Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 272 Pre-War Speech

"I know that you don't want to die in the rebellion and let your family lose a son and father. You must also have some opinions on me and question why I am so eager to use force against the Egyptians. I can only tell you that every time In a battle, every swing of a weapon must be meaningful. I will not let a person's blood be shed in vain.

Nearly half of the wheat you import every day in your hometown is produced in Egypt, from the land under your feet. If the situation in Egypt is unstable, your hometown will also be turbulent. Is this what you want to see? ?

We will bring blood, but we will also bring new order and stability. The Egyptians have been completely corrupted. What is needed now is a fire to burn down this big tree, and then the Romans will plant new tree species. This way Only then can new towering trees grow from the ashes. If we allow the Egyptians to continue to rot like this, the foundation of this tree will be unstable, and sooner or later it will collapse, hitting the Romans who were enjoying the shade under the tree, and we will suffer a bloody head.

Instead of doing this, we might as well be more proactive and take the initiative to cut down the trees and burn them. Egypt is in the hands of their eunuch tyrants. We will restore order. The glorious lineage of Alexander's successors will return to the light with the help of the Romans. All tyrants will be judged by us in the courts and on the battlefield!

Men of the Tiber, rulers of the world, think of our ancestors, think of Hector, Aeneas, Manilius After the Greek rulers Pyrrhus), Paulus (Aemilius Paulus Macedonianicus, in fact turned Macedonia into a Roman vassal state) and Lucius (Lucius Corne Lius Scipio Asiaticus, who together with his brother Scipio defeated the resurgent Seleucid Empire), when did the Romans ever fear these Greeks? ! "

Trajan solemnly brought the eagle flag to Orville. Orville took the eagle flag with a sculpture of a soaring eagle on the top with both hands and showed it to the soldiers in front of him.

In fact, these soldiers did not have a formal and complete legionary establishment. They were just considered legionnaires and received legionary treatment. However, the atmosphere had reached this point, so Orville took advantage of the situation to enhance the atmosphere.

"Soldiers, unite under the eagle! The victorious eagle will fly over the mountains, over the pyramids of the Egyptians and the lighthouses of the Greeks. Then you can show your wounds with glory, and you can boast once more Your achievements.

You will be the founders of new heights in the Empire, and when you are old, you will be surrounded by your fellow citizens and receive the respect of your fellow citizens. They listen with admiration to your account of your great cause. You can be proud to say that I am also a member of the imperial army that conquered Egypt, Syria, Greece, Gaul, Africa, Britain and Germany.

Glory to the brave soldiers and to our motherland! Grab the shield! Hold on to the spear! Sharpen your sword! This is a fateful day, where the fate of countless people will be decided! "

Orville's speech, which sewed up a lot of things, also achieved certain results. The soldiers' fighting enthusiasm was mobilized to a great extent. After Orville left, they held the weapons in their hands tightly and stood under their respective centurions. Under the dispatch, preparations for combat began.


The first large-scale counterattack by the Roman garrison on Soros Island occurred in the evening of that day, one of the times when the enemy was most slack. At that time, the Egyptians did not expect that Orville would fight so desperately, and only prepared an army to deal with a night attack by a small force. .

There are only about 2,000 soldiers on duty here, and the number of talented people is only two, which is completely unequal to the overwhelming number of soldiers here in Orville.

From the very beginning of the battle, the situation on the battlefield was one-sided - on one side were the Romans with high morale, prosperity and excellent equipment, and on the other side were the Ptolemaic Egyptian troops who rushed to fight and had mixed equipment and training levels. This offensive was unexpected, and the simple defensive position was quickly overrun by a few talented people. Elite soldiers armed with short swords and large shields swarmed in, attacking every enemy they could see.

Orville prefers to capture enemies than kill people, but things should be prioritized. At this time, they cannot be forced to capture their opponents. This is irresponsible for the lives of soldiers and the war. Orville's instructions to them are to kill armed enemies when they see them. Kill them, and at the same time, don't be obsessed with chasing them, and don't waste too much time on them.

After several rounds of non-stop charges, most of the Ptolemaic Egyptian troops on Soros Island were overwhelmed. Some of them were killed on the spot, and more began to flee in all directions - some fled to the sea by boat, and some walked directly. The causeway fled back to the mainland, and the remaining resistance forces with the will to fight were only a drop in the bucket. The Romans quickly took control of the situation, and the hostile forces on Soros Island were basically eliminated in a wave.

Orville rode on the few horses, not for charging or quick maneuvering, but simply to make himself more conspicuous and to be seen by as many soldiers on the field as possible.

What he wears can be said to be quite conspicuous - a golden breastplate with brass carvings of dragons and phoenixes, a towering crimson horsehair helmet on top of his head, and a purple cloak that symbolizes noble status. He looks like a general in a triumphal ceremony. Majestic.

Riding on a horse and traveling at high speed, Orville passed by the soldiers who were re-arranging. He held his sword high in his right hand and said plausibly: "Soldiers! Citizens! The rise and fall of the empire depends on this battle!!"

Each centurion led his own soldiers, crossed the causeway in an orderly manner, and rushed into Alexandria. The defenders near the city were caught off guard and did not even have time to deploy a decent defense. The Roman army broke through their second line of defense, and then continued to attack the city with its remaining power.

Alexandria's bloated urban structure once again dragged down these troops, and their organization was also somewhat disordered due to the mobilization of troops. Many troops in the city knew that Orwell had entered the city, but because the residents in the city panicked and rushed out of the city, the flow of people made it impossible for them to mobilize normally, and most of the troops could only watch Orwell advance.

Orwell ignored the potential enemy troops around him, nor did he order his soldiers to burn, kill, loot or set the city on fire. He just ordered the army to march along the main road and head straight to the palace not far away. Most of the surrounding civilians avoided Orville and the Roman army when they saw them. Even if there were occasional carriages or roadblocks blocking the road, they would be demolished on the spot. Relying on their high morale and strong ability to unite and cooperate, the legionnaires rushed all the way to the gate of the palace and confronted the palace guards head-on.

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