Chapter 148 SKT.Nice!

After the London Major, the major teams went into the offseason one after another to put themselves in a relaxing stage.

Although netizens have no games to watch for the time being, they are also paying attention to the market during the transfer period, speculating which teams will strengthen this year and which players will leave.

Every year during the transfer period, it is a carnival between Menggu and A's small defenders.

But in the early days of October, everyone seemed to be still immersed in the carnival of the London Major, and no definite transfer news came out.

The first CSGO news in October was that HLTV released a message to congratulate the director on winning the 2018 ESL ONE New York MVP. However, it is worth mentioning that Liquid actually lost in this final and only finished second.

Winning the final MVP as the loser is enough to show the director's outstanding performance in this event.

From the MVP photo taken by the director, you can see how happy he is.

Immediately afterwards, the first news of the transfer period finally came out. USTILO and Nifty from the Cowboys announced their departure, and Liazz and Gratisfaction announced they had officially joined the Cowboys.

Immediately afterwards, the second news was that the famous whistleblower OverDrive broke the news: the four top rookies who performed well in this Major have all signed contracts with their original teams.

After seeing it, Xu Beifang called it "the most ridiculous episode."

Pasha and NEO didn't connect him with a good team. Only two second-tier teams in the CIS could afford his current salary and were willing to try out.

Somewhat surprisingly, perhaps because of NIKO, Faze took the initiative to communicate with him and wanted to let him become Gua Huang's substitute for a few months.

Guarantee's recent injuries have appeared, which have affected their training, so they are also considering backup options.

The philosophy of the FAZE team is to buy ready-made players, but after the end of this Major, Xu Beifang led the team to the quarterfinals and became famous in the CSGO circle. This is in line with Faze's philosophy.

Xu Beifang has not agreed yet if he simply serves as a substitute for Melon King and rotates. After all, the transfer period has just begun, and he can still choose.

After thinking about it, Xu Beifang edited a paragraph:

"Hello everyone, I am Nice, a former rifleman from My temporary contract with has been bought out and I am currently in free agency. My goal is to find a team that hopes to compete for the championship. I am interested. Teams can contact me via private message or send it to this email address.”

Xu Beifang checked it over and then sent this update on his various social media to remind everyone that he is still looking for a team.

Otherwise, with what OverDrive did, everyone might really think that all the major rookies have signed contracts with their original teams.

Guys like ropz, director, and smooya may not have any intention of transferring, but Xu Beifang has to find a job!

You must know that there are no gossips in CSGO, but there are still guys like OVerDrive who put up smoke bombs. We cannot let him delay us.

Xu Beifang's job hunting news is equivalent to throwing a blockbuster into the entire transfer market!

Paris France.

Inside the Little Bee training base.

Neo, the founder of Little Bee, is sitting in the office, opposite Zaiwu and his mother.

Neo faced this rising star of French CSGO and asked with a smile: "What is your expected salary?"

Zaiwu touched his head in confusion and looked at his mother next to him for help.

His mother ignored him and just let him handle these matters alone. Today he was just here to accompany Zaiwu. The child would eventually grow up.

"If you can give me 2,000 euros, no, 1,500 euros, I will be very satisfied." Zaiwu said with a smile.

Neo was infected by the boy's smile, and he responded: "This price is far lower than other players' salaries..."

Zaiwu looked at him expectantly.

"But I still can't pay you that much salary. After all, you are a rookie."

But the results were disappointing.

"However, if you can perform at a good level in subsequent games, we will pay you the same salary as everyone else." Although Neo is optimistic about the future prospects of e-sports, as a businessman, he still started to draw the habitual cake.

Zaiwu nodded and finally signed his name on the contract.

Although the Little Bees is a new team, it has many famous French players such as apex, NBK, happy, etc., and it is already the largest club he has tried out with.

He believes that as long as he plays well, he will be able to earn the same salary as others in the future.

Neo looked at Zaiwu signing his name, smiled and said to him: "You will have a bright future in Little Bee!"

At this moment, apex knocked on the door, said hello to Zaiwu, and then came in and said: "Neo, big news! Nice from the VP team is now a free agent!! Shall we buy him? "

Because the CSGO division has just been established, Little Bee is not yet rigorous in many things, but one thing is that French celebrities like apex have a huge say in the CSGO division.

"Nice, the best new star??" Neo still has some impressions of this. After all, as the boss of Little Bee, he still has impressions of some outstanding players in the market.

Nice is a player who has excellent personal skills and has achieved good results in leading the team to the quarterfinals. He can even speak three languages: English, Polish and Chinese. His evaluation value in the market is already very high.

"Didn't VP renew his contract?" Neo was a little surprised. With such a good player, VP shouldn't let him go.

apex replied: "I just sent a message to ask pasha. He said that Nice signed a temporary contract and he spent a few hundred euros to buy himself out. This young man has ideas."

"I thought this guy was pretty good on Faceit before. I didn't expect that he would skyrocket when he entered VP. I have another chance to bring him in. We have to seize the opportunity this time!"

What you don't get is always in turmoil. When apex saw Nice shine on the stage, he felt regretful in his heart.

I just saw Nice's updates on Twitter and found that he was looking for a job. Apex immediately came to the boss Neo to inquire about the situation.

Although he really wanted to bring this player under his wing, the club was not his own after all, and there were many things to consider.

The boss with the same name as God of War NEO hesitated a little:

"But don't we have a complete lineup now? Plus there are five players on the load, how can we do this?"

Just after the contract signing was completed, Little Bee now has apex, NBK, happy, Rpk and cargo.

apex replied: "Happy's condition has declined seriously. He doesn't really want to play. He has told me a long time ago that as long as he finds someone to replace him, he can retreat to the background."

"But what about the communication issue? We are currently a French-only team. If Nice joins, should we let him learn French, or should we switch to English for communication?"

Because there is a precedent of G2 here, their acceptance of international lineups is not low.

But what lies ahead is a problem - how to deal with communication after Nice is brought in?

Apex was speechless for a moment, and after a long pause, he replied: "We can let him learn slowly. S1mple's English was so poor back then, wasn't he still killing people in liquids?"

S1mple was introduced to liquids in 2016. At first, because of his poor English skills, he made a fuss about "Why you bully me?" ’ Such a famous scene.

But he was also able to perform well in liquids at that time, so Apex believed that as long as he worked hard, he would achieve results in the future.

"Well..." Zaiwu raised his hand weakly, "Actually, Nice can speak French."

Apex and Neo instantly turned to look at Zaiwu: "What did you say?"

Zaiwu felt a little scared when he saw the burning eyes of apex and Neo, but he still said truthfully: "Nice can speak French. In the London Major exhibition match, he was the one who directed me to play in French..."

Apex's forearm pointed at the load, and then said to Neo: "Did you hear that?? Let's not hesitate!! If we miss it, we will have no chance!!"

"Think about it, Nice and Pasha's guys can reach the quarterfinals of the Major. If I were added, I don't even dare to think about the result! Let's just kill those losers in G2, okay? !”

Neo finally had no reason to object, and just said weakly: "I will get a contract later, but the salary for him may be lower than the market price. You know that Little Bee's current business situation is not good. "

"As long as you agree." Apex can also measure the club's situation. The CSGO branch has just been established and has no results. It is basically impossible for you to offer a high salary.

If Neo can nod, then many things will be easy to handle.

He believes that he can touch Nice's heart with his charisma.

When the time comes, I will sit in the middle, with the load on the left and Nice on the right. Any dog ​​passing by will have to give it a big fight!

Xu Beifang's news caused intense discussion in the entire circle.

Fans of different teams below are @their teams to let them know this news.

His performance in the London Major has proven himself, and everyone has an understanding of this player's strength. Thinking of having such a hot spot to add to the team, won't the strength of his home team take off in the future?

Due to the enthusiasm of netizens, the official accounts of G2, Faze, and C9 all appeared in Xu Beifang's updates.

However, these official accounts also came to organize things, and no one expressed their position to the outside world.

In this situation, the fans have already started to play on their own. They started to take the makeup photos of Xu Beifang's VP team uniform, and then took off the VP team uniform and replaced it with the makeup photos of NAVI, G2, FAZE and other teams. There is fake news in the forum.

Later, the game for finding a team for Nice was upgraded to version 2.0. This time it was simply a Gif with different versions of Nice on it to see who they captured.

I took a screenshot of the short video NIKO posted on his Twitter - SKT.Nice!

Viewers in the comment section called him an expert.

As the protagonist at the center of the incident, Xu Beifang received much more contracts than he imagined after posting the news.

His English proficiency has been very good at the London Major, so most of the teams in the English department have extended invitations to him.

Faze was the first team to invite him, but because it was just a substitute rotation, Xu Beifang still did not consider it for the time being.

The second team that contacted Xu Beifang was FNATIC. They planned to release Draken and flusha after this Major.

At the same time, they also showed him a brand new lineup. Before buying Xu Beifang, they brought in Scream, a Belgian gunman who was struggling in the second-tier competition. This guy is also a headshot guy with distinctive characteristics in the professional arena.

If Xu Beifang is willing to sign this contract, he can get a three-year contract with a monthly salary of 16,000 euros.

After he agrees, FNC's lineup will become: JW, KRIMZ, XIzt, Nice, Scream

This lineup, as long as the status of Baldy and JW does not decline, it will be a lineup that has a chance to compete for the championship.

However, Xu Beifang did not agree directly and was still in a wait-and-see mode. After all, there were many teams contacting him.

And when he calmed down and analyzed it, he found that this team was actually not very good.

Although everyone in the lineup seems to be famous, Xizt is very old and will probably retire in another year or so.

JW's condition is also declining, and he obviously doesn't have the dominance of a first-line sniper in the Major.

Not to mention the last headshot guy. This guy's reputation since his debut has been polarizing. He only uses a single-point play style to attract fans in the community. But once he loses that invincible positioning ability, his The single point is often to scrape the opponent.

And if Xu Beifang remembers correctly, it's already the end of Headshot's career, and dragging him into games is a time bomb.

You never know whether he's going to kill someone on the other side or one of your own.

After these two European teams, all that's left are the massive North American teams.

C9 was the first team to send an olive branch to Xu Beifang. In the first half of the year, they won the Major championship. In the second half of the year, they didn't even break into the championship group. They were eager to add new players to rejuvenate the team.

So after replacing STKYO and knowing that Xu Beifang became a free agent, they took the initiative to find him and wanted to bring him into the team, intending to use Xu Beifang's momentum to make up for C9's current sluggishness.

But only one STYKO was replaced. Xu Beifang still felt that C9's lineup was not promising, so he did not plan to consider going to C9.

The second brother in North America, COL, is even more exaggerated. Their boss directly stated in the contract that they can build a team around Xu Beifang and are willing to pay a salary of US$20,000 per month. The main thing is that they have deep pockets.

They can even proactively carry out recruitment work according to Xu Beifang's needs, as long as they produce results.

The bold and unrestrained COL successfully made Xu Beifang stop looking and chose to keep him.

As for the remaining second-tier teams, Xu Beifang took a look at them and found that they were not very attractive.

Then he saw an unexpected contract.

Contract from Little Bee.

It was difficult for Xu Beifang not to see the club's contract, because Apex sent him an email on time every day after he sent the message. The general meaning of it was - Little Bee is very good now, thanks to your breakthrough. On the front, my command leads the overall situation, so there is no championship to win.

The salary of the Little Bees is lower than that of other teams. Xu Beifang did not accept their wishes at first. After all, French palace fighting is famous, and he cannot want to become a victim there.

But as the saying goes, good men are afraid of stalking women. Xu Beifang couldn't stand the daily bombardment of emails from apex, so he finally took Little Bee into consideration.

Let’s have a meal and continue coding. After the offseason, we will start a double cell with Dafanshu...

Then there is the boss of Little Bee named Neo, who has a different name from the VP player NEO...

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