Cleopatra looked at Orwell with satisfaction: "I feel relieved when you say that!"

At this time, Orwell suddenly had some doubts in his heart. He was a little worried that Cleopatra would want to find something for him to do, such as sending someone to find Mithridates' handle.

But he still suppressed this thought in his heart and continued to chat with her. Her knowledge attribute was indeed no problem. No matter what Orwell talked about, she could say a few words, and she was quite insightful. As a pastime on the journey, chatting with such a person was very suitable.

Just when the two thought it was time to have dinner, they saw a faint fire from a distance, and then Cleopatra's chief sailor rushed over in a panic to report the situation: "There are pirates ahead! There are a lot of them, they have six or seven ships!!"

Cleopatra said in a somewhat gloomy tone at this time: "Forget about other things, you are a soldier of this country after all, you are so panicked when you see a bunch of robbers, then if you are asked to deal with the navy of other countries in the future, will you go crazy on the spot? Or are you afraid of selling out your country to others?"

Knowing that he had made a mistake, the officer quickly begged for mercy. Cleopatra was not in the mood to get angry with an officer at this time, and turned her attention to the problem that needed to be solved urgently.

She ordered her men: "Open the sails, row the oars quickly, and try to reach a safe area before the enemy catches up with us. There should be a fleet patrolling the route nearby. We will be safe if we meet them. If necessary, let the warriors wear armor, bring swords and bows, and prepare the crossbows. We will fight them."

There should be no problem with the gifted people guarding the ship, but the work should still be done. We can't just rely on these gifted people to survive.

Military galleys are okay, but those transport ships mostly rely on sails and oars for assistance. They are mainly useful when entering the port. Without so many oarsmen, they are naturally at a disadvantage in speed.

Similar to Cleopatra's prediction, the pirates' light and multi-oared ships gradually caught up with the transport fleet. Orville carefully observed the ships of this group of people at this time. From the structure, they should be Greek pirates, because the ship type is typical Greek. Of course, the possibility of the other party robbing the ship to become pirates is not ruled out.

Seeing the distance between the two sides shortening, Cleopatra waved her hand and said, "Let the warships go up!"

The signalman on Cleopatra's ship blew a shrill horn, and the warships that received the order immediately made a maneuver, turned their heads and rushed towards the six or seven pirate ships.

Orville quietly patted the other party's shoulder: "Do you need my people to help? They can handle this matter properly."

Cleopatra flatly refused: "There is no need for this for the time being, let us wait and see how these people perform."

She was quite dissatisfied with the performance of the naval officer just now, and she was just going to take this opportunity to test these naval soldiers.

Orville also understood this and stood on the boat with his arms folded to watch the show.

It seems that the soldiers' rowing speed is not slow, and the initial response is also in good shape, but as the two sides get into a battle, these soldiers seem a little flustered.

These pirates were obviously experienced veterans. The low-hulled pirate ships immediately dispersed in the face of the tall warships, and then they began to throw some kind of grappling rope at the sails of the warships, which destroyed the sails of the warships.

Before the sailors on the warships had time to climb up the sails to untie the grappling ropes, many pirates climbed up along the grappling ropes and began to fight with the sailors on the ship.

In fact, the sailors had not been trained very much in normal times, and their equipment level was definitely not bad, but they really hadn't fought for a while. The objective conditions might be good, but subjectively their fighting will and combat experience were really not very good.

In the case of a slight gap in the number of people, these sailors felt a little bit at a disadvantage. Cleopatra could roughly observe the situation with the telescope given to her by Orwell. At this time, Orwell felt that he might as well not give her this thing, which was a bit good for his physical and mental health.

Seeing more and more pirates climbing up, Orwell silently asked the messenger to signal Sigurd below. Sigurd, who was on standby at the edge of the battlefield, immediately led his men to the battlefield and joined the battle as a friendly force of the Egyptians.

Although they were unfamiliar with the place, they were quite experienced in naval warfare. Three not-too-large Viking longships quickly approached the pirate ship. They placed wooden boards between the pirate ship and their longships, and then walked onto the boards one by one to start the so-called boarding battle.

It was not known whether it was a dietary structure problem, an environmental problem, or a genetic problem, but these northerners were obviously much taller than those in the eastern provinces, and the combat skills of these Vikings were indeed impeccable. On the narrow ship, the Vikings formed teams in twos and threes, advancing and retreating in an orderly manner, and remained calm in the face of danger. From the beginning, they steadily suppressed these pirates with complex components and slightly poor coordination.

After Sigurd personally killed seven or eight ferocious pirates, the fighting will of these pirates was basically eliminated. They dropped their weapons and crawled on the ground according to the rules, and muttered something in their mouths as if they were saying something.

Sigurd and these people did not speak the same language. Fortunately, he could speak a few words in Latin, but he really could not understand these Greek words. However, he still knew the general meaning of the international gestures and movements. After the other party showed the intention to surrender, Sigurd did not kill them all, and asked his men to tie them up and put them under custody.

After the pirates on the pirate ship were controlled, the pirates who resisted stubbornly on the warships did not resist for too long, so this naval battle ended with the help of the Vikings, and the Egyptians performed very badly.


"The results have come out. They are a group of aimless pirates. They should not be instructed by other guys. This is their confession."

An officer presented a scroll to the two people, on which everyone's confession was written completely. After a rough glance, there should be no big problem.

"Very good, you go down." Cleopatra sent the other party away.

Orville said at this time: "It seems that these people welcome you."

"I guess I'm not the only one who is welcomed like this. The situation here seems a bit dangerous. Do you know the situation in Rhodes Island and Cyprus?"

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