Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 33 It doesn’t matter who is the emperor

After learning the news, Tiya felt that the troops had basically been reorganized and could not waste any more time, so she began to order the troops to advance south.

Perhaps the rebels felt that the Romans would not continue to advance without losing their main force, or perhaps they allocated too much energy to the civil war. Tia did not encounter much resistance along the way.

In the past, her military strategy has always been radical, but now she is leaning towards stability. She did not use her two war-tested legions, but gave the newly reorganized legions a chance to test themselves in small-intensity battles. Gradually adapt to the rhythm and methods of war here.

This has achieved remarkable results, and the new legion has been able to adjust very quickly. They are not newly recruited young people. On the contrary, most of them are veterans who have been on the battlefield for a long time. The governors from various places did not send them here to be embarrassed. These people are relatively elite local soldiers, and their combat qualities are not bad. Maybe because Taiping was a bit lazy for a long time, but after a few weeks of war, he quickly returned to his best condition.

The situation on Orville's side is not bad. The Luo Xie Army he carefully trained has acceptable combat effectiveness and can basically complete the instructions. The fear of war is not very strong. He has only trained a group of them for two or three months. Positioning For someone who is just a cannon fodder, this is great.

What impressed the Romans was their fighting willpower, probably because they had a bloody feud with the Zealots or the Daggers before. The ferocity with which they fought surprised even the professional soldiers. Several legions were attracted by this auxiliary force. The military gave positive reviews.

Orville upheld the spirit of excellence and began to consider letting some of them take on more important tasks. However, because the equipment and training were not yet in place, he could only postpone the plan temporarily.

While the Romans were advancing steadily, the Parphis were shrinking their forces and gathering all available troops into the holy city.

They were still divided in the civil war, but their mutual willingness to fight was weakening. They clearly saw that the Romans were advancing towards the Holy City at a speed of several kilometers or more than ten kilometers per day, slowly but unstoppably.

Everyone in the city understands that maybe they should sit down and talk, otherwise everyone will be in disaster.


Half a month later, in Alexandria, Egypt, in the Egyptian Governor's Palace where Vespa was stationed, a dusty warrior was complaining about Vespa.

"Do you know what happened to us in Rome? Before the 50,000-strong Danube Legion arrived, Emperor Otto was defeated and committed suicide. We became rebels and conspirators for no reason. If that's the case, forget it. This may be an act of political speculation, and we should pay the price for our wrong speculation, but damn Vitellius can never forgive him for insulting our dignity as Romans!"

Vespa looked at the soldier from the Danube Legion with sympathy, but felt greatly relieved.

Although the new emperor Vitellius of the German Legion pardoned several opponents in the upper echelons, he was not at all tolerant of the middle and lower-level soldiers.

He executed a large number of centurions and forced the soldiers of the Danube legions to perform labor and build the arena.

In fact, the Romans were very willing to do this kind of public construction. They regarded devoting themselves to public service construction as an act of honor, and the legions were also obliged to do so. However, Vitellius asked the local citizens to continue to ridicule and abuse them. In the eyes of Roman soldiers, this was an insult to their human dignity.

In addition, Vitellius also disbanded the Emperor's Praetorian Guard, which numbered tens of thousands of people, on the grounds that they had previously supported Emperor Otto and replaced them with his own Germanic legions, which made the Praetorian Guard very dissatisfied.

At this time, the famous succession law of the Praetorian Guards had not yet been implemented. They were still somewhat loyal to the emperor, and Otto did convince them to fight. The treatment of being driven home now was completely against the rules.

The officer continued to complain: "You judge, they did this completely against the wishes of the Roman people and also against the wishes of our Danube Legion."

Vespa spoke kindly: "I understand your thoughts very well. The Danube Army has indeed enjoyed relatively unfair treatment for a long time. If I successfully become the emperor, all this will not continue, especially for the German Army. Said that their behavior this time was too excessive and ignored the order and rules of the empire. "

In Danube's opinion, they were treated unfairly, and the emperor never cared.

Theoretically speaking, the Germanic Army is under the greatest pressure, but after long-term development, the line of defense along the Rhine River has long been built into an iron-clad defense line. In addition, the relationship with the Franks has recently eased. In fact, they have not fought for a long time. It's a serious battle.

Although Syria's Eastern Army also has to face enemies, the Eastern Province is very wealthy, and they can make a lot of money there.

Only their side, located in a barbaric land, had to fight the barbarians every three days. The defense construction in this area was not perfect, and the emperor never paid much attention to it.

In other words, other places are either leisurely and comfortable, or they are busy but have money. Only their Danube Corps is the worst. They are busy and have no money. They have long been dissatisfied with this treatment, so they support Otto. Ascend the throne as emperor.

Vespa's legion also had people drawn from the Danube legion, so he naturally knew the situation there, so he went along with it and made his promise.

The other party was naturally happy and smiled: "To be honest, we were originally planning to support the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Legion, the Syrian Governor Mucinus, to become emperor. With the help of the Eastern Legion, the two frontier legions worked together to defeat the Germanic Legion.

But when we came here, you had already dealt with the matter. We can support anyone to become emperor, as long as it is not someone from the Germanic Legion. So since you control the power of the Eastern Province, we will naturally serve you and respect you as the emperor."

Seemingly inadvertently saying the name of the Syrian Governor, Vespa didn't care at all, and said bluntly: "Mucinus is my good friend and my right-hand man. There is no difference between supporting him and supporting me, hahahaha!!"

After saying that, he laughed first. It seems that he really doesn't mind this matter, and he won't be suspicious of Mucinus.

Seeing that the two are really so harmonious, unlike the false relationship between Otto and Galba, the officer was a little relieved and laughed along.

The loud laughter of the two resounded in the Governor's Mansion.

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