After not contacting each other for a long time, Orville and Jeanne were a little unfamiliar, but this did not prevent Orville from discussing the issue with her. The two sides still had no obstacles in communication. Jeanne's enthusiasm for missionary work was not fanatical, but she was also willing to promote faith while helping others. No one would hate to do this.

She had a language barrier with the locals. Gauls who grew up in the village should not know Egyptian. This should have become a very serious problem, but this time Jeanne once again showed her extraordinary qualities. After all, the Chosen One is the Chosen One, and it cannot be judged by common sense.

In front of several preachers, Jeanne spoke Egyptian and Aramaic, which was not fluent but very clear, and demonstrated her magical "prophetic ability". Some of the preachers were obviously not convinced, but intimidated by Orville's own deterrence, they reluctantly accepted Jeanne's leadership.

Among these people, there are figures who have left their names in later generations, such as St. Luke, Peter's apprentice, a doctor and suspected seaman. He is now quite old, but after learning that Orville was willing to let them preach, he came to Egypt from Antioch without hesitation.

With a high generation, high level of knowledge and great contributions, he is considered a leader among the preachers. Fortunately, he does not seem to have much interest in fighting for power. After Jeanna showed her suspected ability as a chosen one of God, Luke accepted the reality smoothly, instead of questioning Jeanna's gender, identity and ability like other preachers. On the contrary, he helped Jeanna stabilize the general situation.

Orville will not provide much help to these people. He can only guarantee that he will not persecute local believers casually. This guarantee alone is precious, and many preachers are flocking to it. What happens next depends on them. Orville just wants to use monotheism to attract the attention of the temple, and does not intend to change the local belief model in a generation.

It may not be a good thing to let these preachers have too much power in the local area. Orville will pay attention to maintaining a balance and curb the occurrence of religious hatred and other incidents. He does not want this important country to continue to be in chaos. Order is the result.


After showing his face in front of these people, when Orville was about to go back, he felt that the sword on his waist was buzzing and trembling.

Without thinking much, Orville drew out the sword on his waist, which was the "Jeujos" holy sword modified from the Spear of Longinus. It is estimated that the craftsmanship of Egyptian craftsmen is really good. This long sword has been modified beyond recognition. No one recognizes the composition and details of this sword. They just think that this is a good sword with a strange handle. There is no more feeling.

When Orville drew out the long sword, just like Tia's performance when using her ability, the blade position was slightly red, as if it was burned red by high temperature. Orville stretched out a finger and wiped the blade of the long sword. He did not feel any temperature, but the unique cold touch of metal products.

The preachers didn't react. They thought it was understandable that Orville had the ability because he was a gifted person. After all, he was a governor who was highly regarded by the emperor. However, the guards around him looked as if they had seen a ghost. Orville had no special talent and was just an ordinary person. They all knew it.

It had been a long time since he got the sword from Cleopatra. Since the three-month deadline mentioned by the other party had passed, Orville had given up the hope of gaining the ability. Unexpectedly, he gained the ability without any signs. He just didn't know what the specific effect would be.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Orville swung the sword a few times. He didn't feel that his strength had increased or any visible changes had occurred around him. He could only give up for now and study it slowly after returning.


A few days later, in the governor's mansion, Orville was explaining the situation to Cleopatra.

"So, your command ability and incitement have become stronger. Can I understand it this way?"

"That's about it. In simple terms." Orville agreed with the other party's summary.

After that day, Orville, who was excited about the opportunity, naturally tried it for a long time. With Tiya's example to provide experience, it was not very difficult. Orville figured out how to use his ability.

To put it bluntly, it is a buff on the battlefield, which can reduce the fear and cowardice in the hearts of the soldiers, and may even reduce their thinking ability, making them more fearless in battle. Orville also found that his inflammatory power when speaking was obviously stronger than before, which should also be the credit of his ability.

It is also very useful, because Orville will personally command the battle, debate with people or give speeches, and this ability can be used in many occasions, but the intensity does not seem to be very good, and the effect is not obvious.

Tiya's ability also has a little bit of this effect. From the analogy of Orville, it seems to be a little stronger than her, but it is only better than nothing, which can only be said to be unsatisfactory. However, Tiya's ability is mainly melee combat power, while Orville is purely a buff, and his main ability is similar to the other party's gift, which is really not powerful.

But after all, it was a free gift, so it was good to have it, and there was nothing to complain about. Maybe I could get more enhancements, provided I figured out where the ability came from, so that I could have the possibility of improvement and progress.

After thinking about it, Orville thought that it might be because he had made a certain contribution to the spread of the Eternal's faith, and he or the angels in heaven saw that he had done a good job, so he gave him a bonus or something like that.

Anyway, Orville didn't think Jeanne was a mental patient. She said she could communicate with the angel Michael. Maybe angels and the like were real, just like the gods. Who knows, this might be a reward from an angel in secret.

This was his guess at this stage. He would know if it was right after a while. Anyway, Christianity in Egypt would definitely spread more widely in the future. If his ability was really strong, it would probably be like this.

Cleopatra obviously didn't think so much, she was just happy for Orville: "Then congratulations. It's not easy to get the blessing of the gods. This will be very helpful for your future."

Then, she blinked her bright eyes and stared at Orville: "But you called me here at this time, there must be something else, what is it? Tell me?"

Orville smiled a little awkwardly: "Here's the thing, I have a friend, Astolfo, the prince of the Saxons. By the way, do you know what a Saxon is?"

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