During the war, Orville made a lot of money by selling food, collecting protection fees, etc., and basically used all the money to buy ships. The income and expenditure were balanced, and in the end, the money embezzled from Vespa's treasury was basically earned back, the so-called war money.

The main body of the 500-man guard must be the Palphi people, who were selected from the nearly 3,000 auxiliary soldiers he trained during the war.

Not everyone is willing to leave their homes, especially the Palphi people are quite pious. Their beliefs are completely centered around the holy city and the temple. Leaving a small area near the temple is basically the same as abandoning their beliefs for them.

But Orville can guarantee that they have enough food, and is willing to pay them, and promises that there is no difference between working in the guard and working in the auxiliary army. They can obtain Roman citizenship after working for a certain number of years, and Orville will help them arrange their lives.

This kind of job is indeed difficult to find in the devastated Palphi Kingdom, and there are many people who are willing to leave their homes for this, especially the 600 auxiliary soldiers that Orville picked out at the beginning. Half of them chose to follow Orville. Anyway, there are no worries. Compared with the spiritual world, more people are willing to pursue a full stomach.

And those ships are not large paddle boats that require dozens or even one or two hundred people to operate, but a relatively small flat-bottomed merchant ship with a relatively high cargo capacity. The carrying capacity is generally about one hundred tons, which is considered a small cargo ship in the Mediterranean at this time.

Cyprus or other places are not without medium and large merchant ships with a carrying capacity of three or four hundred tons for sale. Orville bought small boats for other purposes.

He found that there were only two types of ships in this era, merchant ships and warships, and there were almost no so-called passenger ships.

If someone wants to go far, they need to discuss with the owner of the cargo ship or warship to see if they can find a cargo ship that is going the same way and take a favorable wind boat.

Not only is it very irregular, but the living conditions are also very poor. Generally, they just put up a tent on the deck and sleep on the floor, regardless of the wind and sun, as long as they can survive.

Those wealthy elders can certainly afford private boats, but there are too few of them, just like how many people can afford private yachts in modern times.

Orville plans to do a transportation business, converting some of the small cargo ships into passenger ships, highlighting a comfortable travel experience and fast transportation.

However, the details of these things will have to wait until they return to Rome. Now they are on the fleet returning to Rome, and they will arrive at the port city of Ostia near Rome in about half a month.

Perhaps due to the high mental tension and fatigue caused by the war, the passengers on the ship were in no mood to talk, and they were all taking the time to rest. It was not until they drove to the vicinity of Rhodes that everyone's spirits were barely recovered.

Orville took this time to test Tia's ability growth. Obviously, even adults will still increase their ability attributes through war and other means.

【Tia Flavia Vespasia, a brave and generous general】

Diplomacy: 13

Military: 25》28

Management: 17》18

Strategy: 7》8

Knowledge: 23》26

As a general, she is definitely stronger than before, but what worries Orville is never her strength.

She doesn't have to worry too much when she leads troops to fight outside. There are definitely not many people who can beat her under the same conditions, not to mention that Rome now has a local advantage in almost any force.

But the situation is different in Rome. Playing tricks and politics is the home of the Senate. Orville knows very well that under the existing framework, let alone Tia or himself, even if those real politicians come, they may not be able to calm these people. They are also shrewd politicians.

Vespa's intention is to let him assist Tia in becoming emperor. Now that they are under the protection of Vespa's wings, the Senate also urgently needs someone who can clean up the mess and act as a fire captain, so it will not oppose Vespa. Based on this, they should be safe until Vespa's death, but after Vespa's death, problems will emerge.

Orville knew that Vespa's rule would last about ten years, which was the first round of preparation time given to him. He didn't ask for ten years to solve the problem, but at least he had to start planning in advance within ten years and not lose the opportunity.

Now everyone is worried about whether Vespa can end the chaos. No one considers the succession of the emperor after Vespa. It is best to make plans in advance at this time. If you lose the opportunity, you will lose most of it.


Just when Orville was thinking about what to do in the future, Tia threw an orange and hit Orville's head accurately, which made Orville turn his head and look back.

"What's wrong?"

"We're in Rhodes Island. You asked me to remind you before."

"I see, thank you."

Orville temporarily suppressed the messy thoughts in his mind and began to observe this island that is quite famous in history.

I rarely had time to travel in my previous life. The scenery here is really beautiful - the sea and sky are one color, the air is fresh, and the human buildings on the island are well combined with the natural scenery. It looks pretty good.

Rhodes is a very important ally of Rome in the Aegean Sea. Although the Romans now rely heavily on shipping and maritime trade, they are also an agricultural civilization at heart. Rhodes is responsible for the security of the surrounding waters and is responsible for providing warships and cargo ships to Rome when war breaks out.

The unique geographical advantage also makes this place prosperous in trade. It is one of the important commodity distribution centers on the east coast of the Mediterranean. A large number of Greek imports and exports have to move here.

"Do you want to buy something?" Tiya asked curiously.

"Yes, I want to buy some raw silk for making things."

Upon hearing this, Tiya frowned: "Although I am a bit nosy, it is better for you to be less tainted with the customs of the Eastern world. Excessive enjoyment will make people lose their virtue. Rome imports oriental products every year It costs about twenty-five million dinars, which is a completely unnecessary expense. “

Tiya doesn't like clothes made of silk. Although they have advantages such as being light and comfortable, the fact that the price is as good as gold is enough for Tiya to resist. The silk fabrics from the great Eastern countries had to pass through many hands when sold to Rome, and the prices were almost sky-high.

Rome will have conflicts with the Parthians now or in the future. Silk can be one of the reasons and has its own place in the peace treaty.

In her opinion, the people of Rome were too pursuing these foreign objects. For such light fabrics, Rome had to go to war with Parthia and other countries. It is completely unnecessary to exchange the blood of citizens for the clothes that people wear.

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