Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 72 One-stop service

"Aurelian will never have children in his lifetime, and because he is too strict in military discipline, some officers will assassinate him for fear of punishment. If my memory is correct, this will happen in the fifth year after he came to power, when he is on an expedition to the Persian Plateau, and Aurelian will die because of it."

He keenly caught the word "in power", which obviously does not refer to the consul or a local governor in this context, but to the only honorable position above these positions.

But a cavalry commander, whose humble origin is lower than his, is still tepid in his forties, which really makes people feel that he can have any relationship with the emperor.

After saying this, Orville also understood that Vespa didn't understand it very well, so he chatted with him for a few more words, and then left and returned to his room.

If his guess is correct, the lives of various historical figures in this time and space will still follow a certain established trajectory, then Orville's words will not be in vain, and Vespa will know the intention of his words at that time, and he will not be in a hurry.


A few days later, Orville went to the hotel on the outskirts of Rome to check the situation there.

After a period of preliminary preparation, it has been put into use, but it seems that there are not many guests here, and it is a little deserted.

In fact, Orville's business is still good. It's not that his service is so high-end and perfect. People who come to him for work mainly want to save time and effort. Not everyone has people to serve like the famous families. They don't have to consider the problem of carriages and horses when they go out, and they don't have to consider the problem of customs documents. For ordinary people who don't understand, it is very troublesome to do these things.

As long as you pay the money here, Orville doesn't have to worry about the rest. Go to the hotel address on time, and then there will be guards and carriages to take them directly from the Appian Way to Brindisi, a large port near Greece. They will take a ship directly to Athens. Everything has been arranged.

If you are willing to pay a little more, Orville is also willing to find reliable guides and guards for tourists, reliable colleges for students, and suitable places for people who want to experience food and culture. As long as you pay, local hotels basically do everything. There is no Internet platform these days, and not everyone has acquaintances in Greece, so this service is quite popular.

The original ordinary Roman middle class, if they want to go to a place in Greece for study, first have to find a carriage to take them to the port, then get the customs clearance documents, and then negotiate with the owner of a cargo ship at the dock. When the cargo ship leaves the port, they will go with it. When they arrive in Greece, where they are unfamiliar with the place, they have to solve all problems by themselves. In comparison, Orville's method can be said to save money and effort.

Orville provides a one-stop service. This concept was still very advanced in the 1st century AD, so there are many customers willing to try it. He has official endorsement and his name is impressive enough. The business is pretty good, and basically it can already make a preliminary profit now.

There was no one in the branch in Rome, mainly because his guests were all residents of Rome, who had their own decent houses there, so there was no need to squeeze into a hotel room to deal with the work.

In this era, there are always problems in doing business across regions, such as being blackmailed or excluded. We haven't encountered such a situation yet, but Orville is ready.

In front of each branch of the hostel hangs a sign with "Veterans' Home" written by Orville himself. On the one hand, it is to cultivate the honor spirit and collective consciousness of these people, and on the other hand, it is also a warning. If someone makes trouble, they will know what this means.

There are about a hundred people in each branch, and almost half or even more are retired soldiers. Although they are a bit old, they are after all serious professional soldiers who have retired and re-employed.

There is an essential difference between professional soldiers and hooligans. The former trains to kill people during the day, and chats with colleagues at night to study how to kill people. Maybe they are still thinking about how to kill people and make meritorious deeds in their dreams. The latter can take one or two days a week to exercise, and then study tactics before fighting. This is already very competent, and there is no comparison between the two.

In a one-on-one situation, he might be able to take advantage of his youth and strength, but in a multi-on-multi situation, he would simply crush the opponent.

If a large-scale and powerful trouble comes, Orville is not afraid. Although a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake, it depends on the situation. Orville was able to make trouble from the local governor to the Roman Senate, raising the issue to the correct topics of "royal dignity" and "respect for retired soldiers". The Greek governor must be a member of the Senate, and the Senate members are also very powerful in Greece. As long as he does not break up with the Senate, he will always win in the end.

That's why Orville is fearless and he is not afraid of anyone provoking trouble.

After learning that Orville came to inspect, the person who came to receive him was the former tribune Nicanor. The two sides are also old acquaintances. They fought together in Palphi. It seems that the war in Palphi over the past few years has exhausted him a little. After the war, he retired and returned to his hometown of Rome.

He didn't come to Orville because he was short of money, but because he was persuaded by Orville and Tia's propaganda and wanted to help, so he volunteered to come.

Orville didn't have many talents to use, and it was unrealistic to keep asking Vespa for people. He also needed his own team, but the conditions he could offer were not good enough, and he could only attract some civilians and frustrated people. In this case, it was not easy to have someone who knew him well and was safe and trustworthy.

So, although Nicanor's management ability is very mediocre, Orville still kept him as the head of the Rome branch. The main financial and operational matters are handled by special people. Major matters are reported directly to Orville for him to decide. Nicanor is responsible for maintaining order and watching the scene, which is not difficult.

"How is the situation?"

Nicanor scratched his head and said bluntly: "I don't know the specific details of the operation. You can discuss it with the financial specialist later, but the business is still good. Many customers choose us specifically to support veterans, and they are very generous with their money.

It's just that there is a little shortage of manpower, especially in terms of cleaning, sweeping, and servants. You know, these jobs can't be left to veterans. It hurts their self-esteem."

Ouville originally wanted to buy some slaves to deal with it, but he couldn't say it when he got to his lips, so he simply changed a plan.

PS. Attached is a reference table. The supporting characters who don't appear often may be used again. Just like this, I think it's easier to remember.

[Nicanor Stilicho, a dull and brave warrior]

[Diplomacy: 13 Military: 15 Internal Affairs: 9 Strategy: 7 Knowledge: 11]

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