There are still three elements for the succession of the throne, legitimacy, authority and strength. Otto and Galba are from the same lineage, and there is no essential difference. Orville is not optimistic that he can secure the throne of emperor.

After all, it was just news from a businessman, and it could not be said to be very detailed, but Orville knew what this year was like in history.

Known in history as the Year of the Four Emperors, four Roman emperors changed in succession during this year.

The situation in this time and space seems to be a little worse. Garba didn't even last until the New Year and died in November. Therefore, if there is not much deviation in subsequent history, this year should be called the Year of the Three Emperors. However, five emperors were replaced in two consecutive years. The political situation was extremely unstable and almost became the last year in the history of the Roman Empire.

After learning this important news, several people returned to the ship and began to discuss what to do.

Tia is naturally the decision-maker: "I didn't expect the situation to change so quickly, but no matter what, we now face an important choice: continue this journey to Rome to swear allegiance, or go back home and discuss it with my father and the others. "

Berenice was very self-aware and just sent a message: "My brother asked me to listen to your arrangements. I don't understand political matters, so it's all up to you. My brother also said that the Herodian royal family obeys the decision made by Vespa." "

Orville's status is not high enough to discuss with Tia, so he can only make suggestions. Now the pressure is entirely on Tia.

Orville didn't speak at first, he just looked at the other person calmly. He had nothing to do along the way and had already said everything he needed to say while chatting with Tia.

He is just a staff member now, and it is enough to state his interests and concerns. He has decided to let Tia come in. He will not do anything beyond the boundaries.

Although Tia is too upright, her political sense and overall view are not bad. She knows better than Orville what kind of chaos Rome will be in now.

Obviously Otto would not be able to secure the throne. The only difference was whether they should go to Rome to inquire about the latest information and participate in Roman politics, or whether they should go to Vespa and call on everyone to prepare for chaos.

It's hard to distinguish between good and bad, so Tiya has a headache. This choice is not easy to make.

At this time, she remembered the conversation between Orville and Vespa.

Titus Flavius ​​Vespasian would become Caesar, master of the land, the sea, and all mankind.

His father did not deny it at the time and told him to "discuss it later." Maybe this is the so-called future, and we should think about this issue carefully now.

After thinking about it carefully, Tiya made another decision firmly: "Turn around and drive to Egypt. If we get reinforcements there, I believe they will give them."

This made Orville feel strange. Seeing Orville's subtle expression, Tia laughed and patted his shoulder.

"Your words reminded me that growing wheat is not as profitable as growing grapes and olives. So as long as we control the granary first, everything will be easy."

Orville's expression quickly changed from blank to surprised, and Tia's understanding was stronger than he thought.

In the Mediterranean world, Egypt is undoubtedly the breadbasket. The history of this world is a bit skewed. Egypt, like Parphi, was a dependent state of Rome rather than a province. Although the Romans also had governors and many armies in Egypt, Egypt still had With its own royal family and its own administrative system, it did not need to bear military service every year, but it needed to turn over a large amount of food to supply the Romans.

Coupled with more grain purchased through normal means, it can be said that the Romans relied heavily on Egypt for their food supply.

As long as Egypt is controlled, there will be famine in Rome for two or three years. Because the land around the city of Rome is not as fertile as Egypt, the competitiveness of growing grains is not strong, and the consumption of wine by dignitaries is astonishing, so almost all crops grown around the city are cash crops.

With just a little reminder, Tiya could see this layer, but Orville also raised his own question at the right time: "If this is the case, how can we ensure that the Egyptian governor will be on our side? We only have thousands of dollars in our hands. No. Seaman, he might be detained in turn."

"We just need to state our interests, and the answer will appear naturally. The current governor of Egypt also has a good relationship with my father. When my father was a consul, he introduced a bill that was beneficial to him. Compared with being with the Franks, his style is vulgar. The German Legion or the Spanish Governor who is not reliable at all, at least my father’s reputation as consul is pretty good.”

While Tia was completely unfazed and clearly believed in the friendship between his father and the governor of Egypt, Orville was understandably more worried.


Soon after, Vespa, who was sitting in Caesarea, also received news of the civil strife among the Parphys.

It is winter now, so it is theoretically difficult to use troops, and the oath of allegiance is still pending, but this kind of good opportunity is difficult for any general to ignore.

After much deliberation, he still chose to organize a sneak attack, mobilizing only one legion and a small number of auxiliary troops at a time to fight in rotation.

In the first round of the offensive, Vespa hesitated for a while and then chose to let his confidant Old Trajan lead the Twelfth Legion, which was temporarily belonging to Tia, to lead the attack. As for the choice of auxiliary troops, he also considered it.

Although Valerian said that Orville's auxiliaries had not yet been trained and could only basically obey orders, Vespa finally decided to let this army participate in the attack.

He didn't expect the auxiliary army's combat effectiveness at all, he just wanted to see the effect and let the locals express their stance first.

In any case, it was not a big problem. The Holy City was a very difficult fortress to capture, but the remaining villages and towns were not a problem for the Roman legions, not to mention that the other side was fighting internally and had no time to organize a decent defense.

His battle plan had not changed. He turned the city into an isolated city, like a python strangling its prey, to compress the enemy's living space, and finally let the enemy collapse without a fight due to lack of supplies.

The front-line battle situation full of hope and optimism could not cover up the obscurity of the Roman political situation. He decided to act quickly to avoid being dragged down by this war and affecting a series of subsequent actions.

He held an unspoken loyalty ceremony - one person stood in front of the stage and read the declaration of loyalty to the whole army, declaring loyalty to Emperor Galba, but no one from officers to soldiers responded, it was just a formality.

Galba raised the flag of rebellion against the orthodox Roman emperor, and he did not have any conditions to become an emperor. Even 80% to 90% of the soldiers did not know where he was from or what he did. This fake loyalty was naturally not difficult to do.

After the ceremony, the soldiers rushed to the battlefield again and began to seize the various strongholds of the Palphians.

Watching the soldiers heading to the front line, Vespa's mind was no longer here.

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