CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 125 The cool advice on gun practice

The qualifiers for the Major main draw are over and the players have entered a short break.

However, the CSGO section on Twitter is still very lively. Everyone is discussing the upcoming schedule, predicting the legend group's competition, and seeing which teams can advance.

Most bloggers in the entire forum have expressed their opinions. After all, there is Major betting here, and everyone is very enthusiastic about it.

Whether you want to see your favorite team advance, or you want to let everyone know that you are a CSGO expert and have the diamond coin from the 2018 London Major, everyone is noisy in the forum.

For strong teams such as Team A, NAVI, FAZE and NIP, everyone generally puts them at the top of their promotion options.

For teams like COL and HR, most people don't choose them or put them directly in the 0-3 group.

Netizens are slightly polarized regarding the choice of VP.

Although Xu Beifang performed very well in the qualifying stage, anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is difficult for VP to advance.

After entering the legendary group, the difficulty will only be higher, so they don't believe how far Nice can go with VP alone.

As for the fans in the Chinese domestic community, they thoughtlessly put VP and Tianlu in the promotion sequence.

Of course, there are also some who directly poison the situation and put VP in the 0-3 group.

They all hope that their players can go further.

Fans of VP hope that Nice can take VP forward for a few more rounds, even if it means winning a few more games, so that he can show his style in the legendary group.

However, after successfully entering the legendary group, they naturally hope to continue to sprint downwards.

There are also some people who think that Nice's aggressive play style will not work when it reaches the legendary group. They are waiting for the good show.

Whether it was cheering or ridiculing, it actually had little impact on Xu Beifang.

In his previous life, he was able to turn a blind eye to his boss' PUA every day. He only felt that these negative remarks about him were not strong enough.

Moreover, these negative remarks did not affect his normal life, which is why he can still maintain a good mood.

Xu Beifang was eating breakfast while thinking about today's itinerary.

In the past few days, except for the review of the game every night, the team spent most of the rest of their time free.

After all, even if they wanted to be busy, there was nothing they could do.

After entering the Major, there are no training games to play.

According to common sense, they can find eliminated teams like the Green Dragons and Northern Lions for training appointments.

But once the Major is eliminated, the team immediately loses the right to use the training room.

On the day they are eliminated, the things in the training room need to be cleared out to make room for the members of the previous championship group.

Very cruel and ruthless.

So even if Green Dragon and others are willing to help them train, there is no place unless they go to the Internet cafe to sit for five consecutive times.

Secondly, the Green Dragon group has been eliminated, and the next step is the public-funded tourism segment.

You were really upset about being eliminated from the game, but you still helped you in training matches selflessly?

What sweet dream?

So now the VP group only needs to maintain a certain amount of basic training every day to maintain their own feel, and the rest of the time is free for activities.

NEO and Pasha borrowed two sets of equipment from local fans in the UK and planned to meet up to go fishing.

"Nice, are you going?"

Xu Beifang waved his hand: "On such a beautiful day, I won't go fishing with you. Don't buy fish at the market and come back!"

Pasha was very angry when he heard this, and vowed to hang a full bucket today to show Xu Beifang what strength is!

The two air force guys left with a lot of equipment, and Xu Beifang enjoyed his breakfast alone.

MICHU and Byali were still sleeping under the covers, and Xu Beifang was the only one doing nothing, preparing to transform into an Internet-addicted teenager again.

Prepare to start daily training after breakfast.

Eating a sandwich and scrolling through Twitter.

Xu Beifang saw Elige @and posted a video below:

"Hello everyone, my name is Elige. At Nice's request, today I made a video on gun control and fire training."

"Over the years, I have mastered the skill of strafing. I think it is my strength. Nice can take the initiative to ask me for advice, which makes me very happy. Next, I will show how I control the gun and explain my ideas and practice. Method, Nice You can decide and learn by yourself..."

Brother Chicken is so fast!

Xu Beifang was a little surprised. He just asked Brother Ji for advice the afternoon before yesterday, and Brother Ji made this video!

I can only say that he is worthy of being a perfectionist academic top student, a professional double chef player in StarCraft and CSGO, and the only supporter of original leather jewelry.

Not only Xu Beifang was surprised, Elige’s fans were also quite surprised. There was a lot of discussion in the comment area:

"Elige has posted practice videos again? Let's learn!"

"Received a Nice request? Is the VP Nice? He is just like what he said online, he likes to ask other people's advice so much."

"Correction, it's the advice of a successful person. Nice is discerning. I think Elige's ability to control the gun and switch to fire is the best! Even Leng Shen can't compare to it."

Fans of Chicken Brother expressed that they were very happy and had a good impression of Xu Beifang, because Xu Beifang's request meant that he believed that Elige's ability to control guns and switch to fire was very powerful.

This is exactly what they think!

It is human nature to always look for people who have the same opinion as themselves.

Xu Beifang has gained many fans from outside the Internet due to his outstanding achievements recently.

It's just that he doesn't like to come out to communicate, which makes fans a little unhappy.

There are also some passers-by who think that Nice's previous experiences were exaggerated by fans, and even have some dislike for Nice because of his recent popularity on Twitter.

But this video of Elige proves that Nice is a player who likes to ask other people for advice.

A group of passers-by only felt a different kind of contrast.

In the game, he is so crazy that the most aggressive position you can think of is often the most conservative position of Nice. He never defends steadily from the back point. All the game styles focus on one word: crazy!

But outside the game, he would humbly ask other players for advice on things he didn't do well, and he came across as a humble and sunny boy.

It's like a seemingly slutty scumbag who actually only knows how to talk and is a magician who has never even touched a girl's hand in more than 20 years.

He calls himself a person of pure love every day, but behind his back he wears a minotaur mask.

The strong contrast made them instantly like this boy.

After Elige posted this video, Xu Beifang's attention skyrocketed.

But he didn't pay much attention to these, but carefully looked at the gun practice suggestions given to him by Brother Ji.

Sao0 on the screen expressed his thoughts cautiously: "On the map Recoli master, you can practice basic gun shooting. This map is also cliché.

Next, let me talk about my personal experience. I like to practice gun control in death matches, practice moving targets, take the initiative to shoot and switch fire, and practice deliberately, about an hour a day.

Because deathmatch can simulate many situations in the game, you don’t have to focus on killing, you just need to perform strafing transfers as much as possible. These are some of my practice methods on strafing transfers. I hope you can get help from them, nice. , followed by some snippets of my practice. "

【drop! 】

[I received a suggestion to adapt to the method of strafing and transferring for 1 hour in a death match. This suggestion is a long-term suggestion. After completing it every day, you can get a D-level treasure chest. 】

Xu Beifang's eyes lit up when he received a suggestion task again.

However, compared to suggesting tasks, Brother Chicken's ideas are more important to him.

Deliberate practice has also been Xu Beifang's idea all along. Whether it is practicing positioning or watching the POV of top players, it is done with a strong purpose.

I also learned a lot of skills, which was of great help to Xu Beifang.

In the previous competition, he noticed his lack of gun control.

Because of his strong positioning ability, he has never focused on gun control. After all, many times when he is facing a gun, he relies on pre-aiming or secondary positioning to get the kill. Most bullets will not exceed 7. .

Most of the encounters with the other party are rare, so gun control has been put on hold.

But after the game with Big, he found that he still had to improve his skill with this thing. Otherwise, like in the small town yesterday, if he had good gun control, he might still have a few bullets left in that wave of AK. There is a chance to get the pentakill.

Unknowingly, his positioning has actually reached the level of 90, while gun control is still around 81. The difference in data is a bit big.

Xu Beifang continued to look at Elige's subsequent death battle scenes to gain experience.

It is a kind of enjoyment to watch the death battle scenes of masters.

Elige was in Sha Er's deathmatch room. The moment he saw the person, Elige pulled the crosshair over, then positioned and fired, and pulled it on the second person.

At this time, there was no one in the general field of vision, so he began to move around again to find someone to exchange fire with.

Looking at it, Xu Beifang discovered that there was a difference between Elige's and his own aiming methods.

Thanks to his positioning skills and shooting habits, the first time Xu Beifang saw someone now was not to fire, but to pull the crosshair upwards in a very short period of time, aim at the opponent's head, and then fire.

Elige's aiming method pursues more stability and efficiency, and produces output in the shortest time.

And Xu Beifang's aiming method is to strive for a one-hit kill while being slower!

Ji Ge belongs to the traditional aiming method, which is related to some mechanisms of CSGO in the past. As a result, most people are accustomed to this style of play.

This is why players such as Director, Headshot Brother, and NIKO, who have extremely high headshot rates, are very famous.

Because at this stage, single-point plays such as Headshot and NIKO are extremely risky plays.

Even Xu Beifang's style of aiming first and then shooting is also alien among some professional brothers.

After all, during this period, Team A even had a method of putting the headshot line on the chest to increase the fault tolerance rate. Everyone was looking for stability rather than explosive power.

But Xu Beifang has no intention of changing his playing style, because he understands that as long as he can persist in training, his lower limit can be maintained.

In the future, his aiming and firing method will be the choice of mainstream gun men.

In the future, B1t, King Han, Boros, Zaiwu, and Broccoli will all play this way.

Pursue higher personal gains so that after the gun duel is over, you will be in a better state to continue the attack or face the next endgame.

It can only be said that stability is what people in Team A who need to defend the world need to do.

Xu Beifang, who wants to conquer the world, needs to maximize his personal force value!

The risk of playing style is not important, as long as the returns are high!

In the future, he is even planning to ask NIKO for single point and sand hawk skills.

"So I don't need to learn everything. The aiming method is still my own. I don't pursue rapid positioning for the first kill. I pursue an instant kill with a headshot, and then switch to strafing."

After Xu Beifang figured it out, he typed a reply directly in this comment area:

"Thanks Elige, I'll go practice and give it a try."

There was a lot of enthusiasm in the comment area, and a group of people immediately grabbed him and asked him to start a live broadcast.

Although he doesn’t know how to broadcast live abroad, there are people who can!

Byali helped Xu Beifang fix the live broadcast software with a look of resentment on his face, and then lay back on the bed.

Xu Beifang started his first live broadcast trip on an external network.

"The first day of learning strafing transfer with Elige!"

【coming! 】

【Nice is really coming! Thai pants are hot! ! 】

【Test the level of Nice】

[The live broadcast is also held on holidays, Nice is such a model worker]

When Xu Beifang was watching Elige's video, he had actually warmed up his hands. A Thousand Bots had ended.

I directly found the TG deathmatch server and started practicing.

"The main thing today is to practice the plan that Elige taught me and see if it works." Xu Beifang explained the reason for starting the broadcast today.

Xu Beifang first planned to use his previous method to find out the feeling.

The map randomly showed Sha Er, and he walked out of the middle door with his AK47.

Seeing an enemy in small passage A, he quickly stopped, quickly pulled the crosshair over, and opened fire.


Then the moment he walked out of the middle door, he saw a head from the bandit family far away, and the position was slightly adjusted.


Heng La saw three enemies on the B1 floor.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three quick positionings cleared the entire B1 layer directly.

It took less than 3 seconds to get these 5 kills. Xu Beifang had already completed several emergency stops to position and fire.

The new viewers in the live broadcast room were instantly dumbfounded.

【? ? ? ? 】

【WTF! ! ! 】

[Someone is starting to turn this fight to the death! ! Nice, he can't afford it! ! 】

[Naively, I thought Nice’s level was really bad]

[Is this what the professional brother said is not good enough? ? 】

【VAC! ! ! 】

[This is standing directly in the middle of the road directing traffic. I took a look and it’s not a fight to the death between officials. It’s a TG server! 】

Because there are generally many newbies in official deathmatch training, many players with a certain level can achieve good results by entering it.

But TG server is generally a training ground for high-level players and professionals, and the quality is very exaggerated.

But Xu Beifang was still able to perform such an amazing performance, which was simply eye-popping.

Xu Beifang killed 11 times in one life, but was finally stolen by the enemy in the rear.

At this time, he found some touch and began to try to practice the methods taught to him by Brother Ji.

The moment he sees someone, he still locates the target quickly and kills the first one in seconds. But if the second person appears in his field of vision, he will directly squat down, pull the crosshair over and control the gun to shoot.

The first few times, this style of play didn't give him good feedback.

Because once you decide to sweep and move, your position is actually limited.

Therefore, this style of play is actually more suitable for standing in some aggressive positions.

Xu Beifang suddenly understood why Electronic Brother's gun control was so good. After all, he was standing in a big hole, and when he met people, he was in a group.

The result of poor gun control was crazy and sudden death. Under that kind of high pressure, he also developed his ability to control the gun and turn it into fire.

Xu Beifang began to practice and constantly and consciously readjusted his firing and gun control timing based on his own judgment.

In his opinion, Brother Ji's practice method is very good, but it must be used at specific times.

Even if he uses this style of play probably not very often.

But that’s how the professional game is. There are some skills you can’t use, but you can’t ignore them.

For example, if you set up a gun in a very mysterious position, and the opponent jumps towards you unconsciously, if you only fire short bursts and then adjust, or if you shoot a wave without crushing the opponent to death.

That means the other side gave you a chance, but you failed to use it!

Xu Beifang fought to the death for two hours, and he gradually felt that his gun control ballistics had become smoother, and his shooting felt more sensational than before.

If it was just memorizing ballistics before, now it feels like a man and a gun are integrated.

The previous theories are being integrated into his muscle memory through this extensive practice.

Xu Beifang took a sip of water and planned to practice for another ten minutes before pulling a load and playing FPL.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a barrage from someone in the live broadcast room:

[Nice, go check it out, the stickers are out! ! 】

Xu Beifang:! ! !

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