Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 29 Conversation

As soon as these remarks came out, Tia and Vespa were silent for a while. They didn't expect Orville's will to be so determined and more active than the two Romans.

But I have to say that Orville's words were definitely justified, and Tia was really convinced and looked at Vesper with the same expectant eyes.

In the end Vesper made up his mind: "Okay! Organize a mobilization meeting and explain this to everyone then."

The two people below nodded heavily, accepting Vesper's decision.

Tiya took the lead and said: "I will organize the manpower and mobilize all those legions to Caesarea."

After saying that, she left in a hurry. This person, who always believed in the theory of quickness and rapidity, decided to hit the target non-stop, and Vesper didn't stop her.

"Wait a minute, I have something to tell you." Orville also found a reason to leave, but was stopped by Vesper.

"What's the matter?" He lowered his head respectfully.

Vespa glanced at him back and forth a few times, and finally pointed to a chair in front of him kindly and said: "Sit over here, don't be so far away, let's talk."

Orville felt that the situation was not good, and he complained in his heart that he regretted saying too much. On the surface, he calmly moved the chair over and sat down.

Vesper looked at this man whose official position was several levels lower than his own, and for a moment he showed a suspiciously reserved expression. Orville felt that the situation was getting worse.

He hesitated and said: "Originally, I wanted to wait a few years before talking, but now the situation is progressing faster than I thought. I'm afraid I have to explain the matter clearly now. First, tell me, what kind of person am I? Don’t be afraid, just say it, that’s it.”

It's strange that Orville dared to speak directly, but he also didn't dare to say some perfunctory flattery. He could only repeat the systematic and objective evaluation: "Ambitious politician."

Vespa nodded slightly: "Yes, I am indeed ambitious, but I am not despicable. Do you know why I attach so much importance to you, a foreigner, and do you want to participate in any important activities?"

Orville was actually very curious about this. He felt that Vespa was a bit unbelievable in his kindness to him.

In Rome, it was a custom for wealthy families to entrust their sons to someone to serve in the army. Orville was like the entrusted son, who was looked after repeatedly.

Even if he comes from a good family, he may not be able to serve as a captain at the age of twenty, nor may he be able to serve as a staff member of a certain regiment commander. Although he is a captured prisoner, this is a treatment that many children of famous families desire.

He really didn't know, so he tentatively replied: "Is this a test?"

"Yes, this is a test," Vespa smiled with satisfaction, "Tell me again, you have been with Tiya for a while, what kind of person do you think she is?"

"As a general who is brave and good at fighting, and as an individual who is morally high and knowledgeable, he should be a role model for all citizens, but there is only one problem. I think you know the problem better than me."

"That's right. Your summary just now is really thought-provoking. A ruler should have five qualities. It's really great. My eldest daughter has everything except being kind, innocent and cute. As a general, this is understandable. But as an emperor, a person who is too kind may not live long. "

Orville was refreshed, but he didn't expect Vesper's gaze to be so accurate.

Historically, Titus, who had a very good reputation, only reigned for two years. The plague and various diseases failed to defeat him when he was in Jerusalem, but he suddenly died of an unexplained "fever" in the comfortable suburbs of Rome. He was only forty years old at the time. Many people believed that he was assassinated and that the culprit was his younger brother who came to the throne after him. Orville supports this view and it is most likely true. There is a lot of evidence to support it.

After thinking about it, Orville felt that he should not hide it, so he directly chatted with Vespa. I am afraid that this opportunity will never come again in this life: "Your plan, if it succeeds, let's talk about it." Will Ya or her sister Domitia succeed?"

Seeing Orville open his heart and speak his mind, Vesper was not angry but happier.

He said with a touch of self-deprecation: "I have a bad habit of making quick decisions. I have so many calculations and ideas in my mind that it is difficult to make up my mind to do something, so I always prepare two or three things and act according to the opportunity. For Tia, I do plan this way. I have never adopted a child to show my attitude. I intend to let her inherit my family. However, since the founding of Rome, no woman has served as Augustus. This is unprecedented. Those guys in the Senate may not agree.

It would be fine if I had a distinguished bloodline, but I am still a nouveau riche. Until my grandfather started, he was still an ordinary contractor in the city of Rome. He was not from a prominent family of the senatorial class. Haha, it was already embarrassing for them to have me ascend the throne as emperor. If a woman from an upstart merchant family were to be Augustus, where would the Senate's reputation be? "

Orville also understood what Vespa meant, and the people in the Senate would definitely disagree. If he really became the emperor in the future, even if he wanted to forcibly elect Tia as his heir, there would still be trouble after she ascended the throne. Defeat the most powerful enemy on the battlefield, but you can't avoid being hurt by an arrow in the back.

After Orville digested this passage, Vespa continued: "So I am really hesitant about whether to become emperor. Anyway, I don't have a few years to live, and my daughter can't succeed. The future Flavio The Si family must be inherited by my eldest daughter. In order to protect her and her sister, I don’t want to be emperor. But your words reminded me that the Flavius ​​family does not need the emperor’s position, but Rome needs a stable order. The only one who can provide order now is me.”

Orville agreed with the other party's spirit: "Your thoughts are not wrong, but how do you plan to deal with Tia's affairs? After getting along with each other for this period of time, I feel that she at least has ambitions and ideals, and I am afraid she will not give up the emperor casually. important position, give it to other families, because this is the best platform for her to realize her ideals.”

Vespa's eyes flickered: "I found a solution in this Eastern Province. The five elements you mentioned are correct. My daughter has wisdom, persuasion, self-discipline and perseverance, but she only lacks forbearance. So from another perspective , Just find someone to make up for my daughter’s shortcomings, and they will be perfect together.”

Orville had a vague idea in his mind, but he still couldn't believe that such a good thing had happened to him: "You mean..."

"Yes, be my adopted son. You will become Orville Flavius ​​Vespasian. You will assist my daughter and protect her from those conspiracies."

Orville was stunned. Although this was definitely a great thing to achieve in one step, it seemed different from what he thought.

PS. Other updates today will be a little later, and will be updated at 11 o'clock. Then at twelve o'clock I will release five chapters, which will be better if you read them together. It seems that reading on Tuesday can determine life or death, so it is very important.

Please, readers who see this here, if you think what I wrote is okay, please mark it twice, and just mark it to the end on Tuesday. I don’t want to travel in one round, please.

Thank you.

Don't worry about the quality of the update, it should be stable. All the manuscripts are saved and not written now, so there is no rush.

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