, just for example."

He placed his finger at the position of Alexander, and then slowly slid to the direction of India.

"If you can take this route, you can get thirty times the profit in just one round trip. It's not robbery, but it's better than robbery. The danger of crossing this sea is much less than crossing the huge waves of the North Sea. The good ones among you can definitely do it easily. The wealth and profits in the empire are unimaginable in this place."

Ivar quickly came to his senses and was not tempted by Orwell's big promises: "This place is probably thousands of miles away from our homeland. Even if we can provide opportunities for a few brave people, what about the rest of us?"

Orwell said the key at this time: "I can exempt you from tariffs and help you trade directly with the Roman Empire in Britain and Gaul. The profits here are enough for you to live."

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