Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 84: The Close Relationship between the Military and the People

Vespa and the Senate also have their own considerations on the current situation, and this is the best plan in their minds.

After all, the German Legion committed the serious crime of treason, and the people of Rome were quite unhappy with these people. It was impossible not to punish them. But now is a time of trouble, and it is unwise to severely punish a main force, so they can only be punished lightly.

Most of the garrisoned legions in various places recruited soldiers directly from the local area, supplemented by some foreign supplements, and the German Legion was no exception. Many of them were mixed-race Gauls or Franks, and even many of them had local Gaul nobles or Frankish nobles in their families, and the connection between the two sides was very close.

The next step is certain that Rome will go to war with the local Gaul rebels, and if necessary, it will fight a little with the Franks.

Let these people guard the national gate. At this tense moment, the Senate and Vespa were not at ease, so they simply sent these people away and replaced them with others.

First of all, the replacements must be strong, so there are actually two options - they can't let the new recruits guard the most important line of defense, so the ones who come up are either the Danube Legion or the Eastern Legion.

The Eastern Legion is too far away from here, and the huge climate difference between the two places will affect the combat, so the Danube Legion is more suitable. Not to mention that the Danube Legion killed more than 10,000 soldiers of the old Germanic Legion in one go during the civil war, and many local people's families were among them. It can be expected that the relationship between the military and the people will not be very harmonious, which is exactly what Rome wants to see.

Now is not the time to build a close relationship between the military and the people. The important thing is to ensure that the new Germanic Legion stands firm and does not turn against the enemy, and can withstand the pressure and deal with the attack of the Franks and Gauls.

It is not a big problem to let the new recruits stand on the Danube line of defense. There are frequent wars there, but the war pressure is small. Those who harass the border are all outright barbarians. Even if they lose, they just let the barbarians come to plunder. They don't have the ability to occupy a certain place, not to mention that it is actually difficult for the Romans to lose.

In fact, Vespa wanted the Eastern Legion to expand its army at the beginning of the meeting. The East has not fought a major war in recent decades. After decades of military contraction, the Eastern Legion is now strong enough to protect itself but not aggressive enough. Moreover, there have been disturbing news from Greece and Asia Minor recently. Expanding the army is a safe choice. The Eastern Province is not short of money. It doesn't even need to increase taxes to support five more legions. Just check the accounts carefully, increase tariffs a little, and count the household registration.

But this proposal was finally rejected by the Senate. The reason they gave was that the garrison in the Greek province and the Danube Legion were enough to ensure the stability and security of Greece and Asia Minor, so there was no need to increase the army in the Eastern Province.

In fact, this was because they were afraid of Vespa's strength and wanted to balance the power comparison between the two sides. The Eastern Legion was Vespa's diehard. The governors of Egypt and Syria both supported Vespa at the beginning. The governor of Egypt had food and money, and the governor of Syria had elite soldiers. After the Parphaic War, the Herod family and the small governors of several surrounding areas also became followers of Vespa and the Flavian family.

At least in the next one or two generations, the Eastern provinces will continue to support the Flavian family. In this case, it would be a bit bad to continue to increase the military strength of the Eastern Legion. The key to politics is to maintain balance, and breaking the existing balance is the result that the members of the Senate do not want to see.

Knowing that the Senate was determined to oppose, Vespa did not insist. Anyway, the main purpose now was to maintain the stability and unity of the Roman Empire, not to let him compete with the Senate for power. All his political goals have been met now. He will die without regrets if he becomes emperor, and he does not need to take all the power into his own hands. Therefore, he has always been generous in matters that do not involve core issues.

The Senate and the royal family had worked hard to reach an agreement in the meeting hall. To sum up, the content is roughly as follows. Both parties are basically satisfied. After all, their goals are the same at this stage. The differences are only in some details. This is easy to talk about. The leaders of both parties, Nerva and Vespa, are very willing to make concessions.

The three chatted in the courtyard for a while, and then the topic naturally led to the assassins.

Orville first asked Tia, who should be the most concerned about this matter because he was almost hacked to death: "Have the test results of those attackers come out?"

"I went to take a look. They are obviously Gauls. Their weapons and equipment are also Gallic swords and axes. From their body shape, we can roughly infer their eating habits. Like the Romans, they eat more grains than dairy products and meat. It should be certain that they are Gauls who grew up in Gaul, but the suspicion of Franks cannot be completely ruled out."

Vespa smiled and relieved Tia's doubts at this time: "Don't doubt whether it was done by the Franks. They don't do things in this style. And This attack did them no good at all. There were 20 or 30 gifted people in the Senate at that time. They knew very well that they would not be able to gain an advantage in a fight.

And even if they were lucky enough to cause some damage, what would be the use? This would only further increase Rome's vigilance and anger. The current Frankish king is a smart and sharp barbarian. He will understand this. It is better not to attract attention. "

At this time, Orville could not help but look at Vespa, who was also staring at Orville. When he saw Orville looking at him, he simply gave him an expression of "you know", and everything was self-explanatory.

Orville had already guessed the general situation, and now that Vespa had confirmed it, there was no need for him to dig deeper.

According to his guess, it was estimated that Vespa had turned a blind eye to some of the Gauls' actions, acquiesced to their attack on Rome, and even slightly fueled the flames behind the scenes. This strategy did not suit Orville's wishes, but he could not control how Vespa did things. From the results, this attack was undoubtedly beneficial and harmless, awakening the elders' further crisis awareness of Gaul.

It was that he was more or less dissatisfied, this was a certainty, and anyone who was chased and hacked for hundreds of meters would definitely be dissatisfied.

To say that this matter was also his bad luck, he just accompanied Domitia to watch a play and insisted on going out to stroll around, just happened to run into those people who were planning to attack. Of course, Orville would not vent his negative emotions on Vespa and complain to him, he could only say that he was really unlucky. Similar life-and-death moments had always been experienced a lot in the previous wars, and he was not very reluctant to let go, otherwise he would have collapsed mentally.

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