Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 98 Profit Sharing Time

The history of human civilization in this time and space is generally longer, and some of the exaggerated parts have come true, such as some of the stories of King Solomon and King David, which are traceable here.

So although the Romans disliked the Parphians and thought they were troublesome and undisciplined, they also admitted that they were the type whose ancestors were rich and had more or less good things in their storage.

And because of the unique locational advantages of the Parphians, the Egyptians, Greeks, and Persians all directly or indirectly ruled them for a period of time. The Parphians had some contact with these three civilizations, so the treasures taken out by the hands of the Herod family were still somewhat convincing and not abrupt, which was equivalent to putting an anti-counterfeiting mark on these treasures.

Recently, the city of Rome has also been promoting the affairs of the Herod family. After all, a small country took out 7,000 auxiliary troops to help Rome fight. In the eyes of the Romans, this is really a manifestation of loyalty and courage, and they must take the opportunity to promote it to stabilize the people's hearts.

The reason given by Archietas II for the auction was that "the country was in financial difficulties and had to take out some royal treasures to subsidize the treasury." The Romans still liked this at this time. After the Senate's certification, they were indeed in financial difficulties and could not afford to buy food.

Due to sympathy and a sense of assistance to allies, the treasures of Orville sold very well. The gimmick of the royal secret collection is good, and coupled with the history of the Palphians being conquered by multiple nations, the wealthy people in Rome can imagine many epic stories.

It is really shameful for the king of a country to sell his property on the auction table and then sell fakes. Now Archietas II still has a high impression in the hearts of the Romans, and not many people think of him too darkly.

Having said that, this is really a case of the monk running away but not the temple. It is too difficult for a king-level figure to run away with the money, so the people of Rome are very confident in buying and bidding, and even more than the people of Rome.

Since suppressing Gaul was also a big deal for the Roman Empire, the fact that Herod's family led troops to support it attracted much attention, and the news that he was going to sell the royal treasures also spread like wildfire. With the same idea as the residents of Rome, some rich people from the Apennine Peninsula also came to Rome to join in the fun, and even some people from Greece came to join in the fun to see if they could really find some good things.

In the end, they were not disappointed. These things were essentially the treasures of the Ptolemaic royal family. Tracing back to the source, these things came from the Greek treasury, the Persian treasury, and the Egyptian treasury. Maybe Ptolemy really followed Alexander to rob from all over the world, and they were all authentic and old.

In the end, the price of these things was sold, and Orville was surprised. A total of 2 million dinars, which was an astronomical sum for an individual.

Fifty percent of them were contributed by members of the Senate, 30% by newly wealthy businessmen, and 20% by Greek wealthy businessmen. These people really made Orville speechless when they spent money, and they didn't even blink an eye when they spent hundreds of thousands of dinars.

Of course, Orville could only say that he got the biggest share of the two million silver dinars, and he couldn't get all of it. It wasn't that exaggerated.

One hundred thousand dinars were for the auction merchants. They were busy setting up the venue and promoting the auction, and they wanted that share. Orville also signed a contract with them to sell the Gaul spoils on consignment, so he took an internal price.

The two sides have always had a pleasant cooperation. Orville wanted to save trouble. The merchants thought that Orville was good at marketing and could sell things at a high price, unlike many generals who were just silent and only wanted to exchange things for money.

Four hundred thousand dinars were for Aquita II. He made great contributions in telling stories and stamping anti-counterfeiting seals. Orville felt that he was worth the price. It was not easy for His Majesty the King to toss with him for so many days.

Another three hundred thousand dinars were paid by Orville to the king for the venue fee and material fee. He wanted to build an arsenal in Palfi, so he naturally needed these things. Architas II was also very satisfied with the cooperation with Orwell and promised to help Orwell find fifty blacksmiths for free, which was considered to have bought the racks for the arsenal.

Four hundred thousand dinars was the money for purchasing the equipment needed by Cleopatra. In addition to swords and guns, there were also arrows and armor. These things were relatively expensive and had to be sent from Rome to Palfi. The freight cost was not cheap. Orwell bought several merchant ships and equipped a combat-capable galley as a frigate escort.

In the end, the money he could use directly was about 800,000 dinars, which was not a small amount. At least he didn't have to worry too much about military expenses. With this money, he could arm the rest of his half of the legion and pay them for a period of time.

After everything was done, Architas II returned to Palfi with a smile on his face. He earned a good reputation, money, and food on this trip. Except for the thousands of citizens and his own sister, he didn't lose anything. Given the current situation, this was rare good news.

With these supports, he could hold on until agricultural production was restored. After a few years of recuperation, the Herod family was still the legitimate ruler of Palphi.

Orville did not have such a good mood of seeing the light and suddenly becoming clear. He still carefully calculated every penny and waited for the order to mobilize the army.

400,000 dinars were used to purchase equipment, 300,000 dinars were used as reserves, and 100,000 dinars were used to expand his business.

He expanded his hotel business to the fifth city, Syracuse, the capital of Sicily. This was also a wealthy city. It was a must-go place for Rome to travel between Sicily and the North African provinces. There was also a lot of passenger flow, so it could be foreseen that at least he would not lose money.

Then the money he had earned with great difficulty could not be used again. He still owed about 200,000 dinars in foreign debt, but the debts were all to acquaintances and there was no interest, so he was not in a hurry to pay it back. Orville planned to wait until the war was over before paying it back.

There was no other way. It was very difficult to support so many people with his family background. Fortunately, Vespa did not let him wait too long. In mid-June, he issued the final order for the army to set out.

He was the commander-in-chief of the eight legions. He wanted to lead the expedition in person. In fact, this expedition was a sure thing. As the newly enthroned emperor, he needed some military merits to stabilize the country. With enough military merits, various domestic oppositions would naturally subside and conflicts could be covered up.

The most important thing for Orville was the list of candidates for legion commanders. Different from his expectations, the eight legions were split again.

Five legions were directly under the command of Vespa, and they were mainly responsible for guarding the Rhine defense line in cooperation with the original garrison.

Three legions were split and commanded by Tia, who was responsible for advancing to Gaul and would receive military assistance from Vespa when necessary.

The commanders of the three Danube legions remained unchanged, and the other two legions operated under Vespa.

Orville was still assigned to Tia, but this time as a legion commander. He was assigned to the reorganized 9th Legion "Spain".

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