Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 295 Celebrities

A letter came from the emperor in Rome. Vespa was not very satisfied with Orwell's actions. The letter was rarely reprimanding.

In his opinion, he sent Orwell as governor because he was cautious and orderly. He did not expect that after arriving in Egypt, Orwell would go against his usual behavior and start to confront the local Greek immigrants with extremely radical policies. Now that half a month has passed, the resistance activities in various places have no intention of stopping. One after another, Orwell's legions are not at peace.

This runs counter to the overall policy of recuperation of the empire. Vespa is not a cautious person who dares not fight, but he knows that if the country continues to be so aggressive, there will be big problems.

Now military expenditure has reached a staggering level. According to the calculations and research of some modern scholars, the military expenditure of this era may reach one-third of the fiscal revenue or even more. It can only be said that Rome is worthy of being a representative work of classical fruitism. Vespa was born a businessman and was very sensitive to these figures. He knew that this was not a solution, so after solving the urgent Gaul problem, he tried to avoid foreign military action and tried to increase revenue and reduce expenditure as much as possible.

In terms of results, this method was quite useful. After all, more than 20 years later, the country of the "Five Good Emperors" would reach its peak. Vespa played an indispensable role in this regard, pulling a country that was almost on the road to collapse back on track.

Vespa not only understood himself, but also tried his best to make others aware of the problem. Orville was undoubtedly one of the people who deeply understood Vespa's ideas. Now Orville openly violated Vespa's policy direction and started a war in Egypt, which made Vespa a little unhappy.

Unlike Britain, Vespa did not want to make any money there. Orville did not lose too much money in the past and stabilized the province. In his view, it was a complete victory. But after all, Egypt was also the source of wealth and food for the empire. If there was a problem, the economy of the entire empire would be affected. This was a serious matter and could not be fooled by a joke.

Orville wrote to the other party, promising that he would not delay the wheat sowing activities next year, and wrote a long essay to show the necessity of his current behavior. After the messenger took the letter away, he sat on the chair and sighed.

Things are more complicated than he thought. The problems that the Egyptian kings of all generations have not solved are indeed not so easy to deal with. If it were not for the military advantage and Cleopatra's strong cooperation, Orville might have to give up now. Even so, he is very uncomfortable now. He has to deal with a lot of government affairs and analyze a lot of trivial news every day.

Fortunately, it has not been fruitless so far. In the face of powerful military forces, more and more land has been taken back, and more and more garrison troops have been forcibly disbanded.

Landlords who resisted were confiscated, temples that resisted were deprived of all their land and could only live on the contributions of believers, and soldiers who resisted were deprived of all their land and became landless peasants. The iron-fisted suppression of each piece by piece should be quite effective. Orwell estimated that it would not affect agricultural production too much, and it would even be beneficial to production, because after the peasants were liberated, their enthusiasm for production increased significantly.

Although Egypt's grain-producing areas have a Mediterranean climate, due to the influence of floods, wheat can only be harvested once a year in many areas along the Nile River. After the flood period in the second half of the year is over, the Egyptians will start sowing and wait for the harvest next year.

This year's sowing has been completed, and there is still a long time before the harvest and sowing next year, which is enough for Orwell to do a lot of things.

In addition to the reduction of troops and land, Orwell also has a more urgent request-recruiting talents.

He has many capable people under him, but because his shelf is too large and the personnel are scattered all over the empire, the people he has now more or less feel a little stretched.

So, now is the time to expand his team. Orville took the time to issue a notice, hoping to recruit some talented people from Egypt or neighboring provinces.

Before the recruitment officially started, he found a very interesting person in the army.

He found that one of the captains of the reinforcements brought by Tia was a real person in history, and he was a person of this era.

His name is Cnaeus Julius Agricola. He was promoted by Vespa in history and once served as a provincial governor. His greatest achievement was that as the governor of the British province, he conquered the Brigantes in northern Britain to the north and almost included the current Scottish region within the rule of the empire.

The reason why it was almost was that he had won the decisive battle and used step-by-step tactics to lock the Brigantes' range of activities in a very small area. In fact, he was only one step away from conquering the current Scottish region.

At this time, Domitian (Domitia) ordered Agricola to return to the court. Optimistic scholars believe that this was because Domitian had his own considerations for the imperial strategy, while conspiracy theorists believe that this was because Domitian was selfish and jealous and did not want Agricola's achievements in Britain to surpass his own achievements in Dacia (near present-day Romania) and Germanic regions.

Orwell did not comment on this. In short, Agricola was still a capable person. The reason why later generations, including Orwell, knew this relatively unimportant person was more because he had a good son-in-law.

His son-in-law is the famous historian, Tacitus, known as the "Tyrant's Whip", who is famous for his works "Germania", "Chronicles", "General History", etc. He also wrote a personal biography for his father-in-law, called "Agricolla". So Agricola can leave his name in later generations, and Orville also knew him through Tacitus.

Undoubtedly, Agricola himself is also capable, and Orville is interested in him, but he is more interested in Tacitus.

It's not that he has any talent, Orville is more interested in this person simply out of personal thoughts.

This incident reminded Orville that although Tacitus is probably still learning Latin somewhere, Orville should also pay attention to it and bring him over if there is a chance.

Apart from him, Orville did not find any other historical celebrities he knew in his army. Through interviews and auditions combined with military merit selection, he promoted a group of grassroots officers in the army. He could barely fill the gap in military talents with the help of the Romans, but even so, he still needed some other talents to rule.

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