Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 311 Night Banquet

The confusion or fusion of Aphrodite and the goddess Isis is indeed true in history. After all, when the Greeks came to Egypt, they would definitely bring their gods with them.

Just like the Romans identified the gods of the Gauls as the Roman gods, this was a kind of order given by the conquerors. The civilians below also knew what was going on at the beginning. The difference between the two can be said to be huge. Different places.

But as time went by, the ruling class's control and distortion of cultural rights showed its effect. Many people really believed this statement, and the figures of Aphrodite and Isis overlapped a little.

What happened later was even more bizarre - the identities of Virgin Mary, Aphrodite and Isis overlapped, forming some kind of abstract belief in the "Trinity".

This is basically a missionary need. Greek faith took the name of Isis in order to expand in Egypt. On the other hand, the name of Isis also spread more widely in Greece. It is difficult to say whether this situation is good or not. bad.

The same goes for the Virgin Mary later on. The earliest Christian missionaries claimed that their beliefs were somewhat related to the native beliefs of Greece and Egypt. This was always a more acceptable localization approach. They had to make some changes in order to preach. a compromise.

Regarding how to unify thoughts under existing conditions, this is one of Orwell's ideas. "Aeneid" can be regarded as forming a logical and self-consistent narrative structure, which has gained some recognition in the Greek and Roman cultural areas. Weir wants to continue this structure and spread this logic everywhere.

Rather than letting the Egyptians rashly accept a new ruler, saying that this ruler is the same descendant of the goddess Isis as the old pharaoh, it is obviously more appropriate and better to accept a little similarity between the two.

But there is obviously a problem with this matter - the God of love and beauty obviously cannot be elevated as the core god of a country, so in general countries the main god Jupiter (Zeus) is still worshiped grandly, and at most the goddess of Rome (Rome) The city god personified) and Juno (the goddess Hera, the god of marriage) and the like.

In fact, Aphrodite did not gain unified and fanatical belief in the Roman Empire. The final result of Orwell's plan was likely to be neither embarrassing nor embarrassing - after several generations of unremitting efforts, the Egyptians finally I finally recognized the emperor's rule, but I still didn't recognize the Roman Empire half a cent. The logic of governance was not the Egyptian province of the Roman Empire, but the Roman emperor who also served as the Pharaoh of Egypt and ruled the Kingdom of Egypt.

It was not Orwell's original intention to rule the country through this weird religious thought, but things had to be done step by step. Let's start with Isis as the starting point and have a logic that sounds reasonable.

As for how to change the people here from Egyptians to Romans, this is a troublesome matter that still needs to be thought about. Little by little, Orville does not expect to be able to do everything in his lifetime.

Listening to Orville's narration, Cleopatra was silent for a while, and finally showed a subtle smile: "How should you put it? It's really imaginative. But it seems that this thing is not impossible, it is this thing It seems a bit dangerous for Egypt.”

She was clearly referring to the Kingdom of Egypt, not the Egyptians or the Egyptian provinces.

"I know this too, so."

Cleopatra stopped him from continuing: "I don't care about this. I said it at the beginning. It doesn't matter if I give this country to you. But I have conditions. I have to tell you how and when to give it. Forget it, you don’t need to speak, this is our agreement, right?”

"That's right"

"So, just do whatever you want to do. If possible, tell me in advance. As long as I don't object to anything, it will not exceed my bottom line."

Cleopatra has always been generous to her friends, and she was even more generous to Orville. This made Orville relieved and also quite touched. She seemed to be a little too good to herself.


The fleet did not expand in size, and it did not encounter any major accidents while sailing at sea. The only thing that could be called an accident was probably that Sigurd's crew was drunk and delayed for a while while replenishing supplies, but It was still within the acceptable limit and did not cause much hindrance.

During this time, news of Orville and Cleopatra's arrival in mainland Greece gradually spread. The slow flow of information in ancient times was relatively speaking. Due to the specialized intelligence network, many dignitaries from all over the country soon had many Everyone knows the news.

After confirming that Orville would stay in Athens for a period of time, they organized a grand welcome party for Orville in Athens. Orville did not show disdain to them and brought the fleet executives to the banquet.

The banquet itself didn't have much worth talking about. Apart from the fact that the Germans made some jokes because they didn't understand the local culture, nothing unexpected happened. It was just a standard social etiquette banquet.

The venue of the banquet was chosen at the mansion of a wealthy businessman, and the time was chosen in the evening. This is also a time period that can show financial strength. At this time, those who hold the banquet in the evening are either rich or expensive, because nightlife is a very luxurious thing, and firewood The price of fuel is high.

The other party chose to hold the banquet at this time because they wanted to show off their strength to Orville and Cleopatra. The result turned out to be pretty good. The entire mansion was brightly lit and it did look quite impressive.

Ordinary soldiers and those Vikings were quite surprised, but it was not the case for the main characters - Cleopatra had seen big scenes, and Orville had not only seen big scenes but also experienced the prosperity of modern society, so he was even more indifferent to this.

Of course, the etiquette work still had to be done, and the banquet was considered to be a happy one for both the host and the guests, and Orville did not go back until very late.

Orville and Cleopatra both had some businesses here, and Orville also opened a hotel, so there was a place to stay, but after several considerations, they still did not stay in their own hotel.

There were no luxury hotels in this era, and staying in a hotel only accounted for a small part of the travel expenses. Correspondingly, the living environment of the hotel was not very good, and it returned more to the core needs of people themselves, that is, rest and sleep.

Cleopatra did not seem to have any objections, but Orville still chose a suburban villa with a good environment for their resting place.

It was very late, and the two went to bed separately, but when Orville got up the next morning, he got the news that someone was waiting for him at the door, and claimed that he would not leave until he saw him.

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