Neither of them was very surprised. This was a matter of time.

When Tiya persuaded the Egyptian governor in Egypt, she knew that the king was in poor health and would not live for many years. Now it was almost time.

Orville knew the content of the king's will. This matter was quite important in history and indirectly led to the demise of Ptolemy Egypt, so he remembered it very clearly.

Orville asked Tiya without raising his head: "Then calculate the time. They will enter Rome the day after tomorrow. Do you want to go with them to welcome them?"

Tiya simply refused, and her attention was all on the geography in front of her: "No, I'm not interested."

For welcoming foreign guests, Vespa gave Tiya a lot of autonomy. She could go or not, but because of her undisguised hostility to the Ptolemaic royal family, she had no interest in joining in the fun.

She thought that there was still a lot of work to be done, so who had the time to care about the trivial matters of the Ptolemaic royal family.

Orville understood and didn't force it: "Okay, but I'll report to you in advance. Domitia and I may go there to join in the fun. I have something to confirm."

In fact, he needs to go there himself, but after all, it is a public place, and it is inevitable that people with ulterior motives will interpret it as "Orville is ambitious and participates in Roman politics", so he has to bring Domitia with him and turn the nature of this event into an event attended by the entire royal family, but Tia is absent because of something, so that those people can shut up and not think too much.

"Domitia?" Tia frowned but soon relaxed, "Okay, although I think she is still a little young, she is about the time to participate in family activities if she wants to be a citizen like me."

This time it was Orville's turn to frown: "You want her to go into politics, is this appropriate?"

"In the end, it depends on her personal choice, but I don't want her to be a vase for political marriage anyway, so we have to prepare for it based on this premise." Tia couldn't answer directly, and she was actually worried.

Only a very small number of women with talent have citizenship. Domitia has not yet shown any talent that can be directly observed, but even if she has no talent, it is not impossible to operate. Find a character like a literary giant to buy some very high-quality poems and dramas, and then let the Senate claim that Domitia is a gifted person chosen by Apollo and the Muses. This is not impossible.

But no matter what, if you want to participate in slightly higher-level political activities in Rome, you must join the army and serve. Only after you come out can you participate in core politics. Even the children of the Senate are not immune to this. So far, the only emperor who has no experience of leading troops in battle is Nero, who is not very popular.

Tia was completely selfless in the war, and the military discipline was relatively strict. It is hard to say that she was not affected by this aspect. After all, the ancient times were a completely patriarchal society. As a woman, if you want to be respected and recognized, you must make enough efforts. Fortunately, the final result is still relatively good.

There is a prerequisite for these things - Tia is really a gifted person. She can push open a heavy door that can only be operated by 20 people, can carry an adult bull on her shoulders, and can use brute force to cut a heavily armored warrior in half. She is really able to adapt to the high-intensity environment of the battlefield.

If Domitia is not gifted, she is very likely to not be able to adapt to the high-pressure life of a professional army. That set of equipment is not something that an ordinary woman can handle. Even if Orville or Tia takes her with them as a staff member for a long time, will the result really be good?

After returning to Rome and entering the political level, other people will not have a positive evaluation of her. They will only think that she is a vase that relies on her father and brother for help. She has always lacked self-esteem and self-confidence. Facing these rumors every day, Orville thinks that there will be big problems.

Seeing Tiya's tangled expression, Orville sighed: "Forget it, let's talk about it later. We still have five or six years to think about this matter, which should be enough time to make a decision."


Orville and Tiya are somewhat worried about Domitia's future, but she herself seems to have not realized it yet, and is still at the age of carefree and innocent.

She was naturally very excited to hear that she could go to "adult occasions", thinking that this was a sign of her recognition. Orville did not refute the other party, but asked the servants to help Domitia prepare clothes and jewelry and other things to prepare for the event later.

Egypt's allies named Rome were actually vassal states of Rome. When envoys from such countries came to meet the emperor, Vespa gave them a welcome ceremony and a full set of etiquette out of respect, but it was limited to this and would not alarm the people of Rome to do anything.

The other party was also very clear in his heart, and behaved respectfully throughout the whole process, for fear of angering the emperor and leaving him with a negative impression.

The chief representative of the delegation was a eunuch named Berdinos. Although he had lost Gil, he was still very powerful and had long held a position similar to that of the Minister of State. He could be said to be the most powerful person in Egypt. Now that that person was dead, Berdinos was actually the supreme ruler of Egypt.

This supreme ruler behaved humbly in Rome. As soon as he met him, he used all kinds of exaggerated words to praise Rome and the Flavian royal family. Vespa smiled and acted very pleased and was not in a hurry, waiting for the other party to talk about serious matters.

After playing for almost two hours, Orville was amazed at the vocabulary accumulation of the other party. He praised him for being able to use his non-native Latin for two hours without repeating it. You can imagine how much homework the other party did while rushing on the boat. How many words and sentences have you memorized?

In the end, there may have been nothing left to say, and Berdinos had just announced the will of the late king of Egypt.

It is exactly the same as what Orville said before - Cleopatra, the largest living royal princess, married her younger brother and became the new king and queen of Egypt. The two ruled and managed the land of Egypt together. In order to express his position, the Egyptian king solemnly handed over the execution of his will and the custody of his children to Vespa through a document. In fact, neither the prince nor the princess came with the envoy this time. Vespa only Can monitor the air.

This was overstepping the mark, and Bodinos did not hide his small thoughts too much. With the protection of the Romans, whether they were princesses or princes, they could successfully inherit the throne when they reached adulthood, and then become the legitimate and legitimate people of Egypt. ruler.

It was obvious that the forty-year-old eunuch did not want to hand over power to the royal family too early. Even though the princess was now fifteen and the prince was only six, he still wanted to delay the handover of the regent's power, so he did not bring the royal family over.

He would be satisfied and at ease only if the royal family was in his own hands. If it was under the guardianship of the Romans, sooner or later he would lose power.

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