Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 322 Causing Trouble

Although Greek mythology is indeed unorthodox, so unorthodox that the god of desire coexists with heaven, earth, and the underworld (that is, Eros), as a relatively recognized belief, they are still quite pious and solemn when worshiping gods.

Part of the record in "Theogony" is as follows. This is a relatively authoritative document that reflects the Greeks' view of faith.

Because of the Muses, because of Apollo the strong archer,

Only on earth are singers and harpists,

Because of Zeus, there is a king on earth.

Daughters of Zeus, give me a lovely song,

Praising the holy race of immortals,

They are the children of the earth and the starry sky,

They are the offspring of the children of Night Nyx and Aral Sea Pontos!

Counting the records in Hesiod's other works, we can also see these words:

so wills the great Zeus

Zeus's plans never fail

The will of Zeus cannot be deceived or escaped

Such is the will of the cloud-gathering god Zeus

The wishes of great Zeus were fulfilled

By the will of great Zeus

Such is the will of Zeus, the god of thunder

If you are willing to look for it, you can find it in more than a dozen places. This is just his surviving work.

Hesiod lived nearly a thousand years ago. At that time, he was emphasizing the image of Zeus, the father of the gods, and his political status. This was an attempt to unify ideas. We can see it on the other side of the Eurasian plate. I see similar story structures in the island countries on the other side. I can only say that polytheism does sometimes have similar ideas.

All in all, the current Zeus or Greek polytheism is actually quite serious in terms of politics, at least it is not full of OOXX. Although the gods have many scandals, in the eyes and hearts of mortals, gods are still gods, and they are full of fear and fear. The being being sacrificed.

Under these prerequisites, Ovid published a highly controversial book, the historically famous "Metamorphoses", which, as expected, caused an uproar.

I have introduced Ovid and his "Metamorphoses" before. All in all, he compiled quite a few abstract stories in modern Greek mythology. The gods actually refer to the Roman aristocrats, who were extremely morally despicable and lived peacefully. Compared with the gods, all mortals are considered sages with high moral standards.

As soon as this book came out, those who were most dissatisfied were definitely the believers of the Greek gods, followed by the Roman aristocrats who realized that Ovid was criticizing him. But in Rome itself, both of them were very powerful. For the elite and even the ruling class, this kind of book probably makes them popular, and they feel uncomfortable no matter how they read it.

The matter was so big that even the emperor had to take time to deal with it. To be fair, Vesper didn't care about these things at all, but the fierce public opinion forced him to pretend to care and said that he wanted to deal with Ovi seriously. Moral things.

I mainly heard Ovid complaining in his letter that there were people in the royal family who had strong opinions against him, that was Domitia, who devoutly believed in Athena and Minerva and also belonged to the aristocracy. She felt very, very much about this matter. I got angry and complained to Tia and Vespa several times.

However, Tia, who is currently serving as the consul, is also a relatively traditional and serious person. She has always had a dislike for romantic talents like Ovid. In addition, she also has her younger sister to support her. This time she is also inclined to sentence Ovid harshly.

The person who made the final decision was Vespa, but the opinions of some people in the Senate could not be ignored. In addition, his two daughters all supported the harsh sentence, and he and Ovid did not know each other at all, so this person had no weight in his heart. Of course Vespa would not go against these people, and in the end he would definitely choose to follow the trend and give a heavy sentence as punishment.

Judging from the situation in the letter, when the verdict was about to come down, Ovid knew that something was wrong and chose to ask Orville for help. After all, Orville was probably the only one who could save him.

Orville read the letter and shook his head repeatedly - not because he was afraid of offending people, but mainly because the things Ovid did were really serious. The blasphemy was indeed a big deal, but the key was that he did it so thoroughly.

To be fair, if Orville had really believed in the goddess Minerva like his family, then he would have seen Ovid write that the old man was jealous of the female textile workers, falsely accused them of blasphemy, turned the entire family of the textile workers into spiders, and did many other things. If it's an abstract matter, then he has to be red and warm. It's fine if he doesn't give the opponent a stabbing match with a small island in the Indian Ocean.

It seems that the correction power of the world line is quite strong. If nothing goes wrong, Ovid should not be sentenced to death, but will still be sentenced to exile. And in this situation, it is impossible to sentence the other party to spend his old age on a Mediterranean island. It was also the Kingdom of Bosporus (Crimea Peninsula), one of the most remote and backward places known to the Romans.

Although places like Britain are backward, there are still several legions stationed there. The Romans are plotting the strategic location and mineral resources there, and will also build colonial cities and road networks there. The Kingdom of Bosporus really doesn't care. It would not be surprising if the barbarians who went south would conquer the area, and the locals would not have any reaction to this. This was a place that was conquered only after hearing the news. The Romans had no idea about it. Any expectation, protection and construction.

According to historical circumstances, Ovid would stay here for the rest of his life. He wrote several letters of request miserably, hoping to be able to return to his hometown, but all failed, and finally died in depression on the edge of civilization. For a romantic scholar, it is the most terrifying way to die.

After all, people like them are not so afraid of death, but they are afraid that their death is not ceremonial enough and not romantic enough. This kind of obscure death is scary to them, so Ovid wrote a long letter to Orwell to plead for mercy, saying nice words to soften his attitude and promising that he would not make mistakes again. He seemed really scared.

Orwell was powerless to do anything about this. He could not offend half of the elders and his family members in the Senate for a poet. He just wrote to the other party and asked him to hold on for a few more years. When the storm was over, he would find an opportunity to pardon him and bring him to a more normal place.

This was also a good thing, so that the other party could calm down and think more. Not everything can be written randomly.

Having said that, Orwell still ordered his secretary to let those people in Rome preserve "Metamorphoses" to avoid any accident that really destroyed this treasure. It was not the book, but the person. The artistic value of the book was still very high. If it was really lost, it would be a loss to human civilization.

After reading the letter and replying to it, before Orville had time to catch his breath, Agricola handed him another letter that looked even more gorgeous. This letter was sent by Domitia.

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