Orville was very good at using Trajan as his adjutant, but he also knew that he could not always be his adjutant. He himself might be willing to obey orders and accept the status quo of not being promoted, but doing so would definitely be a sign of humiliation.

Removing those knowledge and concepts from the modern world, Orville clearly realized that his abilities were inferior to those of his opponents. This was a natural reality. After all, Trajan and others were all figures who left their names in history. Their outstanding ability itself is a huge advantage, while the advantage of time travellers like Orville lies more in their foresight and advanced knowledge concepts. The two are not the same.

Trajan in this era may not be able to proclaim himself emperor as in history, because in Orville's vision, Tia or Domitia would not die at all, and he would have no chance of being adopted as an adopted son by Nerva, who succeeded him as emperor. In other words, this is the chain reaction caused by time travel.

In Orville's perception, Trajan's loyalty to the empire and emperor was definitely greater than his desire for power, so Orville would not be wary of him and use him however he wanted.

With Trajan's own ability, he was definitely more than qualified for positions such as legion commander or governor, but his qualifications were too low to convince the public, and he did lack some experience. Orville will give the other party this opportunity now to experience and see the situation. If the results are good, then continue to promote them.

He believed that at least two or three legions were needed to garrison Egypt. These legions all needed legion commanders, and one of his own would definitely be more suitable than an outsider. At this stage, his goal in cultivating Trajan was to make him a legion commander. If If conditions and time do not permit it, it would be good to let him be the deputy commander first.

With the expansion of his family fortune, Orville now feels that his subordinates are somewhat overwhelmed, and it is almost time to expand his team.

He decided to take some time to recruit talented people in the near future, and find some more talented people from places like Rome, Egypt, and Greece. Looking at the abstract situation of this time and space, it is estimated that there are many talented people nearby. Elite team.


A series of events in Alexander spread across Egypt via the Nile River. Since these events did not seem to involve the following people, most people in Egypt just used this event as a topic of conversation. The only ones who had a bigger reaction should be those stationed in Thebes. Sri Lanka's Third Army "Cyrenaica".

Thebes is a traditional large city in Egypt and the original capital of Ptolemaic Egypt (there was no Alexandria at the beginning). Even after the rise of Alexandria, it is still one of the largest cities in Egypt and is quite prosperous. After Alexandria, the second Roman legion was stationed here.

For these soldiers, Orville's arrival was quite important. After all, he was their direct superior. After they learned that Orville was supposed to take over as governor, they quickly sent envoys to inquire about the new boss's attitude. What is the attitude of these people?

Orville's attitude towards these people was not very harsh. He just asked them to put down their garrison tasks and gather together near Alexandria.

If these soldiers can listen to his command and dispatch normally, then there is actually no problem in continuing to use these people. These soldiers themselves are still qualified legionnaires. Maybe their training is a little slack, but the army must change defenses regularly. They have been stationed in Egypt for ten years at most. In the coming year, the overall situation has not reached the level of erosion. If they work hard to make up for it with high-intensity training, they can still become a good fighting force.

On the other hand, if these people don't understand the situation and still want to mess around and make money like in the Antonis era, it will definitely not work. When Orville came, he decided to completely rectify Egypt's political, military, and economic ecology. First of all, Let's start from the barrel of the gun. The most important thing inside the barrel of the gun are these legionnaires. The key issues must not be careless.


In a small port hundreds of kilometers east of Alexandria, Ivar was checking the status of his fleet.

"Check everything carefully, whether the wooden planks need to be replaced, whether the water tank is filled with wine, whether the spare ropes and sail straps are brought, and how the food reserves are. I don't need to teach you these basic things. I hope that in the city of Rome and Your time on land has not made you forget your sailing skills.

What we have to do now is to sail to the unknown world and explore places that our predecessors have never seen before, even if heroes like my grandfather Sigurd (Siegfried the Dragon Slayer) and my father Ragnar have not piloted it. Ships sailed through this sea, and we were the first Norse people to set foot on the eastern sea of ​​the world. Just think of the adventures waiting for us ahead! Get everything ready quickly! ! "

As he walked through the fleet, he shouted to his subordinates to work carefully. The part of his blood that belonged to the Rosebrook family was gradually awakening. For a person like him, there is nothing better than a heroic battle. The adventure excited him even more, and if anything, it was a heroic adventure with great rewards.

At this time, Ivar's brother Ubi came forward with a somewhat embarrassed expression: "Brother, we have never sailed these boats, and we don't know anything about the sea conditions in this area, and we only brought a few boats with us. With hundreds of brothers coming, shouldn’t it be better to be safe?”

Whoopi expressed the sentiments of many people. They are indeed skilled sailors, but they are skilled sailors in the North Sea. They are only familiar with the sea conditions of the North Sea, and they are only good at driving long ships and have never sailed other ships.

They came to Egypt with Orville on a transport ship. Their long ship was not yet in Britain, so they could only temporarily call on the locals' boats. To be honest, they needed some time to get familiar with these small boats with triangular sails.

Now, Ivar is in a hurry to sail, which makes them worried. They are not rookies who have never touched water. They are old hands who have been making a living on the sea for more than ten years or even longer. They have a deep understanding of the dangers. If Ivar's prestige was not high enough to barely suppress it, I am afraid they should have protested against the captain for taking them to their deaths.

Ivar noticed that many people were staring at him, hoping that he could give a satisfactory answer, so he simply explained loudly: "Brothers, time waits for no one, the sooner you act, the better. I am not asking you to sail directly to India, but to take a short voyage to the Arabs' territory in the east. Although we are not familiar with the sea conditions here, there are people who are familiar with it! !"

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