Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 52 Final Conversation

The inner courtyard walls of the temple were too big for people to stand. Nicanor and his men quietly came to the inner courtyard. All the soldiers crowded at the entrance of the inner courtyard. It was relatively quiet here, and the defenders did not notice them.

Some buildings in the inner courtyard had been set on fire by rockets. The sanctuary itself was built with white stones, so it did not catch fire. Nicanor picked up a piece of burning wood that had fallen from the side, and then killed several soldiers guarding the entrance of the sanctuary. He aimed at the window of the sanctuary and threw the burning wood into the window with force.

The flames ignited the silk curtains, and the window led to a room full of cedar wood in the sanctuary. The fire ignited instantly and then got out of control.

After the defenders who were struggling to hold on at the entrance of the inner courtyard found that the sanctuary was on fire, their morale immediately began to collapse. Some people began to flee to the city, some rushed to the burning temple in despair, and some launched a suicide charge against the Romans in despair.

Maybe they were not devout believers before the war began, but there is no doubt that a high-pressure war requires a spiritual sustenance. The Zealots and the Daggers both intended to use the gods as the spiritual sustenance of their followers. This paranoid belief did support them in fighting the Romans for so long.

When Orville saw the fire rising, he drew his sword immediately and shouted to the surrounding soldiers: "The gods have left! The gods have left!!"

The surrounding soldiers also discovered the situation inside the temple, and their morale was greatly boosted. The defenders in the inner courtyard retreated step by step.

After breaking through the defense line of the defenders, Tia did not go to clear out the remnants, but went straight to the burning sanctuary. She ordered her men to move the property in the sanctuary, not entirely for money.

The first is that these spoils will be exhibited as exhibits during the triumphal ceremony, showing the general's martial arts and achievements to the people of Rome.

The second is that the current King Herod also needs these treasures. He needs to prove that he is trying his best to save the culture and beliefs of this nation. If all the holy objects in the temple disappeared, he would not have to continue as a king.

After defeating the guards of the temple, the blood-thirsty Roman soldiers rushed from the temple to the city, where they started a fierce street fight with the defenders.

There were still many civilians in the city. If they were sober, these soldiers might have shown mercy and let these civilians live, but now they were blood-thirsty, and the defenders were mixed with civilians. No one could care so much. Many soldiers would kill people who were not wearing military uniforms directly, and the situation was very chaotic.

Things were developing in a direction that neither Orville nor Tia wanted to see. Neither of them had a good way to deal with it. Tia wanted to restrain her soldiers, but the city was too big and the situation was too chaotic.

As a commander, she could not ignore the safety of the soldiers and let them fight the Palfi rebels while protecting the civilians here. The two sides could not tell the difference at all, and even her subordinates would not execute orders that were too fantastic.

Orville had already reunited with Tiya at this time. The two of them looked at the extremely chaotic situation in the city below and were silent.


Until the next morning, the forces of the Palfi rebels had been compressed to the west side of the palace and a small area around it.

The other party asked for a conversation, so Tiya and Orville personally rode across the lifeless city and came to the front of the palace to talk to each other.

This was the first time Tiya and Orville saw John Levi again after nearly a year. The leader of the Short Blade Party, Bar. Giora, had died in the chaos, and now he was the one who spoke for the Short Blade Party and the Zealot Party.

He did not talk to Tiya on the city wall, but came to the bottom of the city wall and communicated face to face with Tiya, Orville and other officers.

Tiya spoke first: "So, seeing the suffering of your country, are you satisfied now? Your reckless impulse and madness destroyed your people, your holy city and your temple. Since Pompey, you have never stopped. Your treatment is no different from that of Numidia, Egypt or any place in Asia Minor. If there is a problem, you can appeal to the emperor. Why do you openly confront Rome?

Are you relying on your large number? You are not as numerous as the Gauls. Are you relying on reliable allies? Look at which country dares to openly oppose Rome and help you. Are you relying on your strong body? Even the Germans are our slaves. Are you relying on a strong fortress? What is your barrier compared to the fortress of Carthage - the Mediterranean? Carthage was eventually destroyed. Are you relying on your indestructible willpower and the superb strategy of your generals? You know, Alexander the Great 's successors were defeated by Rome one after another, and the smartest Greeks had to bow down to the Romans.

I have been particularly kind, and every time I won, I tried to make peace with you. You rejected all my proposals. What do you want to talk about now? If you lay down your arms and surrender unconditionally, I can spare the lives of some of you and only punish the real villains. "

John Levi's expression was very calm: "We are not fighting to win, we just want to prove our courage and fight for our complete freedom. I can't accept your surrender request, because all of us have sworn that no matter how desperate the situation is, we will not surrender. We ask you to allow us to take our wives and children through the wooden wall into the desert, and we will leave the city behind. "

Tiya was furious: "You are already prisoners, and you dare to negotiate conditions? ! "

"If you don't accept it, we will fight to the end with dignity."

After that, John Levi turned and left. Several very unhappy Roman officers wanted to take action directly, but were stopped by Tia.

After all, she was a rule-abiding person, believing that the two countries should not kill the envoys when they were at war, but Orville was not like that.

Under his signal command, the crossbows and bows hidden in various places around did not listen to Tia's orders, and started shooting directly. Dozens of arrows shot John Levi into a sieve in an instant.

When everyone was horrified, Orville stepped forward, drew out a dagger, cut off the other's head, and then threw it under the city wall.

"Think about it carefully, what have you done in this sinful city! Don't think that you can go to heaven and enjoy happiness by becoming a martyr. Each of you is unforgivable and will go to hell to be punished! You kill people, you rob and steal, you cheat, you plunder, you do all kinds of evil, you violate God's justice, so you will not get eternal life after death, but only eternal destruction!"

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