CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 15 The Disliked Danking

After hearing another beeping sound, Eggplant pulled it out horizontally to prepare for output. According to his judgment, C4 would enter a ten-second countdown after the gun battle ended.

A CT without a lightning clamp cannot be dismantled even if you want to.

But he never expected that the other party would confront him from another angle. He had just seen Xu Beifang's figure, and the screen went black with a "pop".

"GNMD!" Eggplant's facial features were all squeezed together, "Just hit me really hard!"

The live broadcast room was filled with hahaha again.

The pistol round was still not over. Eggplant took a sip of Coke and was attracted by the increasingly rapid sound of C4.

"It shouldn't be dismantled." Eggplant felt a little uneasy when he saw Xu Beifang not letting go at all.


Under the gaze of ten people, C4 became calm, and the score at the top of the screen reached 1:0.

"This can all be dismantled!! It's so fake!" Eggplant was speechless. He actually lost such a guaranteed win.

Teammate opened the microphone to comfort Eggplant: "It's only a few tenths of a second, the opponent is just lucky."

On the other side, the voice of the CT side went completely crazy the moment Xu Beifang removed the mine bag.


"Awesome green! I believe you are crazy." SJZ's number one sniper turned into a top atmosphere group, and his voice filled the entire voice channel!

He is not just a compliment after victory, but also his true thoughts in his heart. As the top talented boy in the country, Danking clearly sees the game of ideas in this endgame.

He faked it first, and then faked it a second time after being discovered by the other party.

The details did not come from this fake show, but from the initiative to move the angle to the left.

Although Eggplant retired due to VAC, his basic skills as a professional player are still there. This kind of simple deception will not reveal too much information.

But Xu Beifang took the initiative to move two positions to the left, which caused Eggplant to misjudge the position of the imaginary enemy, and the angle at which he pulled out the bunker was relatively large. Coupled with the precise shooting skills, the whole process of trapping and killing the eggplant was completed.

Then he quickly turned around to unpack, which proved that ‘Zheng Zhengshang’ already had a clear idea of ​​the endgame in his mind.

If you are a technical player, you will not have these twists and turns in your mind.

This is also the real reason why Danking dares to make a judgment.

After winning the pistol round, the morale of the CT side was boosted, and they continued to defend with a regular 212.

Danking began to show his strength as a sniper, helping the team to score points like crazy. The rhythm became extremely smooth in the first half, but at this stage, the gap between the two sides was not that big. Moreover, the opponent also had a former professional player. Xu Beifang and Danking could not keep holding on to their opponents to score points.

The whole first half was relatively easy, but Xu Beifang soon became a little annoyed with Danking.

If nothing else, this kid talks too much!

Because there has been a bit of excitement in Xu Beifang's circle recently, Danking kept asking him questions. Through the screen, he could imagine Danking's eating expression, maybe just grabbing two handfuls of melon seeds to crack.

But Xu Beifang had to be convinced. Even if Danking wasn't playing seriously and kept pulling him to talk about things, his data still ranked first in the team.

At the end of the first half, the score reached 9:6. They led their opponents by 3 points on the defensive end. This was the result of their failure to take it seriously.

However, in the first half, Xu Beifang also began to slowly try to integrate preview practice into the game.

Although the operation is relatively cumbersome, if you take a good peek and go out, you don't need to fine-tune the sight, and you can kill the opponent with one shot.

This feeling was indescribable. He actually felt that he was getting stronger. Moreover, CSGO's kill feedback is already very good. The pleasure of pulling out a shot is a bit addictive.

Maybe this is why Headshot Brother insists on single-shot headshots, it’s so cool!

After changing sides in the second half, the situation suddenly became a little bad.

The wave of explosive bomb attacks organized by Danking in Area A in the pistol round was disintegrated by Eggplant's three kills.

Eggplant found his touch in this consecutive killing streak and went on a killing spree in the next few rounds, tying the score along the way.

The originally joyful atmosphere in the team became slightly silent as everyone was trying to think of ways to break the situation.

"Let's go and control the middle. After controlling the middle, we can push towards the arch." Ma Dong took the initiative to suggest.

"No problem, I throw the VIP cigarette at the start." Passerby teammate Zi Zi said.

When the countdown ended, Xu Beifang took the lead and rushed directly to the middle.

Ma Dong was waiting for the CT that might be pressed forward after the props passed, when he saw the upper right corner of the screen constantly refreshing.

[Young people.qzHMtv used AWP to kill our game and it is booming! 】

[Young man.qzHMtv used AWP to kill...]

Ma Dong was setting up his gun at A1. When he saw the two kills in the upper right corner, he asked, "Northern, what's going on?"

Xu Beifang was also a little speechless: "My teammate threw a piece of sewer smoke, and we became a target for the big sniper on the opposite side."

"Is that sniper still among the VIPs?" Danking confirmed the information.

"Well, I just straightened up on the right side."


Danking came to the bandit's mouth and pressed against the wall, started to preview at the reference object on the wall, then instantly peeked to the left, and when he saw the person, he stopped and fired!

After changing sides, he won several consecutive rounds to regain the score, allowing Eggplant to regain his touch. When he came to the long gun game again, he took out his big sniper and came to the VIP to confront the bandits.

The sewer smoke thrown from the opposite side made his eyes light up even more.

A bandit rushed out of the camera, and the mouse moved slightly to the right.


"come on!!"

After returning to the bunker, pull the bolt and peek again.


"come on!!"

Two consecutive shots were fired without missing a beat, which restored Eggplant's confidence.

A small number of viewers in the live broadcast room saw this scene and started typing and joking:

[It’s not true anymore]

[The content of this entertainment anchor is not up to standard]

[Why did you suddenly become violent? 】

Eggplant is the kind of person who has all his emotions written on his face. The two kills made him very emotional. He excitedly said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "I don't know how they dare, my sniper Dare to come..."


[Danking used AK47 to kill a young man with a headshot.qzHMtv]

Eggplant was so frightened by this sudden hand tear that he trembled all over, and then said helplessly: "It's really just one shot! An AK came out in the middle."

On the other side, Xu Beifang's eyes lit up after watching the entire operation of Danking tearing eggplants!

This is the role of pre-aim practice to the later stage. As long as you get the information and your reaction is enough, it is not a dream to kill the big sniper with a rifle!

He also realized the gap between himself and the real genius boy.

Danking has a balanced development in marksmanship, skills, and consciousness. At this stage, Xu Beifang only has one top-notch marksmanship, and his consciousness and skills are very average.

But this is also the reason why Xu Beifang did it deliberately. Balanced development can be done slowly later, but in an FPS game, marksmanship is the top priority.

He now feels a bit like Tinkerbell (low-end version) who just came into contact with CSGO. He lacks skills, but his marksmanship is enough to cope with the game.

After Danking tore up the eggplant with his hands, the number of both sides came to 3 versus 4. Once the eggplant fell, the CT side was in a bit of trouble.

But after Danking blocked a CT from B who was trying to get information from the arch, they waited for a few seconds and launched a wave of attacks in area A, and finally succeeded in winning and got their first score of the second half.

After getting the first point after changing sides, the laughter returned to the voice, and everyone's pressure was suddenly reduced a lot.

They began to score frequently, and the score reached 14:10.

About to get the match point by his opponent, Eggplant, who was already in a slave state, finally started to exert his strength. He took the initiative to push forward from the middle with a big sniper, and cooperated with his teammates to perform a wonderful operation of 1 for 3, finally stopping the losing streak. of decline.

The defense recovered two points in a row, and this time the ladder seemed a bit confusing.

Xu Beifang looked at his position closest to A1 and suggested: "I, A1, will take the initiative to seize the opportunity. Who can help me throw a flash?"

Danking was relatively close to him and took the initiative to accept the job.

When the countdown ended, Xu Beifang charged towards A1 with his AK47, but just as he was approaching, an incendiary bomb exploded at A1, blocking his way forward.

He originally planned to step on the fire and move forward. As long as he could catch the opponent to death, the blood burned would be nothing.

But then a smoke bomb extinguished the flames and completely blocked his vision.

Xu Beifang stopped making progress, and the opponent's set of props completely overwhelmed him. It seemed that as the match point approached, the opponent's nerves began to become a little sensitive.

Danking threw the flash out and looked at Xu Beifei stopping in place without saying anything else.

He was about to turn around and walk elsewhere to look for opportunities, when he saw Xu Beifang mixed in the A1 smoke and touched it directly.

"Brother, don't fight like that!"

Danking was dumbfounded. He didn't understand why Xu Beifang dared to touch her like this!

But Xu Beifang was not fooling around, but made a bold decision based on the information collected in previous rounds.

In the first few rounds, the two CTs in area A like to stand under the second floor and defend against the long box.

So after pre-sighting the approximate location of the long box, Xu Beifang quietly moved out with the gun on the right side.

He was not killed in the first second. This result made him half relieved.

The crosshair held the spear tightly and quietly advanced little by little.

The game reached an anxious state. Both sides wanted to win the game very much, and their spirits were high.

Eggplant Fanglan threw a package to A1 at the beginning, and his attention was focused on the direction of the arch. He held a flash grenade in his hand, ready to help Eggplant who was sniping at any time.

However, Eggplant firmly controlled the middle lane in the early stage. He also put away the flashbang and glanced at Building A2 first, then turned to look at A1.


【Our game is booming! Used AK47 to kill Fang Tian Huaji Lu Xiaobu with a headshot】

He was startled by the bandit who appeared in his field of vision, and then quickly reported the number: "A1 touched the cigarette and came out!! Look at A1!! Look at A1!!"

Under the A2 building, grab the self-dodge CT and quickly jump and throw it away. When the flash explodes, rush out and shoot.

"Da da da!"

【Our game is booming! Used AK47 to kill turkey-flavored crispy rice]

"Damn it, brother, you have such a good gun!" Danking was originally full of doubts about Xu Beifang's playing style. After seeing the two kill messages, he immediately shouted excitedly, "Hold it, hold it! We are coming, just don't die. !”

Danking just asked Xu Beifang not to die, but he still wanted to continue to expand his advantage and take the initiative to move forward.

Soon he was facing off against Eggplant, who was on defense.

The AK47 went down, but was still killed instantly by the big sniper.

"Jungle a drop of blood!!" Xu Beifang quickly reported the point.

Danking immediately took out the grenade and threw it towards jungle.

Eggplant is still thinking about how to catch this endgame with 12 drops of blood, but his whole body has already been launched!

"I'm really fried!" Eggplant covered his face, the mask of pain already on.

"Brother, you can do it!" After putting down the thunder bag, Danking opened the microphone and boasted.

Although I don’t know what the thinking behind Xu Beifang’s bold behavior was, the result was good. One person defeated 2.9 of the opponent’s opponents, directly breaking the deadlock.

"It's a pity that I didn't kill the eggplant in the end." Xu Beifei replied with a smile.

Danking remembered something at this time, pressed TAB, looked at the data and said:

"Brother, there is something wrong with your playing style. Your headshot rate is a bit too low. You can make targeted adjustments in the future and specifically aim for the head in death matches. I also had a very low headshot rate for a while. If you shoot a thousand headshots a day in a deathmatch, your headshot rate will skyrocket. Once your headshot rate increases, subsequent breakthroughs will become much easier."

On the scoring panel, Xu Beifang got the data of 26/6/19, but his headshot rate was only 30%. Even Eggplant and Danking, two sniper players, couldn't compare, and he was at the bottom of the ten.

【Ding! 】

[I received a suggestion to get 1,000 headshot kills in the deathmatch practice, with a difficulty level of 4 stars. This suggestion is a long-term mission. After completing it every day, you can get a D-level treasure chest. 】

Looking at the translucent taskbar floating in front of him, Xu Beifang felt that Danking's nagging was so cute at this moment.

"Danking, you are such a good person!"

"What!" Danking never expected that he would receive his first good guy card in his life just after playing a ladder game.

Looking at the big match point on the screen, Eggplant was a little frustrated. He shook his head and said seriously to the audience in the live broadcast room:

"I lost in the first round. I feel like today... is a good day to improve my score..."

Recalling Eggplant's confident expression at the beginning and those inflated words, the audience in the live broadcast room was instantly stunned.

The first round of recommendations will be released tomorrow, please read it! !

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