CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 117 smooya: I want to be the successor of device!

Entering the first long shot of the second half.

NEO began to arrange his own defensive tactics: "We will use the regular 221, two green passes, two outfield stations, and then I will get information on the low slope in area B alone."

MICHU said: "Then I will go directly to the red staircase."

In the regular 221 formation in the train, especially when Pasha has a big sniper, he will use Pasha's cover to take down the red stairs.

An excellent red staircase defender can cause too much trouble to the attacking side, which Tianlu has proven to them during IEM Shanghai.

Xu Beifang and Byali came to Lvtong for double defense.

When the countdown ended, MICHU threw a fire at the bandit's mouth, and then strode directly towards the red stairs.

But after all, he is a member of Main B, and his gangsterism is slightly flawed, but not that deep.

Smooya originally just came to the gang hall to take a look as usual and prepared to take a sniper position.

When I saw this fire, I immediately had an idea.

He took the sniper directly to the exit on the left side of the gangster hall, and then found an angle to place the electrical box directly over it.


When MICHU's figure walked out of the electrical box, the sniper's bullet passed through the black smoke filled with flames and hit him in the stomach.

[smooya used AWP to kill MICHU]

"The bandits stepped on me directly!" MICHU quickly passed on the information.

"This is trouble." Pasha thought to himself. This time, his position was not very good, so he couldn't even see Smooya after getting into position.

He raised his gun and waited for the other party to come out, but was blinded by a flash bomb thrown by the gangster. He could only count the seconds and fire one shot to change positions.

Don't think too much, this flash bomb is just to cover Smooya's return.

At the beginning, Smooya used a big sniper to get the first kill, which put a lot of pressure on VP.

Because it’s too early now! !

And smooya must know that MICHU plans to control the red staircase. Now that MICHU is dead, the other party also knows that there is no one in the red staircase.

Too much information was exposed at the beginning and they became very passive.

"Nice gave me a flashbang, and I took the initiative to clear out from the green." Byali did not intend to let the opponent slowly advance. The number of people was at a disadvantage, so the play style needed to be bolder.

There are incendiary bombs thrown by them on the left side of the Green Pass Corridor, allowing Byali to get closer smoothly.

"Give it!"

Xu Beifang was ready and fired an instant flash.

Byali heard the sound and pulled out directly.

But he was still a little anxious and did not wait for the flash bomb to explode.

This allowed Yuan Fang, who was at Lvtong, to get the information immediately and engage in a head-on exchange of fire.

[tabseN used AK47 to kill Byali with a headshot]

After getting the kill, the Führer was completely white by the flash bomb.

"It's broken! Byali is too anxious this time!" Play Machine sighed, "He can obviously wait for the flash bomb to explode before going out. There are big problems in handling the details of this wave."

He saw clearly from God's perspective that now that Byali died, what was left to them was a 3 versus 5 endgame.

Moreover, the bandits have a pretty good grasp of their information. If they don't find a way to break the situation, even if they use props to delay time, they will only die slowly.

"What does Nice say? Can you find an opportunity there?" The team is facing a headwind, and NEO is still more willing to focus on the big brother in the team.

Xu Beifang looked at the green pass for a few seconds, but did not give them a definite answer: "The other side didn't dare to come to me. I just lost the dodge. They probably know that I am on the green pass, and they may have already set up. No. It’s too stressful.”

After playing in the Major qualifiers for a few days, Xu Beifang also has a certain understanding of the deterrent power of his ID, although it is not as exaggerated as S1mple.

But if it is not necessary, the other party is still not very willing to trouble him when they know his location.

This is also a very normal thinking. If they want to play other teams tomorrow, they will definitely avoid their big brother and attack.

"We've almost got the information, but the other side doesn't dare to advance to the green channel..." NEO muttered, summarizing the information.

Byali added: "Just now Lutong was a gangster!"

"Bao Gang!!" NEO instantly understood the opponent's possible subsequent offensive strategy. "Nice and Pasha came directly to Area B to gamble! The opponent should be launching a wave of speed boosts in Area B next."

The position of the opponent's mine package is exposed, and knowing the position of Pasha and knowing that he is the main B's defender, it is not difficult to judge that the one who missed the green pass is Nice.

They don't dare to try the green pass. If the thunder pack is destroyed, the entire battle situation will be variable.

Big is more likely to regroup and organize a wave of attacks.

Of course, the opposite side may also advance to area A through the bandit entrance and the red staircase.

But there is no way. In the endgame of 3 versus 5, they have a numerical disadvantage. They have to give up something.

If the bet is not correct, then just keep your gun safe.

VP set up three positions in area B and began to look forward to the arrival of the opponent.

"VP made up 3B in the second time and gave up the outfield directly. How will Big deal with this wave now? Will they let people go to explore the green pass?"

"No, Nice standing alone on the green channel gave them a great deterrent effect. Even if the smoke grenade dissipated, they did not dare to advance. They only left one behind to prevent him from pressing forward."

"But here, Big really didn't dare to hit A, so he turned around and hit B!!"

The two teammates were in position in the middle of the three lanes and the coils at each point. Xu Beifang did not intend to sit still. He climbed the stairs directly to the high slope.

Then move forward step by step quietly...

Soon, the sound of props rang in his ears, and he knew that someone might be hiding in the B2 floor.

Pulling out horizontally, three bandits who were throwing props stood in front of them!

Several bandits took action with their props, and they jumped in the air. From the corner of their eyes, they saw the life-threatening guy from Gao Po pulling out!

At this moment, they were scared out of their wits!

What a surprise! !

Xu Beifang took quick aim and fired wildly at the group of bandits!

Bullets came out of the muzzle of the gun, causing crazy damage in this narrow B2 building. Blood spattered and people kept falling.

The entire B2 floor suddenly turned into a mess!

"My teammates acquiesced at the package point and let Xiao Xu out again. Gao Po touched it with one hand."

"Big is just blasting bombs here, and I've heard the sound! Just pull it!!!" The originally dull voice of the playing machine suddenly became excited due to Xu Beifang's operation.

"His choice was not the most reasonable, but he managed to catch an amazing timing!! A wave of M4 strafing was diverted, killing two and crippling two more!!"

"Smooya is so suspenseful because of this shot. Big feels like he is surviving a disaster."

[Nice used M4A4 to kill tabseN with a headshot]

[Nice used M4A4 to kill nex]

[smooya used AWP to kill Nice]

"Now that the number of players on both sides has reached 3 versus 2, should Big continue to fight B?"

"The two people with residual health on the B2 floor were not in a hurry. They chose to start from the red staircase. The green pass has already touched the bottom line."

"Big is still stable, but NEO has returned to the defense and reached the police station, killing a gangster. Is there any chance in this wave!!"

"smooya!! It was him who stood up again and helped Big save the day. Pasha knew that the remaining positions were all in area A, so he started to change points."

"But this wave is really difficult to fight. Big knows that the remaining one is in area B. He can only come out from the red stairs or the police. The two of them will stand up separately and see the specific operations."

Pasha calmed down and carefully considered the other party's position in his mind.

When he came to the police center, he swayed in half-body position and peeked in the direction of the bottom line.


A big sniper shot!

[pashaBicePs used AWP to kill god b]

"1 vs. 1!!" Xu Beifang's voice reported with some anticipation, "I seem to have shot him twice on Building A2."

"It looks like I just took a shot." NEO also added.

Upon hearing this, Pasha drew his pistol and began to advance.

He probably understood that the other party was at the back of the chartered car or between the fifth and sixth lanes.

Jingbu jumped onto the chartered car and instantly saw a bandit sniping below.



[pashaBicePs killed smooya with usp pistol]


The moment he got the kill, the cheers in the VP battle room exploded.

"This ending is so beautiful!!" Byali shouted in the voice.

In the final game of 3 versus 5, the team finally won by relying on a series of operations such as betting points, forward pressure, defensive interception, and single player 1V2.

"It's up to you to win the end game. How long have we not seen you?" NEO teased.

Pasha rolled his eyes at NEO while unpacking.

I just won an endgame and now I am trying to destroy myself. Believe it or not, I let go!

Of course, he just thought darkly in his heart. After finally winning the game, he would not lose the round because of his saucy operation.

There was a technical timeout again on the game screen.

Xu Beifang asked what was going on at the public screen.

tabseN: smooya punched the table and knocked over the monitor. Now the screen is black. Give it some time.

This answer made the VP group stunned instantly.

NEO typed and replied: It seems that smooya is preparing to become the successor of device. The staff of the competition team will hate him.

nex: lol

The event team staff looked at Smooya speechlessly.

Smooya said innocently: "I didn't move it, I just hammered the table."

The competition team quickly asked professionals to come over and make repairs. They plugged in all the interfaces again and breathed a sigh of relief when they found that only the monitor cable had been ripped off.

Otherwise, it will take too much time to temporarily replace the display or other things, which will have a great impact on the continuity of a game.

But computer problems are also normal in a game.

If there is nothing wrong with the equipment, some players will still feel that something is missing.

Smooya sighed and turned his attention back: "I haven't even won this game yet. I'm speechless."

These words put some pressure on the other Big people, even though they knew that Smooya simply had low emotional intelligence.

But these words still made them a little hurt.

Smooya really played well in this point. He stole the first kill at the beginning, and then completed the follow-up shot when he was caught timing on the B2 floor. He even defeated the opponent who was returning to defense at the turn point.

He killed three of them with his sniper rifle in this long gun round, so the 4750 was well spent.

However, the others did not have the desired effect. If they could kill even one more person, they would have won the long gun game.

They suddenly felt a little stressed.

Putting down the minefield, coupled with the financial compensation for the losing streak, they can continue to play a dozen long-term games.

Fortunately, in the next quick explosion in area A, smooya and tabseN hit a double quad kill, and in the end, they almost scored a point, which made them relieved.

The score came to 12:9.

"It's not a big problem. The opponent has little money. If they win this point, they will directly enter the ECO." Byali said.

Although the attacker won the previous point, they lost four spears. Compared to them, the economy could be said to have suffered heavy losses!

"The red staircase is not easy to control at the beginning. Let's change our thinking and go directly to take control of the green pass." NEO is not a commander who doesn't know how to adapt. "MICHU, you can also go to the green pass. This wave can be fought. Gotta be a little more aggressive.”

After calculating the opponent's economy and knowing that the attacker has little money, apart from being wary of smooya's big sniper, they don't need to be so anxious as a whole.

When the countdown ended, Xu Beifang led two teammates directly to Lvtong.

Pasha jumped directly to the side of the fifth carriage with a big sniper, and then opened the camera to push the gangster's mouth.

He had to help the three green pass teammates to confirm that there was no big sniper in the bandit's mouth. Otherwise, the bandit's steal of the green pass would make the main force very uncomfortable.

MICHU grabbed the flash bomb at the T-intersection, and Xu Beifang and Byali leaned forward.

A flash bomb exploded, and the two got the closer information without seeing each other's presence.

"Do you want to continue looking outside?" MICHU took out the second flash bomb.

There are two areas outside the Green Pass. The first one is close to the trash can, and the other one is very far away. From the bandit's resurrection point all the way to the Green Pass, it is comparable to Sha Er Da Pit to Platform A. distance, or even further.

"Forget it, I'll just push the cigarette, and just take the green pass." Xu Beifang knew that the other party had a sniper rifle, and from Pasha's feedback, there was no one in the gangster hall with a gun, so the danger of finding it outside was It's just too big.

Smooya set up a sniper from a distance in the outfield and looked at the smoke bomb thrown by Lvtong. Then he felt relieved and turned his head to take aim.

According to the tactical instructions of the head of state, they each grabbed the props and now waited for the instructions to rush to area A in one wave.

"Pasha is very aggressive with a big sniper. He takes the initiative to push the gangster hall and wants to get all the information in the gangster hall. Nex is standing in the corner. What do you say about this position?"

"Nex shot first, but Pasha killed him with one shot. The advantage of the sniper rifle is still too great!"

The opponent's sniper rifle was pushed directly to Olaf's position, and the head of state no longer hesitated and directly launched a wave of explosive bombs to increase the speed.

With police smoke, six tail smokes, six mid-section fires, and continuous flash bombs in Area A, they directly launched a fierce offensive!

The moment the bomb exploded in the infield, Xu Beifang, who was holding a cigarette outside the green pass, started to touch the cigarette and move forward.

When he found that no one was left in the outfield, he immediately let go and went on his way.

"There should be a wave of speed from the opposite side! Be careful, I'm going behind you!!" Xu Beifei fed back the information to his teammates.

Pasha held the bandit's mouth in the Six Paths, but a steady stream of flash bombs from the other party hit him, completely whitening his vision.

When he returned to the defensive line of sight, just as he was about to get some information, he found that someone had already rushed into his face.

"Da da da……"

[tabseN used AK47+nex to kill pashaBicePs]

"tabseN used his teammates' flash bombs to rush directly to the package point with a wave of speed. He is very fast this time!"

"At the same time, Byali was destroyed by the red stairs and tabseN who jumped on the chartered car, and MICHU was destroyed by Smooya when he came out of the six smoke bursts! The number of people on both sides instantly came to 2 versus 4!! How does this play?" Area A This wave of firefights is completely incomprehensible.

The speed increase of the bandits is indeed a bit surprising, but CT's on-the-spot response is a bit too rough.

"But at the same time, Nice has also entered the gangster hall. How many can he hit this time?"

"Smooya throws props on the six paths, Xiao Xu is not in a hurry! He is looking for more opportunities!"

Xu Beifang held down the silent step button, then moved to the right and started looking for other bandits.

The red stairs dispersed, and he saw a bandit standing at the corner, and the bandit who was half-kneeling to put down his bag in the chartered car!

Xu Beifang planned the firing sequence in his mind and directly aimed and pulled the trigger.

"Nice, he was not in a hurry. He was looking for other people's positions. He seized a good opportunity. This is an opportunity to regain the advantage!"

"But can Nice really regain his advantage?"

"Nice kills smooya first! One step back, he turned around and shot up the red stairs, and one shuttle passed to God B and he was seconds away!!"

"Peek at the chartered car again. Can he win?"

"A wave of three kills!! Big, who was already a sure winner, was beaten down to only one tiziaN!! The endgame of 2 on 4 turned into 2 on 1!!"

【Nice! ! ! ! 】

[He seized another amazing opportunity! ! 】

[I can only say that Xiao Xu really doesn’t know how to defend, he is always attacking! 】

[This wave of Qianding is so abnormal! ! 】

[Big heart, this is the first time you have to forcefully save the world]

"This wave of detours is simply amazing!!" Wanjii adjusted his emotional state in the live broadcast room and continued to explain:

"NEO was caught on the side, but tiziaN turned around and hit him twice on the head, ah!!"

"This wave actually turned into 1 vs 1. Nice's blood volume is still very healthy. This wave... there is no suspense!!" Wanyimai shouted excitedly in the live broadcast room, "Textbook gun control and timing are also Pretty spot on.”

"Nice used a wave of four kills to defeat Big's smooth wave of explosive bombs. Big will be out of money for the next point!"

Wanmai concluded: "In fact, Big has played well enough in this wave. Although he lost people in the early stage, he won the package point without losing one member of the attack."

"But they never imagined that a desperate guy had already touched the gangster hall. A fatal timing, a timing that they would not have thought of, would directly kill Big!"

The big brothers from both sides kept going back and forth, and the audience in the live broadcast room was very excited.

For VP, this point win is also very exciting.

Winning the round did not allow the opponent to successfully place the package, and the bandit's economy exploded.

They pushed the score to 14:9 smoothly.

The two sides have entered the final confrontation, and the game has entered a fierce stage.

But this is still a big warning picture after all. The offensive team is 5 points behind, and it is really difficult to recover too much.

The two sides continued to see each other, and even though smooya and tabseN played very well, they still did not have much effect on the overall battle situation.

The score at the train stop was fixed at 16:10.

VP took the second picture of this game and dragged the game into the third picture - a life and death game!

Judging from everyone’s feedback, I don’t think anyone agrees with changing the rules for adding monthly tickets, so I’ll continue to keep it. I’ll work hard every day to pay it back slowly.

Also, have you received your CS2 qualifications today? Didn't receive the coffee...

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