Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 302 Self-recommendation

It is reasonable for Orville to have such a request. This is like an interview for an important position. It must be more or less based on qualifications and ability levels. He will not assign tasks casually. That would be irresponsible to everyone.

Hypatia did not waste words. She took out an astrolabe from her bosom and handed it to Orville.

Orville also formed a navy and had a certain understanding of navigation. He could see that this astrolabe was different from those he had seen before. There were more and more precise and delicate parts.

"My gender and age may make you a little distrustful, but I believe that talent can make up for it. This is my improved astrolabe. The measurement accuracy has been greatly improved. At the same time, it can also measure some things that could not be measured before. You can hand it over to professional naval officers for inspection. They can find the difference."

"No need, I have already seen it myself."

Orville was very satisfied with this thing. The other party might exaggerate but would never dare to lie. Anything that can improve navigation efficiency is a treasure in his eyes. Just relying on this astrolabe is enough for Orville to spend a lot of money to recruit the other party.

At least in this era, astronomy is not as metaphysical as it was in the Middle Ages. It is a subject that is highly connected with mathematics and geography. People who have made achievements in astronomy will definitely not be ignorant of the other two.

"You can ask me a few more questions about mathematics. I have read all the mathematical monographs you know, and even annotated the essence of them. This should be able to prove my level to a certain extent."

This asked about Orville's knowledge blind spot. His mathematical level is not necessarily better than the other party. This is because he has not laid a good foundation since his previous life. Most of the people around him are now a group of rough people. It is okay to do a little math and read and write. It is really difficult for these guards who are fully focused on studying how to kill people after eating and sleeping to discuss academic issues with professional scholars.

Therefore, Orville can only use the old method to solve the problem.

After pretending to fiddle with the astrolabe for a few times, Orville personally handed the astrolabe back to Hypatia. There was physical contact between the two, and the corresponding information was also transmitted to their minds.

[Claudius Hypatia, a scholar well-read in poetry and literature]

Diplomacy: 16

Military: 13

Management: 17

Strategy: 11

Knowledge: 28

Knowledge attribute is quite good for her age, and she should be able to handle most tasks, which makes Orville more or less relieved.

So he pretended to be generous and said: "There is no need for this. You have just proved your talent. I don't need to test your ability in this mediocre way.

We can continue to talk about the next topic. What kind of support do you want from me?"

"I only ask you to provide funds and some people who can count and write. I can't do such a grand thing as mapping the whole country by myself. I am afraid that it will be difficult to do it completely with your help, but I can guarantee that I will have some results and you will not return empty-handed in disappointment."

Orville thought about how many spare people he had, and said to her: "I can give you 30 people, supporting materials and money."

The other party bowed her head and said respectfully: "No problem, these manpower are more than enough. Thank you for your generosity and giving me this opportunity to prove myself."

At this time, letting women, especially those without talent, hold important positions must be controversial, but Orville doesn't care much about this. He wants to see who is so idle and has nothing to do to impeach him with this reason.

If there was a problem, at most Orville would find a reason, such as claiming that the other party was a gifted person of knowledge and culture like Apollo. Anyway, the judgment of this thing is very metaphysical. As long as Hypatia herself does not make mistakes when it comes to matters involving the gods, no one will say anything.


More than half a month later, in the soldier training ground, Trajan was really giving orders to the soldiers.

Under the command of whistles and drums, the dark-skinned Egyptian soldiers below made various movements - advancing, lining up, charging, and stabbing.

Although they still looked a little unfamiliar, they looked like an army after all. Trajan has not been idle for the past month. He has been working hard and struggling with them day and night. Because he is a newcomer, there have been many problems, but the result is still good. He handed in a good answer to Orville.

Cleopatra and Orville, who were observing the situation at the highest point of the stands, were quite satisfied with this. Cleopatra took the lead and said, "Trajan is a soldier with great potential. I can feel his strong desire for honor. What is commendable is that he is indeed very capable. I heard that you have been keeping this person with you for a few years?"

"The child of my late comrade-in-arms, I originally kept him with me to train him. Now it is almost time, so I let him go to work. Trajan is very capable, and being a secretary is really a waste of his talent."

Not only Trajan, he has also sent Agricola to the front line to serve as the cavalry commander of a legion. The soldiers have a good evaluation of him.

So now he is quite busy. Without a capable assistant, he has to do many things himself. He is looking for a new secretary, who is obviously more suitable for assisting him for a long time than leading troops in the front line.

Hearing this, Cleopatra nodded slightly, which was considered to be an approval of Orville's statement.

Orville took the opportunity to continue: "If you are satisfied with him, I plan to let him be responsible for the training and part of the recruitment of your army. What do you think? Although he is young, his ability has been tested many times and he will not make any big mistakes."

Being under the age of 20 to take on such an important task, others will definitely gossip, but Orville can handle Cleopatra, he believes that Trajan will have no problem.

"You know more about military affairs than me, so I can listen to you. Being young is not a big deal. But let's discuss some political issues. How many locals do you plan to recruit into the army?" Cleopatra handed the fruit peeled by the servant to Orville, but Orville did not take it and continued to think about this problem.

Compared with other successor kingdoms, the localization rate of Ptolemaic Egypt's soldiers is very high. As many as one-third of the soldiers are of non-Greek origin. Considering the ratio of locals to Greeks of 1:8 or even 1:10, this military system is very deformed.

Orville didn't intend to continue to treat the Greeks as his masters and didn't want to maintain their dominant position, so naturally there was no need to tilt resources towards them or implement a class blockade policy against the locals.

He tentatively said, "Why not split it half and half? A hasty change is not good."

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