Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 225 Performance Display

Orville put a lot of effort into the land survey in England.

Orville mobilized more than 200 officers and soldiers who could read, write and do arithmetic in the army, used his own ability to select more than 200 relatively reliable and competent nobles from the local area to participate, and then reached a cooperation with Gaul nobles such as Gilles de Rès, and transferred 300 Gaul noble children with basic qualities from there to help. Finally, he found that there were still not enough people, so he forcibly transferred dozens of people from his own hotel system to fill the gap, and sometimes he even personally helped count and measure the land.

More than 3,000 soldiers were mobilized to assist Ptolemy's work. Whether it was the military system, the provincial system or the local noble system, they all gave the green light to the land survey. In addition, Ptolemy was overloaded with work. After six inspections, he finally handed in this "Provincial Report" in the early spring.

Compared with the Doomsday Book in history, this report is definitely lacking in content, but let's not mention that it was a document a thousand years later. William the Conqueror completed this property report in the twentieth year of his rule over England, while Orville completed it in the second year of his conquest of England. In terms of time, he was much more rushed. Orville was quite satisfied with the current level. Ptolemy's ability exceeded his expectations and improved the efficiency of these bureaucrats to a level beyond the times. He also had an advantage - he had dealt with nobles.

Ptolemy came from the Library of Alexandria, which was built with official funds from the Ptolemaic Dynasty of Egypt. It can be said that the scholars in the library were all guests of the Egyptian king. These scholars have a significant advantage over the mainstream scholars of this era who do research and academic research based on their own interests. They know how to present their research results to others, especially to the nobles. This is an ability that Orville needs now.

Orville was active in Britain as a provincial governor and legion commander. Since he was active in this capacity, it would be best for the Senate to see his performance. This "Report" could serve as proof of his performance.

Ptolemy was familiar with how to show his performance. The statistical book he compiled displayed a large amount of data and information in a clear and logical manner. The Senate and the emperor could see how Orville governed the province.

In other words, when Orville returned to Rome, he only needed to show the Senate two books - one was the new war history written by Procopius, and the other was Ptolemy's statistical book, which was proof of his performance.

Putting this aside, land inspection and population census are also very important for governance. Orville believed that a qualified ruling body should at least know how many people it manages and how much arable land it has. If it can't even do this, it can hardly be called a qualified ruling body. This is the foundation of governance.

Before Orville left Britain, he wanted to leave something there, which was the reform of the official system and governance system. He wanted to do some experiments in the blank British province first. If the effect was good, he would promote the results to the whole country or several related provinces.

He expanded the provincial bureaucracy several times. There were clear administrative organizations under the governor - taxation, justice, public utilities, prosecution, religion... Basically, the administrative team of the provincial governor, which was almost an empty frame, was supplemented to a barely acceptable level. In addition, the governor was equipped with a special secretarial agency. Originally, this position was more composed of the governor's staff and private slaves, and the reliability and professionalism were almost unqualified. In this way, at least in Orville's cognition, the administrative system of the British province was barely qualified and took shape.

In addition, according to the rough division of history, he divided the current land of England into more than 30 counties. The Roman Empire had administrative agencies in each county, and established circuit courts, tribunes, prosecutors and other positions to try to achieve governance. This is his current change to the administrative system. In addition, he also has to fully consider the feelings of the nobles in various places.

He gave each county a seat in the parliament, and each county could send two representatives. In addition, some cities also had additional seats for representatives. These people could participate in the "Great Council of Nobles" newly established by Auvers, which was a slightly modified Council of the Wise by the Romans. Their political demands could be expressed through this parliament, and they could communicate directly with the provincial governors to discuss issues such as taxation, justice, and trade and economy.

Rome originally had autonomous parliaments in various cities. Auvers added consultation agencies within the province on this basis, which was an imitation of some medieval countries.

The Roman Empire was different from the Middle Ages, that's for sure, but there were some similarities.

Orwell believed that at least the number of local Romans in Britain was seriously insufficient, and that in order to govern effectively, a balance must be reached with the locals. Under such conditions, it was natural to cede power to local nobles and part of the newly migrated nobles. We could not expect these people to be powerless and willing to work for the Romans. Achieving a political balance between the two sides was a prerequisite for stability. Otherwise, if nobles led a large group of dissatisfied civilians to rebel every few days, it would take at least three legions to maintain their land in Britain, which would be a very unprofitable deal.

Orville thought about these things and closed the statistics book with satisfaction. He looked at Ptolemy and others: "You have done a very good job. I am very satisfied with your results. If I have promised you anything, please don't worry. I will honor it. In addition, you can take a vacation now. I will not arrange any new tasks for you in the next month or two. Today I will let the kitchen prepare a sumptuous dinner for you. Bonus. Things like that will be sent to you at that time."

With a simple and effective combination of punches, these bureaucrats who were still complaining immediately smiled at Orville. Orville encouraged them a few more words, and then sent these people away, leaving only Orville on the field. and Ptolemy both.

Orville said to Ptolemy from the bottom of his heart: "It's been really hard on you during this period. Whatever compensation you need, just ask for it. It will be within the limit."

Orville's low posture was more useful than several talents of gold. Ptolemy immediately waved his hand: "That's not necessary. I am your staff and I am just doing my job for you. Not to mention this My research last year was still fruitful. Through the surveying and mapping of the terrain here, my map made up for the imperfections, and I discovered something new, the trajectory of the stars here."

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