To a large extent, Vesper was speaking out of anger, but there was some truth to his anger. At least from the perspective of a traditional Roman like him, the Greeks were a bit disrespectful. The Romans had given them a lot of privileges and preferential treatment, but they still didn't like the Romans very much. If there was any problem, they would start an uprising. .

Orville comforted the other party: "Don't be too angry. Sooner or later, they will realize their situation. They are not the rulers of the world, they are just an ordinary nation under the rulers. Maybe a real war can Let them realize their status and time will tell."

Vespa was relieved after spraying: "So, the Ptolemaic royal family cannot be moved now, and I have to worry about their influence among the Greeks. Do you understand what I mean?"

Orville nodded slightly: "What you mean is that I cannot show hostility to the Greeks, so that the Greeks will not misunderstand that we are targeting the Ptolemaic royal family, is that right?"

Vespa nodded with satisfaction: "Besides, you have to confirm one thing for me. Whether Berdinos and the little king of Egypt are really friends of the Romans, this can determine our attitude towards them. Now Greece The situation is very delicate. If the Ptolemaic royal family rises to the occasion, the situation will be quite unfavorable to us. Greece, Anatolia, and Egypt will join forces to resist us. Our garrison in the east is not at present. Not much. If we experience another major war, we may lose our vitality. Our main goal in the past few years is to recuperate. You have to confirm for me that Egypt needs to stay safe. "

"Wouldn't it be better for you to go directly to the Governor of Egypt regarding this matter? As far as I know, he is a man of outstanding ability, and he also helped you ascend to the throne of emperor. I should be able to believe it."

"He? He has too many little calculations in his head, and he has taken too many benefits from Berdinos over the years. I'm afraid he has done a lot of things to deceive his subordinates and hide them from his superiors. He may think that hiding some things doesn't matter, but in fact it doesn't. in this way."

Vespa actually heard a lot of news from Orville rather than the Egyptian governor. Although the two parties were important alliances of interests, they were not of the same mind after all. After confirming this matter, Vespa actually didn't trust the Egyptian governor very much. It can only be said that he was no different from many other governors and was not a person worthy of full trust.

Vespa continued to add: "That's why I asked you to help me take a look. You and Berdinos are not in the same community of interests. Bystanders know better. You may be able to discover more things."

Orville understood this quite well: "I will do this well, please rest assured. How do you want to arrange for me to go there specifically?"

"You wrote to me and told me that the Vikings wanted to smuggle luxury goods. You just need to use this excuse to go to Egypt. I will prepare documents for you. Egypt is a distribution center for oriental goods. Although others will be suspicious, But it's finally a reasonable reason. I heard that you brought those Vikings into the city. This will greatly enhance your persuasion. It doesn't matter if you have your own ideas about what you do later. Everyone has some, but don't. Forgot your identity.”

"Of course, I am Orville Flavia Vespasianus now, and no one else."

Vesper was satisfied with Orville's reply, and he waved to Orville, indicating that he could retreat.

But at this time Orville hesitated and presented a small metal pot: "I got this from the Palfi people. It should be good for your health. Give it a try and drink it directly."

This is the healing potion that Berenice gave him before. Although it is not known whether it is effective for the elderly and infirm, this thing has almost a magical effect, and drinking it will not cause any harm.

Vesper glanced at the small pot, unscrewed the cap and drank it without much hesitation. After drinking, he didn't feel any significant changes.

"I've heard about the alchemy potion of the Palphi people. It is said that it is very effective in healing wounds, but it should not be of much use to my old bones. After all, I am not suffering from external injuries. My body will naturally get worse as I age."

"I will find a way to get more from Parfi in the future. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, there is no harm in trying more. I can guarantee this."

For ordinary people and even most Roman nobles, it is not a simple matter to obtain this kind of potion that is monopolized by the Herodian royal family. However, Orville has a good personal relationship with the Herodian royal family. If you want to obtain these potions stably, you may be able to obtain them stably. There is no need to spend money, as long as you understand it with emotion and reason.

Vesper nodded towards Orville, knowing that this was for his own good so he did not refuse, with some relief in his eyes.


After the reunion dinner in the evening, everyone started to get busy again the next day. The first thing to deal with was the issue about Alfred.

Orville formed a political alliance with the other party, and of course he was obliged to find an official position for the other party in the city of Rome so that he could enter the Senate.

Orville brought Alfred to the Senate Chamber and gave Alfred the opportunity to perform. He indeed lived up to expectations and performed quite well.

He was personable in the Senate chamber and could fluently use Latin to communicate with the senators in the Senate. This was a very big plus in the eyes of the Senate.

After all, in their eyes, granting a seat in the Senate to a barbarian is completely different from granting a seat in the Senate to a person who is familiar with Roman culture. The former can almost be called a humiliation for them, while the latter, for them, if it is for political considerations, can be barely considered an acceptable thing.

After all, Britain is a newly conquered province. In order to achieve political balance with the local rulers, giving up a seat is not so unacceptable.

After all, there are 600 seats in the Senate, and many people are just making up the numbers. Giving out more than a dozen seats must be carefully considered, and giving out one or two is not a big problem.

So, after a speech of about an hour and careful consideration by the members of the Senate, they finally agreed to grant Alfred a seat in the Senate, and he got the opportunity to enter the core layer of the Senate as he wished.

Alfred's demands were basically met. He did not ask to interfere in the core politics of the empire, but only asked for a channel to speak.

There is still one thing that needs to be discussed urgently-how to deal with the demands of the Vikings.

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