Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 48 Gallic Wars Power Up Edition

After making sure Tia understood the Parthians' plan, she soon had a new idea.

"Inspired by Caesar's conquest of Gaul, I thought we needed to build a wall, a wall that was tall enough."

She planned to surround the holy city with walls and completely eliminate the possibility of the defenders rushing out of the city. Caesar used this method when he conquered Gaul, and the results were remarkable.

But it is not without problems. At that time, Caesar was besieging a mountain stronghold and trapping the defenders, but now they need to besiege a large city. The technical difficulty of the two is very different, but despite this, most officers still agree Tia's plan.

They were also annoyed by the attacks of the Parphins day after day, and since they had the precedent of Caesar, everything was easy to talk about. Although not as terminally ill as the Greeks who worshiped Alexander, the Romans generally believed that Caesar could make no mistakes, and the tactics he used were absolutely reasonable.

After confirming the goals for the next stage, these soldiers burst out with unprecedented enthusiasm. Whether they were legionnaires or Luo Xiejun, everyone took action and rushed to participate in the project. Legions competed with each other, and brigade and brigade competed with each other. Ya would ride a horse to check the construction progress several times every day, and Orville took out part of the money left by Vespa and distributed it to the most outstanding soldiers that day.

After encountering setbacks, some armies will lose all their energy, while others will become more courageous as they become more frustrated. These people are undoubtedly the latter. In addition to good training, they have accumulated a strong sense of loyalty to the defenders in the city during the war. Hatred is also a powerful motivation.

The construction of the nearly eight kilometers long wooden city wall reinforced by thirteen fortresses was completed in four days. Even the Romans themselves lamented the speed of construction.

Orville found it hard to believe this speed, but it was still one day slower than in history. It can only be said that Roman civil engineering per capita was superhuman.

It is said to be a city wall, but in fact the Romans did not expect to be able to watch tens of thousands of enemies with wood. They just used wooden walls to block the opponent's movements, and defense mainly relied on these fortresses.

Even if a few people are lucky enough to break through the wooden wall defense line and break out, they still cannot change their isolated and helpless state. Without an organized cavalry unit, they will be quickly wiped out on the open plains.

Regardless of the actual effect of these walls, the morale of the defenders did take a hit, and the morale of the siege party also recovered somewhat. Being on duty in the camp gave them a strong sense of security.

After the wall construction was completed, Orville began his next plan.

He mobilized some of the ballistae and began to throw cloth bags containing a small amount of food into the city. The bags were mixed with some stones as counterweights to ensure that the ballistae could be thrown into the city behind the city wall.

He then began to have people riding around the city walls shouting propaganda.

The Romans already knew that there was a famine in the city, but at the same time they also believed that the civilians in the city were innocent and should not starve to death like this, so they threw food into the city. This was the Romans' relief to the civilians in the city, and they hoped that the civilians would accept it.

Whether the logic of this statement is correct is debatable, but what the civilians saw was food falling from the sky. No matter what they thought in their hearts, no one would refuse the food that came to their mouths.

This led to another problem - many defenders did not have enough to eat. They would have robbed civilians of food. Faced with wheat, a food that was almost extinct in the city, they would definitely covet it and rob it.

Of course, it is difficult for civilians to accept that their life-saving food is taken away, especially when the food is given to them by name. For civilians right now, the most acute conflict has changed from ethnic conflict to military-civilian conflict, and the opposition is very obvious. This is definitely not a good sign.

John Levi or Bar Giola obviously do not support the concept of family unity between the military and civilians, but they also clearly feel that the trend in the city is not right recently, and they cannot let the Romans use such alienation tactics, but after all, they have no good solution.

Generally speaking, even professional armies can't put an end to robbery and extortion, let alone these thieves who join the army. They used to be robbers and tyrannical, and nothing could be corrected with just a few words from the leader.

Objectively speaking, they are also looking for ways to ease military-civilian relations, and even open up some grains in granaries to share with lower-class civilians, but they cannot fundamentally solve the problem.

As the siege continued for one day, the relationship between the army and the people deteriorated. In this regard, John Levi and Bar Giola were not as good as Tia. When there was a famine in the city, they still had the wine stored in the temple and the palace cellar to save them. Enjoy, it is said that some people can drink five or six liters of wine at one time.

At this time, the priest party in the city also felt that something was wrong and decided to contact Orville in advance.


In Tiya's tent, Orville is reading a letter to her.

"No other city has experienced such suffering, no generation has produced such evil, these gangsters have brought an entire race into disgrace. They reveal their true side in their daily life. They are society's The scum, the bastards, the rubbish that should be expelled. These are the people who destroyed our city, and although the Romans were the attackers, they seemed to feel that the temple was being burned too slowly.

They will not shed a tear as they sit and watch the temple burn."

There were various short essays of several hundred words, all of which were indictments, accusing the Zealots and the Daggers of the unscrupulous conscience. After reading them, Orville and Tiya's expressions were quite dull, and they were obviously not emotionally aroused.

The priest party had been waiting for a price before, and they didn't like this kind of people.

"So, they are ready to surrender?"

"Rather than surrendering, it's better to say that they are willing to be an insider and help us capture the Antony Wall. In this way, we can go all the way to the temple. Once we take down the temple, the control of the entire city is basically in our hands."


"We need to create opportunities for them, and they will act according to the situation. I have also made preparations in this regard. My personal suggestion is to act as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary casualties."

"I think so too."

Tiya has a very strong ability to act. She immediately stood up and prepared to walk out of the tent to assemble the army.

"Wait, take this with you." Before leaving, Orville stopped the other party and threw her a roll of gauze, asking her to wrap it around her arm.

"But I don't have any flesh wounds anymore, it's just that the bones haven't healed yet." Tiya was puzzled, and gauze couldn't heal bones.

"Just listen to me and wrap it up. This is called performance." Orville insisted on asking the other party to bring it, and Tiya had no choice but to do it.

After wrapping the gauze, Tia left the tent and immediately began to organize the entire army. Each hundred-man team selected 20 elite soldiers to form a vanguard team to capture the city with her tonight.

She rode a horse, inspected the high-spirited army, and began to give a speech to boost morale.

In addition to verbal encouragement, Tia also promised promotion and bonuses, and promised to give generous pensions to all those who died in the battle, and she would also participate in this action.

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