Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 250 The truth of history

Now Cleopatra has gathered a large number of soldiers in Antioch, Asia Minor, mainland Greece and other places, so much so that the local governor and the commander of the Syrian garrison Mucinus began to be wary, but she also Knowing what to do, I almost gathered enough soldiers and took them south, preparing to attack the Egyptian mainland under the pretext of regaining Zhengshuo of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. Now the army has just set off and has not yet reached Parfi, but it should be soon.

This is similar to the situation in history, and also similar to her father's situation.

Historically, her father Philopato the Flutist, also known as Ptolemy XII, was driven out of Egypt due to the rebellion of his children and people. Then he went to Rome to seek help, and he got his wish in Syria, which had always supported him. One part of the army was composed of Greek mercenaries/volunteers, and the other part was the Roman regular army. The leader was said to be Mark Antony.

He relied on the power of the Romans to regain his throne, and historically Cleopatra also pulled out a force from Syria to support her. It is speculated that these people may have been a mixture of residents of local Greek towns and some speculators. Cheng, during the confrontation, a big event happened in Egypt.

Pompey, who was trying to live in exile in Egypt, was killed by the Egyptians. Caesar, who came to hunt him down, was very dissatisfied, and many problems arose. The rest of the story is more familiar to the public, and is basically the story of Cleopatra.

At this time, Philopato, the flute player in space and time, directly relied on the power of the Roman Egyptian garrison to put down the rebels. Other things were not much different from what happened in history. Although Egypt was nominally a vassal state of the Roman Empire, in fact the Romans had The penetration of the country was far more powerful than that of ordinary vassal states. When the two top rulers of this country started a civil war, it was definitely necessary for the Romans to intervene.

So Orville felt from the very beginning that Cleopatra would choose to resolve the problem through diplomatic mediation first, and might recruit an army as a demonstration, but it might not necessarily lead to a real fight. Cleopatra did not expect that Petra is so determined that she is really ready to command the army to fight a war with her brother.

It takes time for the news to reach Rome, and it will take some time before the Senate ink comes out and Cleopatra arrives in Egypt. This period of time is the window period during which Orville can operate. It is not only the Egyptians who need to worry about it, but also the Egyptians. There was the governor of Egypt. Judging from various information obtained by Orville, although the Egyptian governor adheres to a neutral position on the surface, secretly he is definitely partial to the Berdinos faction. He is also a person to worry about. Maybe the 20,000 Egyptian garrison will become Orville's enemies.


Orville made a special trip to Parphi for a few days, not only to replenish supplies, but also to hand over some matters with King Herod.

The first was the alchemy potions for Vespa. King Herod provided more than a hundred copies for free in the name of tribute. Of course it would be best to get them for free. After Orville received the goods, he sent the ship back to Rome overnight to avoid any accidents.

Then there was the negotiation with the local garrison, which was not difficult to do. Most of the troops stationed in the Kingdom of Parfi were located in the Holy City. Orville and Tiya even discussed it before finally deciding to garrison there.

The Twelfth Legion "Thunder" was commanded by Tiya for a long time, and Orville's relationship with them was not bad. After the Palfi War, Tiya directly promoted a person loyal to the royal family within the legion. The captain of the army served as the commander of the legion. The interests of the legion were not much different from those of the royal family. Unlike Antonis, the governor of Egypt, who had a subtle stance, Orville could basically command this legion with the military orders given to him by Vespa.

Orville asked the other party to stop Cleopatra's army and not to use force with the opponent, and also to stop the Egyptian army that might come north. This request sounds reasonable, because if you think about it, you will know that helping Cleopatra and the other party Whether the Senate needs to discuss it carefully, before that, it is the most ideal choice to let the other party keep the original version.

Orville did this mainly because he knew one thing - the army that Cleopatra assembled would most likely not be able to deal with the Egyptian army. Don't let them be defeated again by then. It would be enough to let them maintain a deterrent effect as an army. Orville didn't Just count on them and don't hold back.

Due to the change of position and the fact that both sides were marching, communication between the two sides was temporarily interrupted, but presumably Cleopatra would understand what she meant. No matter how courageous the Egyptian army was, they would not dare to fight against the regular Roman legions sandwiched between the two sides to maintain order. piece.

Finally, there is the matter of those "holy relics". When Orville talked about this matter with King Herod, the other party did not react for a while. Only after reminding the other party did he remember this incident more than forty years ago.

Herod Agrippa II pursed his lips, and then replied in annoyance: "What about those people? It was quite a big fuss at that time. My father wanted to preserve the relevant evidence, and I have always kept the things. Just keep it for emergencies, if you need it, just take it.”

His father, Herod Agrippa I, was actually a capable man. He not only unified the Kingdom of Parphi that had been divided after the feudal inheritance, but also preserved his own territory from the Romans, and even expanded it a bit. , even in the center of the Roman Empire, he was somewhat thin-faced. Emperor Caligula was very proud of him, and he also contributed a lot to Claudius's accession to the throne. He even had a good relationship with Nero, and protected him during his reign. The independence of the Kingdom of Palphi.

From the perspective of a king of a small country, Herod Agrippa I did almost the best. If it were any other small country, it would not be surprising that he was rated as the best in the history of that country. However, his evaluation in later generations was not very good because he executed two very important figures during his reign - John the Baptist and Jesus Christ.

The former was not due to religious issues. In fact, Herod Agrippa I was angry. On the way to Rome, he fell in love with his brother Philip's wife Herodias, so he wanted to divorce his original wife, Princess Nabataea. John publicly condemned this incestuous behavior, and King Herod held a grudge and executed him. This may be the process in history. Because of killing saints, he carried a bad reputation for quite a long time.

As for the stories in the Gospel of Mark, Herodias was angry with John and fanned the flames to make her husband King Herod fall in love with her daughter Salome. After Salome danced the famous dance of seven veils (probably a striptease or a ritual from the mythology of the Mesopotamian region), she asked for St. John's head to be chopped off. Orwell didn't have the courage to ask the real situation of Herod II, but I think most of them are later processing.

PS. My friend went out for something yesterday and didn't have time to write. After I came back, I found that I didn't have enough time (I had to make up some information), so I owed a day and will make up for the update later.

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