Seeing three military camps rising up around them, the defenders in the city could not sit idly by.

While the Romans outside the city were transforming into civil engineers and carrying out construction, they organized a surprise attack team and took advantage of the morning slackness to launch a surprise attack on the legions stationed on the Mount of Olives on the east side.

Although the Romans had left several battalions on duty, most of them had taken off their armor and were digging trenches. These soldiers were caught off guard. There were too many Parfi people, and many were chopped down. They retreated step by step.

Seeing that their friendly forces were making good progress, more Parfi people rushed out of the city and began to participate in the battle. The Romans were unable to react in time and were disorganized, and were almost completely driven out of the camp.

At this time, Tiya appeared on the battlefield again with cavalry. She had just rushed over from the Lookout Mountain, and the large army was dragged and could not be mobilized for the time being.

Riding on a horse, she looked at the scattered soldiers fleeing around her and cursed loudly: "Cowards! Non-citizens!!"

After that, she raised her sword again and shouted: "Charge! Charge!!"

More than a thousand people rushed from the hillside to the unprepared right wing of the Palphians. Although the enemy had a large number of people, the problem of poor organization and training had never been solved. Facing the sudden attack of these elite troops, they fell into chaos again, and suddenly lost the edge of the attack. They began to panic and didn't know what to do. Some of the Palphians began to retreat and flee.

This retreat formed a chain reaction. The morale of the Palphians became more unstable. In addition, the Romans who were attacked gradually came to their senses and spontaneously formed a battle array to fight the enemy. They began to lose the battle with the advantage in numbers.

The tragic meat-chopping continued until noon. The Palphians who could not hold on began to retreat into the city, and Tia had no intention of chasing them.

The camp on the hillside of the Mount of Olives was basically completely destroyed, so she ordered her men: "Go higher and build a new camp on the top of the mountain."

The survivors of this legion were now demoralized after a big battle, and they began to collect supplies and spoils, and then slowly moved towards the top of the mountain.

But at this time, the rebels entrenched in the city made a comeback, and thousands of people rushed out of the city gate again, heading straight for the scattered Roman legions.

The Romans, who were already demoralized, no longer wanted to fight, and retreated to the top of the mountain in a panic, preparing to hold on and wait for help, and some even ran away directly.

Tiya did not retreat with these people, but was left halfway up the mountain. Vespa's confidant, Old Trajan, advised at this time: "These Parphi people are obviously suicidal. You'd better retreat first. We'll hold on here for a while. You are the commander-in-chief of the army. Don't do what ordinary soldiers should do. It's important to manage the overall situation."

If it were an ordinary commander or a timid commander, he would definitely go down the stairs and leave directly, but Tiya was different. She glared at the legionnaires who were cowering above and said: "I don't need to go. Let these cowards see how real Romans should fight!

A complete legion has to flee and be afraid of unorganized rebels. It's ridiculous! Remember, you are not facing Spartacus or Hannibal, but the Parphi people, a nation that is still fighting against a powerful enemy. It will be a shame for the Romans to flee from such a nation!"

In any case, Tiya has her own moral values ​​and honor and disgrace, and she doesn't just talk about it, she really intends to practice it.

Rejecting her subordinates' advice to retreat, she and her guards dismounted and formed a tight formation, standing still in the face of the Parfi attack.

She waved her weapons calmly, and all the Parfis who wanted to attack their formation were killed. They were not stabbed or hacked to death in the conventional sense, but were directly chopped off their arms or cut into two sections by Tiya's terrifying strength.

The amazing strength and courage shocked the Parfis, but despite this, thousands of people could not be scared away. They scattered, bypassed Tiya's formation, and chased the Parfis who fled to the hillside and the top of the mountain.

Tiya's purpose was not to protect herself. Seeing that the Parfis avoided her, she directly drew her long sword and asked the guards to form an attack formation and began to attack the flank of the army.

The Roman army that was driven to the top of the mountain was inspired by the commander's behavior. Many centurions roared and rebuked the fleeing soldiers, and began to order the soldiers to regroup, set up a formation and continue to fight with the Parfis.

During this period, Roman soldiers still used the iconic large shield and short sword. To fully play their role, they needed close cooperation. If the formation was loose, they would not have much advantage against the Palphic rebels who used long swords and short spears.

During the fight between the two sides, Orville finally managed to get rid of the entangled rebel rangers and led his auxiliary troops to the battle area of ​​the Mount of Olives first.

Seeing the Roman legionnaires shrinking on the top of the mountain, and then looking at Tia and others who were fighting hard halfway up the mountain, Orville was furious and asked his adjutant Valerian to lead the battle and lead the auxiliary troops to attack the flank of the Palphic people. He rode his horse quickly to the top of the mountain and cursed at these soldiers.

"Men of the Tiber, conquerors of the world, is this it? It was your fathers who conquered Greece, Gaul, and Carthage, but not you. You have brought shame to the family! The refugees from Palphi dared to fight even when they took up arms, but you are regular legionnaires who farm on Roman land and receive Roman pay. Now you can even abandon your own commander. Don't let His Majesty the Emperor know about this, or you will become a disgrace to the family."

Perhaps these words inspired the soldiers, or perhaps they thought about how Vespa would deal with them if something happened to Tia, so these soldiers regained some fighting spirit.

They gathered together and launched a fierce attack on the Parphi people at the foot of the mountain. Now the Parphi people were in an unfavorable state of being attacked from three sides.

The auxiliary army on the left wing launched a projectile attack. Many people came up with red eyes to fight the rebels after throwing stones. The two sides were particularly jealous of each other.

The center was hit by Tia's guards. They could cause serious casualties, and the rebels could not do anything about them for a while.

The Roman army in front also regained its fighting spirit and began to advance step by step. The training gap between the two sides was huge. They had lost their fighting spirit before, but now that they had come to their senses, the rebels could not get any advantage at all.

The rebels retreated step by step and were soon beaten back to the valley between the Mount of Olives and the Holy City. They retreated back to the city again. Because of the protection of the city walls and the garrison, Tia did not continue to pursue them, but continued to order his men to build a camp.

Perhaps Tia acted too recklessly, but it must be admitted that without such recklessness, not only would the camp east of the Mount of Olives not be built, but the legion would also be in danger of defeat.

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