Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 79 Raid on the Senate

Rome is a big city with tens of millions of people, and it is inevitable that there will be many wanderers with nothing to do, such as the retired soldiers that Orwell has paid attention to. But during this period of time, they will not hang out in the garden. There are prosperous places to choose from, where they can spend their time better.

Maybe on holidays, evenings and after dinner, some people will come to take a walk or go for an outing. Orwell can't control anyone's lifestyle. This is their own freedom.

But no matter what time it is, a dozen big men wearing cloaks that look very suspicious gathered in a corner of the park. It is an unnatural thing no matter how you look at it.

In front of here is the Senate Chamber, and behind is the Pompey Theater that can accommodate tens of thousands of people. It is undoubtedly a prosperous area. Orwell is suspicious and can't help but think too much. These people look like armed elements who are engaged in KB attacks.

He also knew that the other party was outnumbered and he was weak, so he could not arouse the other party's suspicion and there was no decisive evidence. So he subconsciously slowed down his pace and immediately resumed his normal pace. His face changed to a relaxed expression, as if he was really an ordinary citizen taking a walk.

Fortunately, Orville was a person who did not like to show off or be ostentatious. Unless it was a special occasion, he would not wear a military uniform or a purple cloak to show his identity. He looked like an ordinary citizen with a good family background instead of a conspicuous bag, otherwise it would be a bit troublesome.

Orville walked slowly by the crowd, just like an ordinary citizen who did not want to cause trouble, and at the same time observed the dress of these people with the corner of his eyes. Once compared, he understood most of it.

They all wore long trousers. Although they could not see their appearance clearly, they knew that they were outsiders.

As mentioned in the previous article, because of the mild climate, the Romans living on the Mediterranean coast did not wear long trousers, and secretly despised this custom and regarded it as a cultural habit of barbarians. People who would come to the core area of ​​the city center to hang out would never wear long trousers.

Who would wear trousers? Indeed, many people have this habit, mainly residents from the north, such as Gauls and Germans.

There are of course many northern immigrants in Rome. This is an international city - there are regular immigrants, freed freemen, and traded slaves. The composition and origin of the people are complicated, but no matter what kind of people, they should not appear in suspicious clothes a few hundred meters in front of the gate of the Senate Council Hall. This is really disturbing.

After leaving the crowd, Orville looked back slightly to confirm that he was not followed. He walked around the garden several times before walking to the gate of the Council Hall.

In fact, Nerva may not care about politics at all. Now this Council Hall is discussing the expansion of the war against the Gauls. It is only a few hundred meters away from the theater. He can get the first information here. It is more of a gesture to show that he has no intention of confronting the Flavian royal family. Vespa himself must be fooled by this.

The guards on duty at the door did not know Orville. He had never appeared publicly in the Guards Camp. This was also normal.

Orville felt that time was running out and there was no need to explain nonsense, so he got straight to the point and said, "I want to report that there is a group of suspicious people moving around in the garden. They are all wearing trousers and cloaks and don't look like Romans at all. It's not certain whether they have weapons in their hands. I have reason to suspect that they are dangerous elements."

Hearing this serious news, the guards looked at each other and did not dare to neglect it. They were ready to ask their superiors to transfer people to deal with the matter.

But before the guards could move their legs, two high-speed rotating axes were thrown out from the bushes, accurately hitting the torsos or thighs of several guards closest to the bushes. The terrifying impact force made them fall to the ground and die.

Obviously, the impact force of a normal flying axe could not be that great. The attacker must be a talented person. Orville's reaction was faster than most soldiers. He immediately leaned down and retreated towards the stairs and columns of the parliament hall.

A few seconds later, the second round of flying axes hit several other unlucky guards and took their lives.

Even though the Roman guards had become somewhat slow to react because they were far away from the war, they were still professional soldiers after all. After the second round of flying axes were thrown, they immediately reacted and began to retreat towards the columns of the meeting hall, trying to use these solid columns carved from marble as their own shelter.

Out of fear of the gifted, these soldiers did not form a tight formation to block the gate, but retreated in groups of two or three to the back of the columns to avoid long-range attacks, and the formation became very loose.

The attackers also seized the opportunity at this time. They uttered various different war cries and rushed over with a roar.

Probably in order to conceal their identities and not expose them, they did not wear armor, and only had one-handed swords and axes and other relatively light and easy-to-carry weapons in their hands, but this did not affect their combat effectiveness at all.

Those who participated in this infiltration activity must be all kinds of elite warriors. Their melee ability is very strong. Even if the Roman soldiers wore armor and had shields in their hands, they would not have an advantage. In just three or two minutes, more than a dozen guards in front of the columns were killed, and the other side lost one or two people.

When Orville saw people rushing towards him, he knew the situation was not good and quickly started to run back. It was a bit unrealistic for him to fight against more than a dozen burly men and at least one gifted person alone without any weapons.

The situation was urgent and there was no time to think. Orville quickly fled into the meeting room. The attackers outside were chasing him closely, biting Orville tightly and followed him into the meeting room. Their target seemed to be here, not Orville specifically.

There were also many fully armed guards inside. After all, this was the place where the elders held a meeting, but they were still caught off guard and fell behind in the first round of fighting with the attackers. Orville didn't care too much and continued to flee into the meeting room, running into the hall where the elders held a meeting.

In fact, although this is a very serious and formal occasion, the restrictions on people entering and leaving are not so strict. If the senators want to, they can imitate Caesar. During a Senate meeting, Caesar asked his slaves to go in and out of the meeting hall to help deliver letters. Some people suspected that he was colluding with the enemy and asked him to publish the contents of the letters. It turned out that Caesar was flirting with a relative of a senator and writing letters...

From this incident, it can be seen that even when the Senate is in session, it does not seem to be a serious occasion where only people can enter and not leave.

The guard at the door wanted to stop Orville out of duty, but Vespa was presiding over the meeting in front. He saw his godson rushing over and didn't know what happened. He quickly winked at the guards and asked them to let people in.

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