Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 346 Controversy

Not long after, in the Frankish court, King Charles, who was gradually showing his age, asked his courtiers to read a letter from Greece.

Everyone was curious about why King Charles suddenly changed his mind and started doing these things today, but as soon as the court minister opened his mouth, this doubt was naturally solved.

"Mithridates, King of Pontus, sends his greetings to Charles, King of the Franks.

The rulers of any country may choose to form an alliance with others in order to maintain peace, but whether the alliance is based on justice will determine the final outcome of the alliance - whether it will be respected or laughed at.

The Romans have been a nation whose sole purpose has been war with other countries since ancient times. They have a strong and inexhaustible desire to turn other people's wealth and territory into their own. Look at their allies: Macedonia, Armenia, Egypt, Mauritania and Parphi, each destroyed and enslaved by Roman greed

I urge you to fully imagine the situation in which we become losers, because now you are more powerful than other kings against the Roman army, and only you can end the war with the Romans.

The Romans have long coveted your wealth, your land, your soldiers and your people! Everything they own—houses, wives, farmland, etc.—is the result of robbing the surrounding residents.

The Romans were refugees in the past, with no country or family, just a gang of wanderers. Their country is built on the sacrifices of the surrounding people. No matter what kind of laws or ethics, they will not allow the behavior of discriminating against other ethnic groups with evil eyes and turning them into slaves.

Their sword will be directed against all nations. However, whichever nation has the most wealth to plunder will be the most courageous in fighting against that nation. They repeatedly used war and deceit to build their empire. If their logic continues, either all nations except their own will be destroyed, or they themselves will be destroyed.

Today it is us, and tomorrow it will be your great nation, I once again sincerely implore you to come to our aid, I urge you to take action, if you choose to let us perish, you are choosing to postpone your destruction. Instead of doing this, let's work together and fight hard. We will definitely win a great victory over those Romans! "

The original text is a very long letter. It introduces in detail the history of the conflict between Pontus or the Greeks and the Romans. It also explains the current international situation and then complains about how the Romans lost their conscience. The fundamental purpose is to persuade This time the Franks sided with the Pontic people and jointly attacked the Romans.

The purpose of King Charles reading this letter now is also very clear, which is to seek the opinions of the court officials and vassals to see if they agree with Mithridates's point of view.

Finally, a court official boldly said: "I think this person is right, but we may lack enough power to complete this matter."

King Charles said calmly: "The same letter will be sent to many people. For example, the kings of Parthia and Armenia will definitely receive this kind of letter. The question now is, we should consider, who will do it?" How to react."

If only the Franks jumped out to support them, they would be a bit dazzling. After several years of recuperation, the Romans have now somewhat recovered from the civil war. At least it really annoyed them. It is not difficult for them to organize a foreign war. A pair of If it is one, it is obvious that the Franks will not be happy.

It took several months for information to be transmitted from Frank to Parthia. By the time the Franks and Parthia negotiated to confirm each other's actions, Mithridates didn't know how many times he had been wiped out. This matter cannot be delayed, and a decision must be made in a short time, either to pretend to be deaf or to mobilize the army now.

Undoubtedly, with King Charles's temperament, he definitely wanted to have another fight with the Romans. It was best to take advantage of the opportunity to gain some benefits, and at the worst, he wanted to let the capital continue to exist.

Everyone knew this, but it was also clear that fighting the Romans now was not a good idea.

It seems that the rebellion in Pontus spread widely, but the Romans hardly mobilized their troops on their border, and also put enough soldiers on the border with the Parthians, including Mucinus and the like. Guarded by generals, there is basically no chance.

Although the military strength in some peripheral areas has weakened, the Dacians still cannot threaten the Romans without two legions, and the Romans can still control Egypt without three legions. This is actually not fundamental to the overall situation. Impact.

It would be unwise to start a war now, but everyone was so impressed by King Charles' majesty and character that they did not dare to raise the issue in public for fear of refuting the opponent's face and causing him displeasure.

Just when everyone was hesitant to tell the truth, a young man who looked quite young stood up and said bluntly to King Charles: "This is not realistic, because it is impossible for the Parthians to help us. Fighting the Romans, they were content with the status quo.”

King Charles followed the sound and saw that it was his own child. The unhappiness in his heart was somewhat reduced. He reluctantly whispered softly: "Tell us the reason and tell us why it doesn't work."

He spoke slowly: "The current King of Parthia and the former Roman Emperor Nero have signed a peace treaty. The two sides have maintained peace for a long time. He has been content with peace and is unwilling to fight with the Romans. The Romans are not very interested in expanding eastward. There are indeed disputes between the two sides, but the disputes are more limited to the silk trade and that little bit of land. These can be coordinated through negotiations. For the Parthians, they don't need to start a war that can't end, so they may not accept Mithridates' advice.

The Parthians have become content with the status quo. They will not think that others are too brave. They are likely to think that we They will also choose to retreat, and you have to consider that the King of Parthia not only does not want to go to war with the Romans, but his generals are still afraid of the Roman Governor of Syria, Mucinus. If they are afraid, they will not fight. What do you think? "

King Charles was not angry when his son refuted him. Instead, he continued to say: "That's natural. Once you lose your courage, you have no chance of winning. Mucinus has fought many tough battles. He will not transfer all the troops. He will leave troops to guard the border. He is not aggressive enough but has more than enough to protect himself. The Parthians can only pull out 30,000 to 50,000 regular soldiers in a hurry, and they may not be able to gain an advantage. "

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