Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 31: Becoming Emperor

In Syria and Palphi, all the troops that could be mobilized were moving towards Caesarea. Vespa's plan was known to everyone. The two most important provinces, Egypt and Syria, chose to side with Vespa, and the governors of many other small provinces also chose to follow suit and sent troops here. This was their statement.

Everyone had to bet, and they chose to support Vespa.

Taking this opportunity, Vespa also fulfilled his promise. First, he asked a governor to give him Roman citizenship, and then immediately held an adoption ceremony according to Roman etiquette.

Nobles must have the permission of the high priest to adopt children, and once the high priest is appointed, it is valid for life. Since Rome does not have full-time clergy, all clergy are selected within the civil service system. It happened that a governor who came here had served as a high priest and issued a permit to Vespa on the spot. From then on, Orville had to call Vespa daddy.

His name was also changed accordingly, called Orville Flavius ​​Vespasianus, a decent Roman surname, but the name is neither fish nor fowl.

He could also choose to keep the surname Tyrion, but he had no attachment to the surname, so he did not choose to keep it. From today on, he is considered a member of the Flavius ​​family.

This decision surprised all those who knew about it, and they began to secretly wonder what Vespasian was planning, but the most surprised person was probably Tia, who had an extra brother inexplicably.

After waiting for almost two weeks, the main army was assembled in Caesarea, and the important officers were basically present. The main force of the army went to Egypt, preparing to rent ships there, land in Italy and take Rome directly.

In fact, if you only want the position of emperor, sitting quietly in Egypt may be the best choice. With the world's granary in hand, Rome will soon be so hungry that it will have to send troops to attack. They have an absolute home advantage, but Vespasian wants more than just the position of emperor. He is now eager to restore order.

If this war drags on, Rome's rule in various provinces will begin to loosen. Now Asia Minor and Gaul have both received unoptimistic news. If they delay for a while, they will really take action, and there are other powerful neighbors outside the border.

If they face any force alone, the local governor has the ability to deal with it, but now most of the military forces of the powerful governors are invested in the war, and the defense on the border is actually very empty.

It seems calm now, but it's just because everyone is watching. Once the civil war drags on, Rome will definitely be surrounded and beaten. This is very dangerous when the central government is unstable. The Roman hegemony that was finally established after more than 600 years is at risk of disintegration at any time.

So Vespa decided to become emperor against his usual behavior and was ready to cross the sea to fight an expedition. Orwell's words were only a small part. He had a clear calculation in his mind. No matter who it is, only by quickly ending the chaotic situation can the rule of Rome continue to exist. Since he is the most suitable, let him do it.

After a heated discussion among several legion commanders, it was finally decided to continue the Palphic War and maintain a strong military presence here.

Excluding the three legions in Egypt and the two elite legions guarding the border in Syria, Vespa can now mobilize seven legions and many scattered battalions, which were sent by small governors from various places.

After considering for a long time, Vespa decided to take away five legions, leaving two complete legions and reorganizing these battalions on the spot, integrating them into several complete legions, and using this as the basic base to continue the war. If there is any movement in Syria, they can also go north to support the border.

The commander-in-chief is Tiya. He deliberately left Tiya here to prevent himself from encountering an accident. This is a very reasonable choice. This side also needs a general with sufficient prestige to take care of it.

The annual task given to them is simple: consolidate the existing achievements and move forward steadily, completely isolate the Holy City, and wait for news from Vespa. Once the situation there is stabilized, immediately launch a general attack on the Holy City, and reinforcements from Vespa will arrive soon.

The two sides complement each other. Vespa, who had just ascended the throne, must have an unstable foundation. If he won this war, he could hold a triumphal ceremony, which would greatly stabilize the people's hearts and increase his prestige. Once the troops that suppressed the rebellion were free, the garrisons in various provinces returned to their garrisons, and those ambitious people who were waiting for an opportunity would consciously stop.

The plan was clear, and the next step was whether the implementation process was smooth.

At the end of January of that year, Vespa led five legions and a large number of auxiliary troops, totaling more than 50,000 people, to march to Egypt. The governors of the eastern provinces all obeyed Vespa as the Roman emperor and provided him with soldiers and money. Rome's two vassal states in the eastern provinces, Egypt and Palae, also recognized the emperor's authority and provided soldiers, food, money, and ships to support his sea crossing expedition.


Tia and Orville were left in Palfi to continue the battle. There was still some time before the spring. Tia was naturally busy reorganizing the newly acquired troops, so she was very busy. Orville was also not idle, and was also recruiting soldiers, but not in the name of the country, but in the name of a private person.

In addition to the military funds allocated by the treasury, Vespa also left a large amount of wealth in the governor's palace in Caesarea before leaving. Part of it was his own spare property, and the other part was the money he made after arriving here.

Selling prisoners of war, distributing spoils of war, accepting bribes, extorting money. Vespa is a very realistic person in this regard. In addition to not deducting the soldiers' salaries, he accepts all other means of making money.

It cannot be said that this is morally corrupt. This was the case in ancient society. Now part of the money has been handed over to Orville, who uses it in the name of family members.

Of course, Vespa's confidants are watching him and told him not to squander the money. He only uses it to recruit people to deal with the war.

He has not made any achievements, and he does not have the military qualities to command the legion to fight. Naturally, it is impossible to promote him to be an officer of the formal legion. Orville is only responsible for recruiting and training auxiliary troops to fill the manpower gap.

For the locals, this is a good job. The 600 people trained by Orville last time were evaluated well. Old Trajan, who commanded the 12th Legion, said that they were "smart", "obeyed orders", and "not so afraid of death". This is a high evaluation for the Luo Xie Army.

Tia was very satisfied after hearing this, so she let him continue to be in charge of this matter. Now is the time when people are needed.

Orville didn't find this a difficult task, so he went directly to Philippi to find King Architas II.

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