In this era, there are already many people who have abbreviated marriages, but most of them are non-citizen provincial residents or relatively poor civilians who are not involved in family and clan power. There is no so-called ceremony for abbreviated marriages. Both parties just need to nod their heads, or simply follow the local customs and do things according to their own rules. It is the first time that the imperial family has used abbreviated marriages.

From Vespa to Orville and Tia, no one knows what ceremony to use. The Latins’ own ceremony is not suitable because many ceremonies emphasize the husband’s power. It is even more inappropriate to use foreign ceremonies, which will give people bad associations. Even if they don’t do it, it is still inappropriate and not decent.

In the end, Orville had no choice but to make up a set according to the process of the past and modern times, and reluctantly let them accept it.

Since both parties' homes were in the same place, the bride-receiving process was omitted, and the guests attended the banquet in the mansion. All the people who could attend from Orville's side or Tia's side were present. At the beginning, there was a ceremony to swear marriage. Vespa directly dragged a Roman magistrate over, and then both parties swore at the wedding banquet.

After both parties swore and agreed, the marriage was legally recognized as formally effective, and the wedding banquet officially began. There would be a lot of courtesy and socializing in both the East and the West. Fortunately, the Romans mixed wine with water, and the ancient wine was not very strong. Orville and Tia were busy until the evening and didn't really get drunk.

After the guests dispersed in the evening, Vespa and Zenis tacitly dismissed the servants, and then announced early that they were unwell and went to rest directly. By the way, they also pushed Domitia, who was in the way, back to the room. Orville and Tia were left looking at each other awkwardly, standing in the courtyard without anyone talking.

After a while, Orville managed to utter a few words: "According to common understanding, I mean common understanding, what should we do now?"

Tia didn't say anything, she blushed and couldn't speak, and took several deep breaths before she forced herself to straighten her face: "It is indeed the case, so..."

The following words were barely audible, she stretched out her hand to grab Orville's arm and dragged him into the room. Because of the excessive force, Orville even staggered for a while, and finally followed the other party into the room.

Five hundred to fifteen hundred words are omitted here, and you can fill in the blanks yourself.

Now the review is smart. One hundred and ten days of full attendance are broken (very sad)


The next day, Orville got up a little later than usual, and slept in Tia's bed. When he stood up from the bed, he found that Tia had woken up and was staring at him with her eyes open.

He asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Tia's face turned red again, and she hid herself in the quilt without saying anything. Orville shook her shoulder a few times but ignored her. Orville didn't fight with her. He helped her cover the quilt and prepared clothes, and then left the room first.

Except for the area around the two people's room, which remained silent, the mansion was particularly lively today. Yesterday's banquet had not been cleaned up due to some reasons. Today, there were servants busy cleaning everywhere. Orville simply washed up and came to the courtyard. It was basically cleaned up there, and the rest of the family had breakfast there.

The first person to ask Orville was their stepmother, Zenis: "No problem?"

Orville's mouth twitched, and he reluctantly replied: "I can only say that everything is normal..."

Vespa laughed heartily at this time, then stood up and patted Orville's shoulders heavily a few times, with considerable force that made his shoulders a little numb. Orville believed that the other party was definitely unhappy and wanted to take the opportunity to retaliate.

Vespa didn't show any displeasure, but whispered: "If you can, you'd better try hard. I still want to see my grandson born in my lifetime. I feel that I don't have many years left to live."

"You don't have to say such things!" Domcia looked up and retorted with some emotion. This statement can only be said to be unlucky no matter where it is.

Vespa shook his head slightly: "I know my situation best. I fell ill in my early years. The alchemical potions that Orville found are indeed useful but can't cure it. I estimate that I only have five or six years left. Not bad, I have lived a wonderful and chic life. Many people have not lived as long as me!"

Domcia wanted to say something else, but was stopped by Vespa.

After a while after the few people finished their meal, Tia came out of the room slowly, without saying anything, just lowering her head to eat. Orville knew that she might need some time to adapt to the situation, so he didn't pull her to talk. After the meal, he told her to take care of her health and left the mansion first.

It's not that he wants to work overtime on the first day of his wedding. There are too many things to do. The news that Cleopatra is recruiting soldiers in Antioch may arrive soon. Before that, Orville has to leave Rome and rush to Egypt.


With subtle resentment, Orville came to the manor on the outskirts of the city as a routine to confirm the army's preparations. The person responsible for reporting the situation to Orville is Stilicho, the general manager of Orville's soldiers.

"Your army has sailed to Massilia (Marseille). Our transport ships will pick them up on the way. About a thousand soldiers will be assigned. They are on their way to Palfi.

After attending your wedding, Lord Ivar left first and took his Viking army to Palfi overnight. We gave them two large transport ships. Please don't blame my cousin Nicanor for acting on his own. He doesn't want to disturb you. I think there will be no accidents. These people will arrive in about ten days.

In addition, there are scattered veterans who have basically arrived in Parfi. His Majesty Herod Agita said that they will be properly accommodated. There are more than 380 people.

There is another question. That guy Astolfo also took the initiative last night and said he would meet you in Egypt. He borrowed some of the money and equipment you left in the manor. He has about a hundred people on hand. team. "

All in all, the army is basically in place. Orville only needs to go to Parfi to receive the army, or directly order them to go to Egypt.

"Let's put it this way, how many days do I have left?"

Stilico lowered his head: "In five or six days, our equipment will be loaded on the ship by then. You will have to leave by then. But I still suggest to you that you should enjoy the relaxed life of a newlywed for a while longer. It’s okay for me to handle the affairs in Egypt for you. Even if I take your place for a few days and you go a few days later, that’s reasonable. I believe those Egyptians and Greeks will understand.”

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