Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 266 Helpless Military System

Bringing the topic back to the military aspect, Ptolemy I, the founding king of the country, may not have been unaware of the ills that "military settlers" would bring, but there was really nothing he could do about it.

The foundation of Ptolemaic Egypt was the Greeks who conquered the world with him. In order to ensure the interests of the Greeks, successive kings did not introduce too many Egyptians into the core layer of the army, but in order to allow enough Greeks to join the army. , the only option is to use the military household system to ensure a stable number of soldiers, and by the way, it can also steadily increase the population of Greek immigrants.

This restriction is not only reflected in the military aspect. There are invisible barriers to the native Egyptians in all aspects. Although the barriers have weakened over the past few hundred years, they still exist objectively. It is estimated that it will take several generations to eliminate them. For example, about a quarter of the current Egyptian army is Egyptian, which of course cannot be ignored, but compared to the fact that the number of Egyptians exceeds that of Greek settlers by at least six or seven times, this is still very small.

Even if this was done, Ptolemaic Egypt still failed to fundamentally change the situation due to the weak population of Greece and the huge population base of Egypt. On the contrary, this military system made his military strength extremely weak.

Orville was not a Greek, and he did not intend to continue the policy of absolute preferential treatment for the Greeks, so Cleopatra was indeed right on this point, and he slightly improved his rating of the other party in his mind. The more smart people the better, as long as you can control yourself and not overturn.

The same problem existed in Rome. The residents of Rome were coercing the emperor and the Senate. Even if he didn't think about the local Egyptians, he had to think about the future of the country he was in now and learn from Egypt's advanced experience.

After a few seconds of silence, he nodded slightly: "I accept your explanation for the time being, but I also hope that there will be less of the same thing in the future. I hate this kind of behavior."

Cleopatra smiled: "Of course, it won't happen again in the future."

"It's best this way." Orville didn't believe what the other party said.

While he was chatting with the other party, Trajan came up from the stairs and loudly reported the important matter to Orville: "Just now, some soldiers tried to land and get in under the cover of night, but they were discovered and stopped by Ivar's people. Now that they are all captured, what do you want to do with them?"

Orville originally wanted to say that he would be interrogated as usual and then taken into custody, but at this time Cleopatra took her arm and indicated with her eyes that she wanted to speak.

Upon seeing this, Orville shrugged slightly and then indicated that the other party could speak.

"Excuse me, Lord Trajan, what kind of armor they are wearing, can you briefly describe it?"

Trajan glanced at Cleopatra's hand and frowned slightly, but after Orville acquiesced, he still chose to tell the truth: "Wearing a yellow cloak, a bronze helmet on his head, and scale armor, all There are decorations, but I don’t know the specific content.”

"Can you let me go with you? These people should be the Royal Guards. I have a bit of a reputation there. Maybe I can persuade them."

Trajan looked at Orville, and after Orville nodded, he agreed: "No problem, come with me if you have time."

Cleopatra followed the other party to the temporary interrogation room, leaving Orville alone. He let out a sigh, turned around and continued his work, preparing to deal with the plan of the Ptolemaic army.


The next morning, the Ptolemaic royal family's offensive began again. The intensity of this attack was obviously several levels stronger than before. Those amateur phalanx spearmen were replaced by sword and shield infantry who specialized in mincing meat. Ivar's The pressure he faced increased significantly.

Orville didn't want Ivar's army to be seriously damaged, so after seeing that the situation was about the same, he asked his army to find a way to withdraw and replace it with his own legionnaires.

There is not much to say about the content of the causeway at the back. The soldiers who formed the so-called turtle shell formation blocked one end of the causeway, and not far away was the crossbow position.

After paying compensation, the soldiers demolished many townspeople's boats or houses overnight, erected the removed thick wooden boards as bunkers and supports, and then fired at the soldiers on the causeway from their positions. The causeway was too narrow, and the width of three to four meters could not accommodate many long-range soldiers. The opponent suffered a lot during the exchange of fire.

The shooting accuracy of the Roman soldiers is indeed impressive. Compared with the professional ones, they are blind. However, they do not need to shoot at moving targets this time. They only need to aim at the causeway and release arrows. Their positions are also relatively fixed. , try it a few times, you can basically find the feeling, and then draw the bow and arrow based on experience, which makes up for the problem of poor accuracy to a certain extent.

The Ptolemaic royal family probably also knew that there was little chance of winning in a head-on attack, so they had already prepared backup plans - dozens of ships of all kinds tried to land on the beach from all directions on Soros Island, and Orville's side There was no decent navy, so they could only watch the other side land, and then jump out of different numbers of soldiers from each ship.

After gathering and organizing, the soldiers began to attack the position at the entrance of the causeway. Orville also organized soldiers to fight back, and the two sides began a melee on the beach.

It must be said that although what Cleopatra did was controversial, it was only controversial to a certain extent. It is certain that it was indeed beneficial. If she had not burned the ships in Alexandria, Ptolemy would probably be able to mobilize one or two hundred warships to send thousands or tens of thousands of soldiers to the island at a time, instead of requisitioning dozens of ships from nowhere like now, barely sending one or two thousand people to land.

At that time, Orville might not be unable to bear it, but it was certain that he would abandon the causeway and retreat to the fortress, and the situation would be more passive. Now the communication with the outside world can be said to be cut off, and it is not known how long he will have to wait. It would be a little bit of leeway.

This time, there were two gifted people mixed in the opponent's landing force. Orville was sure that this was not the full combat power of a big country, even if Egypt had fewer gifted people than the wild land because of its high level of civilization.

It is estimated that a large number of combat forces were dispersed throughout the country, and the opponent was not sure whether Cuchulainn, who assassinated Antonius, was on Soros Island. Eighty percent of them left many gifted people to guard the important personnel, which led to the opponent's tentative sending two gifted people up this time.

The number and quality of the gifted people on Orwell's side were higher than those of the opponent. Needless to say, he did not press all of them, but only let Ivar, Stilicho, and Trajan, the three who had shown up, deal with the two opponents three to two.

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