Friday, October 5, 2018.

The weather in Gusu District is sunny and cloudless.

Suitable for: traveling, trading, traveling, sleeping, getting engaged...

Xu Beifang originally thought that he would be in a leisurely state after returning to China, but his brother told him to prepare a banquet. As a younger brother, he inevitably became busy.

He actually knew about this. When he explained to his family at the Hong Kong Zotac Cup that he wanted to play professionally, Xu Nanfang said that he had found a girlfriend and was ready to have a good talk.

He didn't expect the engagement to come so quickly. He fully expected that they had only known each other for half a year.

But when Xu Beifang thought about it carefully, he felt that it was normal. After all, this was not a campus love. It required three years of long-distance running and five years of backup.

Most of the time, two people see each other and get along for a while, and then decide to start living a good life together.

The sister-in-law is also prepared to live well with them. Because she is from Jiangxi, they are very sensitive to the betrothal gift.

They had discussed this matter before the engagement, and the Xu family was also prepared for a heavy hemorrhage.

But in the end, the sister-in-law Wang Xiaoya only asked for a gift of less than 100,000 yuan, which was even much cheaper than most of the gifts in Suzhou.

The eldest sister-in-law's family views on betrothal gifts are just fine. Anyway, this thing will eventually be given to the young couple.

Faced with this result, Xu Beifang's parents didn't know how happy they were.

As a younger brother, Xu Beifang was very happy even though he was busy following his elder brother.

After all, Jiangxi's bride price is adaptive, which is a permanent injury to ordinary families, and it is a percentage for wealthy families. The main focus is fairness and justice!

"Beifang, I watched your game before. I really didn't expect that our old Xu family could produce such a talent. So many people are shouting for you in the audience. Aren't you afraid?" Xu Nanfang pulled after a busy day. asked his brother.

You must know that when he was in school, he was pulled to the stage by the teacher to endorse, and he could feel the eyes of his classmates staring at him, and his legs could not stop shaking.

How could my brother adapt to the shouts of so many foreigners and even interact with them?

"What's there to be afraid of?" Xu Beifang explained to his eldest brother, "Just treat the group of people below like fish, and there will be nothing wrong with you."

"It's a pity not to win the championship~"

"It's a pity that you're so small." The sister-in-law came over and patted Xu Nanfang's head gently, "It's already amazing, the eighth in the world. Alas, you had to see this on TV before. Your old Xu family has a very good child. Talents."

Xu Nanfang pulled his sister-in-law over and said with a smile: "What about your old Xu family? This is our old Xu family now."

Looking at his eldest brother and sister-in-law who showed affection in front of him without any scruples, Xu Beifang looked like an old subway man looking at his phone:

"Is there still a royal law? Is there still a law? Single people are protesting!"

"Hey, brother-in-law, don't leave. You are considered a young talent now. It's almost time to find a partner. I'll introduce you to a few. Which one do you like?"

Xu Beifang didn't expect to escape seven aunts, eight aunts, and a sister-in-law urging the marriage.

He quickly returned to the room alone and lay on the bed staring at the ceiling in a daze.

The engagement party of his eldest brother and sister-in-law finally allowed him to get some flavor of life, and he no longer only had CSGO content in his head all day long.

As for the sister-in-law's talk about introducing someone to her, as a man with normal sexual orientation, she doesn't resist this, especially now that she has achieved some success and can be regarded as someone else's child.

But for him, the focus now is still on his career.

Especially after witnessing Team A winning the trophy in London and being crowned king amidst the cheers of tens of thousands of people, his thoughts became even stronger.

Thinking divergently, Xu Beifang also remembered that many suggested tasks were completed during the Major period, but he forgot about it because he later returned to Poland to buy himself out and come to help his eldest brother with his engagement.

Now that he was finally free, he returned his attention to the system.

【drop! 】

[Congratulations to the host for completing the suggestion: achieve a good result in the London Major, the difficulty is unknown, and the completion level is being evaluated...]

[Completion evaluation completed: A level, rewards are being distributed...]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 1145.14 listening points...]

[A-level treasure chests (Major special edition) are being distributed...]

[Congratulations to the host for completing the 3-star suggestion, performing a big job/killing the opponent's professional brother in the exhibition match. After completion, you can get D-level treasure chest x2...]

‘A-level treasure chest (Major special edition)’

Xu Beifang looked at the brackets on the treasure box and raised his eyebrows, quite surprised.

After all, this was the first time he saw a special mark on the back of the treasure box, and he was still looking forward to the contents of the treasure box.

Later, I got two D-level treasure chests in an exhibition match. Although the level is not high, at least the little adds up to a big gain. You have to do it step by step.

And with the end of this Major, the upper limit of Xu Beifang's various attributes has become very high. The upper limit of the strongest positioning ability has reached 93, but there is still room for improvement, which requires his continuous training efforts in daily life. .

After all, the system can only increase his lower limit. To increase his upper limit, he has to rely on various special trainings in daily life and a sudden 'epiphany' after accumulating to a certain level.

[Do you want to open the A-level treasure chest (Major special edition)? 】


[A-level treasure chest (Major special edition) is opening...]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ‘dungeon – a new teacher every month’. Do you want to enter the new dungeon? 】

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring the advanced sniper skills. Player insights are being drawn for you. You have obtained device's point sniper skill insights. 】

A generous gift crab! !

Xu Beifang was really surprised by the suggested reward of this Major.

Although it seems to be an A-level treasure chest, with the words "Major special offer", the rewards are better than ordinary S-level treasure chests, and at least it can be regarded as an S+ level treasure chest.

It is indeed a Major. The top eight have already received such exaggerated rewards. What about the semi-finals, runner-up or even the champion after that?

How rich the rewards will be!

Xu Beifang is now eager to return to London, bring Team A back and beat them up!

But he was just in a restless mood. He knew that he didn't have the ability now, and he didn't even have a team. It was worse than Danking, so it was impossible to go up to 1V5.

Moreover, Team A’s current combat effectiveness is something that not everyone can match.

After his thoughts dispersed, Xu Beifang turned back to take a closer look at the rewards from the treasure box.

First is another copy space.

Since becoming a professional brother, Xu Beifang has received a total of 'Death Fight Space' and 'Mixed Smoke Space'. These two spaces can still bring him great help, and if nothing else, he can still use them for a long, long time. .

Therefore, Xu Beifang is still looking forward to the rewards of copy space.

A new teacher every month, is it a coach teaching me theoretical knowledge? Xu Beifang tried to understand the content from the name of the copy.

【Do you want to enter the copy - a new teacher every month? 】

Xu Beifang thought.


The next second, the picture in front of him shattered, and Xu Beifang returned to the narrow space again. He sat skillfully in front of the computer, but did not see any players or coaches beside him.

The unboxing screen suddenly appeared in front of the computer. Xu Beifang was a little speechless, but he had to say that this was very CSGO.

Shaking the box to open it, the heads of the contestants in the box kept passing by, and finally stopped on a pious face.

For a moment, he seemed to hear God reciting the Bible.

[This month’s teacher ‘Jame’ has completed the simulation - in the following game, the host is asked to seize the sniper in Jame’s hand by any means within the specified time, and the task can be completed.

If you seize the big sniper more than 5 times in 10 rounds, you can arrange the next teacher in advance. 】

what? ?

Seize Jame's big sniper from his hands?

What the hell is this epic copy!

But thinking about it carefully, Xu Beifang was looking forward to playing against this extremely stable player.

After confirmation, the copy duel officially begins.

The map was Desert City, and a route appeared on the ground telling him that James was saving his gun on the A2 floor, and there were 40 seconds left above his head.

In other words, he had to try his best to kill Jame in these 40 seconds without letting his big sniper survive.

Xu Beifang previewed little by little, beware of Jame setting up the A package point directly on the A2 floor, and then came to the headshot position of the box on the A2 floor, being wary of the dead center on the right side of his first hand.

After confirming that no one was there, he slowly walked in with a preview.

Arriving near the wall, the half-body position slowly cleared the vertical area in Building A2.

But as a peek saw JAME at the end of A2, the gunshots of snipers and AK47s sounded almost simultaneously.

But Xu Beifang was still shot down by a sniper rifle.

At this time, three options appeared on the screen, restart, God's perspective replay, and Jame's personal perspective.

Xu Beifang chose to start over. This time he was simply wrong and there were no details to see.

His timing is already very good, but the error tolerance rate is still very low when using a rifle against a large sniper.

After restarting, Xu Beifang chose to sway this time, trying to deceive Jame's first point with the sniper rifle.

But after shaking for a long time, the health bar was gone the moment he pulled it out.

This time he chose to look at Jame's personal perspective, wanting to see how Jame dealt with this situation.

Far away on the A2 floor, James stood straight at the entrance of the A2 floor.

Xu Beifang's body-shaking aim was spot-on, with only one arm missing, less than half of his body.

If he was playing with a sniper rifle, he might have jumped up.

But Jame really wanted stability, and he directly pulled the crosshair to the left.

Xu Beifang peeked out and hit Jame's crosshair directly. He didn't even need to adjust too much, just press and fire.

"It is indeed Jame time!" Xu Beifang exclaimed. Another feature of this player who will be famous for protecting his gun in the future is his great stability.

He also found the function brought by this dungeon, which was also a space for marksmanship and crossfire.

This dungeon space allows you to better understand the playing styles of these star players.

If he can counterattack according to the characteristics of these different players, then he will definitely be able to defeat them when he encounters them in competitions!

However, his current demand for this copy is more to let him polish his shortcomings.

In head-to-head games with masters, the shortcomings in marksmanship skills will slowly become apparent.

Xu Beifang has the opportunity to adjust. This dungeon space is equivalent to recruiting different professional brothers to play head-on 1V1 bullfighting with him every day.

It is definitely an exercise that can increase your upper limit.

Xu Beifang's evaluation of this dungeon space is 4.9 points. Another point is for teacher Jame's complaints - the eighteen martial arts skills to protect the gun. Jame is so skilled. Now he uses the supplementary gun to find his big sniper, 10 In this time, he only killed Jame three times, and the rest were all knocked out by the big sniper.

Then he exited the copy space because there was another reward.

Xu Beifang's rifle skills are now at the first-line level, and he can even fight with the directors and electronics guys when his condition breaks out.

In comparison, his sniper rifle level is much worse. Although he has used a sniper rifle on the Major stage, he relies more on his positioning ability. His position selection and timing are not good. This is actually very difficult. To a large extent, I just can't understand sniper rifles.

However, Xu Beifang also worked very hard on the DEMOs of some players and learned a lot from their POVs.

Tom Cruise is a sniper he likes very much. Because of Team A's style, he only needs to make the best judgment based on the timing.

As a rifleman, Xu Beifang can do a good job at this point, after all, he has enough experience.

But if you are holding a sniper rifle, the decision you make may not be appropriate.

So today I got device's sniper rifle skill insights, which solved his urgent need.

[Would you like to learn more about device’s sniper skills? 】


As soon as he thought this, the picture shattered, and Xu Beifang entered the device's perspective.

This was a sand two game. When he started with a sniper rifle and his device was in a good position, he held a big sniper in the middle gate on the right side of the sand and pressed forward.

From device's thoughts, Xu Beifang could learn that the reason for this position selection was that the opponent could only see half of his body, making it more difficult to hit him.

The big sniper kept shaking when he was standing straight. He didn't come to support the big sniper until he saw his teammates entering the B2 floor.

After his teammates grabbed the big A at the beginning, device went straight down the pit under the cover of the big A cigarette.

He didn't jump down the pit here, because as a sniper, he knew very well that if he jumped and there was a big sniper on the platform, he might be sniped to death by the guy on the other side with hot hands.

Feeling the thought of device, Xu Beifang only felt his scalp numb.

That's why these players' insights gave him a huge improvement.

From the basic review, he could only speculate on the players' thoughts based on the situation at the time and his own understanding of the game.

But in the process of understanding, he could intuitively feel the idea of ​​​​device making some decisions, and it was up to device to teach him step by step.

And as a sniper, in addition to breaking points and replenishing shots, you also need to undertake the task of breaking off to a certain extent.

The team chooses to transfer points, leaving the device in the big pit.

He just leaned on the small steps on the far right side of the pit and turned around to observe without opening the mirror.

After discovering that the opponent appeared, he fired from a position immediately. The unconventional position selection on the right side prevented the opponent from taking a preview at the first time, and he only missed half of the scalp in that place.

Next comes the stand-up point sniper for which device is famous.

In fact, judging from device's own thoughts, there is not much that is surprising about his position sniping, but his understanding of timing, control of experience, and fairly good reaction speed.

Compared to players like kennyS who like to play difficult guns, device's playing style relies more on understanding the game and setting up the sniper rifle in advance.

It can only be said that device has rich game experience, and his personal skills and details are so great that he has become the strongest sniper player in CSGO.

Xu Beifang felt that he had learned a lot today, and his brain had been filled with knowledge.

There will be a free chapter soon. I will pull out Xiao Xu’s current data.

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