Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 241 The record holder for the longest exile

Orwell personally agrees with this statement. In the eyes of modern people, Greek mythology is morally corrupt and the frequent occurrence of all kinds of bad things is inseparable from Ovid, because literary and artistic workers after the Renaissance Mostly influenced by Ovid.

People during the Renaissance might not be able to find many original materials on Greek mythology. There was no so-called archeology and textual criticism in that era. The way they understood mythology was to read a few representative works, such as "Metamorphoses" and "The Gods". "Music" and "Iliad", etc. The important position of "Metamorphoses" in their hearts affected the reorganization of Greek mythology during the Renaissance.

This situation has also affected the Greek mythology in the eyes of modern people. It is actually related to the unrestrainedness of Greek mythology itself, but it is not entirely a problem of the myth itself.

As for Ovid, he was originally a poet in the Augustus period and had a certain influence at that time.

After becoming emperor, Augustus devoted himself to correcting the arrogance and licentiousness of the Roman Empire's aristocrats. Not only did he promulgate two relevant laws to regulate marriage, he also set an example by banishing his daughter who had an inappropriate private life to an island. Relatively speaking, he was a very concerned person. The ruler of ideological and moral construction.

Generally speaking, his rule was relatively enlightened and he would not punish those literati who criticized current ills. On the contrary, he would give some of them partial help. Even if there were voices criticizing Augustus, he would mostly just laugh it off and ignore it, but he did the best for Ovid.

He directly exiled Ovid to the coast of the Black Sea (better exiles were to small islands with pleasant scenery and suitable for recuperation near Italy). No matter how hard he begged, he never returned to Rome for the rest of his life. This was not Ovid. How harmful the writing was to politics, it was more that the part about the nobles' arrogance, extravagance and self-indulgence did not please Augustus.

As the founding emperor, Augustus preferred Aeneas, the strong-willed, brave, and extremely responsible Roman ancestor in Virgil's "Aeneid". His works such as "Kama Sutra" and "Love Song" were difficult to read. He must be very indifferent to the works of Daya Zhi Tang.

He repeatedly emphasized the traditional Roman virtues such as restraint and simplicity. At this time, the things written by Ovid were particularly eye-catching. In particular, Ovid's literary talent was indeed good and his influence was great, so Ovid became the leader. Exiled thousands of miles away on the shores of the Black Sea.

It seems that Ovid in this time and space was born decades later, which seems to have made his situation much better. After all, Augustus was a minority, and the emperor he had to deal with in this time and space was Nero.

In comparison, Nero was much easier to deal with than Augustus. In particular, Ovid was a poet who wrote about romance and Greek mythology. He was good at writing, which made him very popular with Nero. He once gave him He received many rewards, and his life after the Imperial Civil War was not too affected, but he still seemed to be unsatisfied.

I don’t know why, but his work was submitted to Orville. After thinking about it, Orville decided to recruit him first. After all, he can be regarded as a literary man with a long history, and no matter how frivolous he is, he has no politics. No matter how smart you are, it is always beneficial to make friends.

He told Ptolemy: "That's it. We abide by the rules and reward the other party with another two thousand dinars in my own name. It can be regarded as a bonus. I will let others take over after the matter. Thank you for your hard work."

In his mind, he complained that the other party had never read the book. On the surface, Ptolemy still nodded respectfully: "No problem, I believe he will thank you for your generosity."


After a trip to the hotel, he went to the manor to investigate the situation, and simply had something to eat outside in the evening. Finally, he bought a batch of armaments at the military factory on the outskirts of the city, and waited for Orville to return to the mansion after a long day of work. It was already late at night.

He didn't expect anyone to be waiting for him at this time. After all, except for some special moments, most of the family members in the mansion were busy with their own affairs.

But he didn't expect that Tiya, who should have a regular schedule, was now eating fruit boredly in the atrium. When she saw him coming over, she immediately stood up nervously, and then because of her excessive movements, she accidentally dropped the plate containing the fruit. It was turned over.

Seeing the other party's embarrassed look, Orville smiled helplessly: "Is there something wrong? Otherwise you would definitely not sleep so late."

He knew Tia very well, and it would never be like this under normal circumstances, but Orville was also curious about what made Tia so panicked. You must know that even in critical situations, she can only have a serious expression on her face. He became a little more violent, something Orville had never seen before.

Tiya did not reply directly, but took several deep breaths. Then she clenched her fists and said to Orville: "Father has made a decision about our marriage, and the time is set in eight days."

Orville's expression immediately changed from a smile to one of astonishment. He didn't expect things to progress like this. After being stunned for a few seconds, he reluctantly replied: "Well, I can only say it was a little sudden. I didn't realize it for a while. You are referring to me." Marry you?"

Tiya shrank back and asked, "Aren't you willing? Or does this matter affect you?"

Orville opened his mouth but said nothing. After a while, he nodded slightly, and he probably understood the current situation.

Although it was something that could be expected, he originally thought it would come slowly, but thinking about it carefully, it was about time. Five or six years had passed since he crossed over, and he was already a young man of twenty-four or twenty-five, while Tia was already twenty-eight or twenty-nine, which was almost middle-aged according to the standards of ordinary ancient people. If she didn't consider marriage, Tia might really become a Vestal Virgin (a clergyman who kept chastity) and later serve as a priest.

He had no need to refuse this matter. Putting aside the practical interests, Orville did have some good feelings for Tia, and the two of them were actually the most suitable choices at the moment, but Orville was much more realistic than Tia, and he immediately thought of the things that Vespa was worried about, which was also what he had been worried about.

"Of course I am willing, but I should ask you, will this matter not affect you? Since father has discussed it with you, you should understand the interests involved. Now that you and I are together, there will be some disputes. Can you accept the consequences?"

Tia said as a matter of course: "If I can't accept it, I won't come to inform you. You don't need to worry too much, just tell me your answer. If it causes trouble to you, I will find a way to ask father to cancel it."

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