With a little preparation for their affairs, Orville and Cleopatra continued to deal with various matters in Egypt.

Constantine, in accordance with Orville's idea, successfully obtained a position in the reorganized Egyptian army. Cleopatra appointed him as the captain. The backbone of his army was naturally the soldiers he brought with him. In addition, there were about 500 people selected from Greek immigrants. Cleopatra wanted to group the new Greeks from the local area together.

Now there are about 15,000 troops in Egypt, 10,000 of which are deployed on the border with the Nubians in the south. They cannot be transferred casually. There are also 5,000 guardsmen conquered by Cleopatra. The rest of the army has been disbanded. They are ready to re-form a brand new army, free from the constraints of the old nepotism.

This is also one of the direct reasons for Nubia's restlessness. The unstable situation of Egypt itself is secondary. No matter how unstable it is, the 10,000 troops on the border are not for show. The main troops on the border have opinions on Cleopatra's approach, so they are a bit lazy and even secretly instigated the Nubians to go north to plunder, so that Alexandria can know all these things.

The two are now well aware of this situation, but they pretended not to see it for the time being. In fact, they have already prepared to completely replace them. After returning, the first thing Cleopatra did was to order the reorganization of the new army.

The overall formation was based on the Roman method and training was also based on the Roman method. The difference is that a considerable number of pikemen are still retained in the army. After all, the Egyptians and Greeks cannot produce so many high-quality sword and shield infantry, and the effect of inferior sword and shield infantry may not be as good as that of pikemen.

The ratio of sword and shield heavy infantry, pikemen and ranged troops is probably 1:3:2. There are many scattered soldiers and auxiliary soldiers in the ranged troops, so they account for a larger proportion than normal. It is definitely not as luxurious as the Romans' 1:1 legion, but it is enough. The current goal is to make them combat-ready, not to compete with the Romans.

In addition, the ratio of cavalry to infantry is about 6:1 or even 5:1, which is much higher than the Romans' 7:1~10:1 ratio (depending on the types of local auxiliary soldiers and mercenaries, the fluctuations are large).

It can be said that all the money saved from sword and shield infantry has been invested in cavalry and long-range troops. Orville believes that this is the general trend, and the future battlefield will be the home of these two arms. With the advancement of technology, long-range weapons will become more and more lethal and efficient, war horses will become taller, and equipment will become more complete. Really powerful long-range teams and armored cavalry teams will appear on the battlefield soon.

In history, this will happen two or three hundred years later, but who knows if this abstract world will change. Orville may see a group of nomads with a full set of saddles migrating from the Central Asian steppes in a few decades, so it is definitely right to make plans early.

Regarding the number of newly recruited troops, the first phase will be about 12,000 people, that is, two legions, regardless of the main force and auxiliary forces. In addition to 12,000 soldiers, there will be an equal number of logistics personnel.

Because the productivity level of this world is relatively high and the natural environment is relatively rich, the population of Egypt is about 6 million to 5 million (Cyprus, Palphi and other places are under the jurisdiction of the Roman Empire, only Egypt and Libya and other places). According to the standard military-civilian ratio of 1:50, Orwell believes that Egypt can support an army of about 100,000 to 120,000 people under normal circumstances, including logistics support personnel.

Obviously, this country still has spare capacity, but Orwell does not intend to let this country with no defense pressure at all to engage in war. It is enough. At most, after cutting off the 10,000 border guards, the army will be expanded by 10,000 to 20,000 people, and the number of Egyptian troops can be maintained at 30,000 to 40,000.

To be honest, the population of Egypt plus the Greek population in the Pan-Hellenic region may not be lower than the number of Roman citizens. Once Egypt and Greece complete a certain integration, the potential for explosion is quite scary. This place has had economic advantages since ancient times. Once Orwell finds a way to make up for the military shortcomings, it may not be impossible to clash with the Romans.

Now that he is a Roman, he naturally has to think about things in the way of the Romans. It is better to do less of this kind of thing that will bring trouble to the people.

Cleopatra didn't say it, but she must understand this matter. According to Orwell's plan, she first tried to recruit 12,000 people to cooperate with the training. In addition, she is also trying to find a way to arrange the cavalry with money. This money is not a small amount, so she will slowly gather it together first.


A few days later, a team of envoys came to Alexandria by ship, and local officials and Romans warmly received them.

At this time, the palace had not been repaired, but the governor's mansion was also magnificent enough not to be looked down upon by these Nubians from underdeveloped areas.

At the welcoming banquet, Orville did not sit side by side with Cleopatra, as that would be too obvious and could easily lead to bad rumors. He sat in the first seat below Cleopatra, which was usually the seat of regents such as the eunuch Berdinos.

Neither the Egyptians nor the Romans said much about this. The news had spread during this period, and they actually knew that Orville and Cleopatra had a "close personal relationship". Many people had expected that things would develop to this point.

Perhaps some locals are worried that Egypt will no longer be a country, but no one is stupid enough to question and attack in public before the situation is clear. The military power is still in Orwell's hands. Unless they want to die for their country in advance, no one dares to impeach Orwell at this time.

The Nubians obviously have some understanding of the situation. They looked at Orwell meaningfully, and then began to greet the two people in a proper manner.

According to the introduction of the officials, the leader of the other party is also quite important. It is said that he is a relatively important prince of this country. There are nobles and generals accompanying him. Looking at the lineup, it can be known that the other party is quite sincere.

The first sentence of the opening was said in Greek with a slight accent: "Romans, Greeks and Egyptians, our Kingdom of Kush comes with the sincerity of peace. The great King of Kush does not want us to fight again."

Considering that the other party's residence has been out of the radiation circle of Greek culture, it is already very powerful to be able to understand Greek, and everyone present also looks up to him.

Orwell did not speak. This is Cleopatra's home court, and he just watched.

At this time, Cleopatra's tone became a little stern: "Since you have the sincerity of peace, you should not plunder the land of my kingdom! It is obviously you who want to provoke a war, but you dare to speak so shamelessly here!"

At this time, Cleopatra's tone became a little stern: ""

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