CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 154 HLTV2018 TOP9 players: Nice!

Xu Beifang joined Little Bee very smoothly. Both the environment and living conditions are very good, but after all, he doesn't like French food.

Fortunately, he has lived independently very early and still has some cooking skills, and Little Bee's base also provides a kitchen, allowing Xu Beifang to occasionally adjust his diet.

Not long after joining Little Bee, they completed the official announcement, and Xu Beifang's prefix was also added with Little Bee's name. Many domestic fans did not understand joining this brand new team, but they only expressed support and looked forward to seeing Xu Beifang again in various major events in the future.

After Xu Beifang joined Little Bee, he also felt the difference from VP.

Compared to VP, although apEX, NBK, and RPK are also within the category of older players.

But they are a few years younger, and their overall strength is still higher than that of VP's old guys.

He also gradually integrated into the team, the friendly but emotional apEX, the usually quiet RPK, and the NBK who had many ideas.

As Xu Beifang's biggest partner now, he is always a smiling face to the outside world.

Zaiwu is a very special player. Xu Beifang can see that he is still in a growth stage, but he is already among the top players. He and Zaiwu can now trust each other with their backs.

There is another difference from VP.

When Xu Beifang joined VP, it felt like he was jumping in the queue midway. Many things were taken care of by Big Brother.

Not to mention the care in life, in fact, the competition also benefited from the dividends of several VP players - Xu Beifang participated in the competition, and they had already qualified for IEM Shanghai, Hong Kong Zotac Cup, and London Major qualifiers. He only needed Just participate in the competition with the team.

But it's different in Little Bee. Everything is brand new, so the qualifications for various competitions have to be earned slowly.

Since most CSGO competitions are cup competitions, the entire qualifications are:

Audition-Preliminary-Main Competition.

So in the past few months, Little Bee has been frantically participating in auditions for various competitions to compete for tickets to the competition.

They played a total of 40 games, 12 BO1s and 28 BO3s, but only lost 5 games in total. The overall record is quite amazing.

With this heroic outburst, Little Bee's world ranking gradually rose to 24th.

For everyone at Little Bee, this result is quite good. Two months is enough for them to qualify for many competitions, and they have gradually appeared in the audience's field of vision.

On December 31st, Xu Beifang was caught by the old French men in the club and had an incestuous affair. Everyone sang and danced to celebrate the arrival of the New Year.

With the arrival of the new year, the entire Little Bee club has begun to prepare for various large-scale competitions. Now they have qualified for several competitions that can be played. The next step is to alternate between competitions and qualifications. It is conceivable that they will compete in the future for some time. It's bound to be busy.

With the arrival of 2019, community players have already begun discussing this year's TOP20 players in advance.

"This year's TOP should be the simple boy."

"I don't understand. Device's performance is obviously better. How many competition championships has it won throughout the year?"

"S1mple has a terrifying rating of 1.38 this year. This is basically the ceiling of his personal ability. Isn't this TOP1?"

"Device must be the top one! Honors are very important. In 2014, even though flusha had better ratings and MVP, Kobolds still got the top one based on the number of trophies, so this year's top one will only be device."

"Do I personally think it will be NIKO?"

"Come on, NIKO wants data but no data, and wants results but no results. How can we compare with these two guys?"

"I feel like NIKO didn't play as well as Twistzz this year. How many MVP medals did Twistzz get this year?"

"Then don't get involved. NIKO is much better than Twistzzz overall."

Players are very motivating in their debate about TOP1, but there are also some domestic fans who are looking forward to:

"Will Xiao Xu and Tian Lu become the top players this time?"

"It may be Bian Bian in the TOP, Tianlu has little hope, their overall data cannot reach Bian"

"I hope to see Xiao Xu's figure"

"Come on, you guys are just bragging. I've been playing in third-tier games these past few months. What's the use?"

"Xiao Xu actually has a good chance of entering the list, but he only played three major events last year and won an MVP trophy. The honor and gold content are slightly inferior."

As for whether Xu Beifang can enter the TOP list, there is a lot of controversy in domestic forums.

At this time, a passerby player named 'Nian Lan' gave a series of data, analyzed HLTV's algorithm, and concluded: "Nice's ranking may be around the TOP10."

Because Nianlan has a lot of words, people who read the data have a headache, and most of them only get one piece of information - TOP10.

Now they began to look forward to the stars and the moon and began to wait.

As day by day passed, they gradually watched TOP12-Gua Dian and TOP11-Leng Shen come out one by one, but they couldn't see Xu Beifang, and they were all a little disappointed.

Then on January 12, 2019, they saw the push message from HLTV.

【2018TOP20 Player: Nice(9)】

Domestic forums were instantly shocked! !

"I'll go, TOP9!! Is it so exaggerated?"

"The cards are full!! Xiao Xu is too fierce."

"I realized that this kid is not a human being."

"Those little black guys from before, come forward!! TOP9!!!"

"We Chinese also have our own top player, Xiao Xu is awesome!!"

"As expected of a 200g seed player! It's just an exaggeration to win the MVP after playing for half a year."

The user with the ID name Nian Lan was a little surprised to see this result.

According to his various data algorithms, Xu Beifang should be in the lower TOP10. Unexpectedly, he actually rushed to the TOP9. He carefully looked at the push information below:

[Reason for the list: Nice's performance this year is very dynamic. As one of the five rookies this year (Twistzz, Nice, ropz, smooya, woxic), he is the best breakthrough player among them. In the 2018 competition, Nice got a rating of 1.28. When he was an attacker, his rating was 1.27, and when he was a defender, his rating was 1.29.

In addition, as a breakthrough player, Nice's breakthrough percentage is 34.6% (first), and the breakthrough success rate is astonishing (52.3%). The first kill of each map is 4.7 (first), and the success rate is 4.7% (first). An important reason why he is on the list is that even in the Major knockout rounds when his teammates stretched his hips, he was still able to produce very good data.

The downside: Nice's 1.28 rating (second) for the year would have put him further up the list. But the sample size of the competition was too small, so he stopped there.

However, as a man who is always on the verge of breakthroughs, Nice's crazy performance in the second half of the year has made him one of the best breakthrough players in the world. Now he has formed a new team with French legends apEX, NBK and others. We are looking forward to him subsequent performance.

Rising Star Prediction:

Nice chose his hometown player Danking from China. This player is currently 18 years old. We have not yet found any records for this player and we are looking forward to his future performance. 】

Cruel enough! !

Nian Lan looked at the data and almost took a breath.

In the first year of his debut, he won the top 9 as the best rookie, and in his position, he won the first place in all breakthrough categories. This kind of praise is quite exaggerated.

The only shortcoming may be that there are too few competitions, which makes Xu Beifang's performance not further improved, which is a bit regretful.

However, this exaggerated data made him, a fan, consider whether he should do statistics for a London Major? Use video graphics to display the data of each player.

Thinking about it this way, Nian Lan felt like there was something wrong.

By then, Xiao Xu's breakthrough attempt rate will probably explode.

Domestic players are quite satisfied with the TOP9 ranking, but many foreign players are different. Although they know that Nice has performed well in recent months, they still think that his performance is not enough to support the title of TOP9.

It is also the same as HLTV's evaluation. The sample size is too small. Even if he won an MVP of the Hong Kong Zotac Masters Cup, it is still insufficient for the top 9 position.

However, when facing doubts, VP veterans and apEX and others all spoke on Twitter, praising Xu Beifang as worthy of this honor.

While netizens are having heated discussions about Xu Beifang's top spot, Little Bee has already maxed out his points and secured a spot in the 2019 IEM Katowice Major European Qualifiers.

In this Cato Europe qualifier, the total prize money is US$50,000, but no team will care about this US$50,000.

In addition to them, the participating teams in this European qualifier include: ENCE, North, Valiance, Mouz, Windigo, OPTIC, and ex-Space Soldiers.

A total of eight teams compete for two and a half quotas. The top two will qualify directly, while the third place will have to play a playoff with a team from the CIS region, so it will have half a quota.

Xu Beifang also came to Poland again with Little Bee.

The opponent on the first day of the match was OPTIC, whom they were most familiar with. In recent months, the OPTIC team has often collided with them in various qualifiers. They met a total of 7 times, and the Bees only lost once.

If Masisi were here, he would definitely say those classic five words _____!

The Little Bees did not disappoint the fans' expectations, and finally got a good start with a score of 16:8. Xu Beifang and Zaiwu scored 1.58 and 1.49 ratings respectively, which made the Danes panic.

The European qualifiers gradually began on the second day, and even the Little Bees began to feel some pressure, because starting from the second round, the competition format changed from BO1 to BO3.

On January 17, 2019, it turned cloudy and sunny in Katowice.

Everyone in the UFO Stadium has already sat down in their seats and started to warm up.

Their opponent on the second day was Valiance. This team is not well-known, but there are several players on the team who are still very good.

"Hey, Nice, I heard that Hunter opposite is NIKO's cousin?" apEX asked curiously.

He knew that Xu Beifang had a good relationship with NIKO, and they often played together in FPL in the past few months.

"He's a cousin, but he's almost like a full brother. They grew up together." Xu Beifang added, "And let me tell you, this guy used to be a professional football player, but later retired due to injury."

NBK was a little surprised at the side: "NIKO's family is so talented? I took a look before the game. This Hunter also has a rating of 1.23 for the whole year. He is definitely a thigh-level player."

They have seen a lot of brother CS, but they rarely see an older brother and younger brother who are both talented.

It turns out that NIKO's younger brother is both a world-class gunman, and his older brother may even become a first-line professional brother. This is scary, isn't it?

"And you have to pay attention to the conductor named Nexa on the opposite side. That guy especially likes to gamble and doesn't play according to common sense." The bald coach added later.

Can I fight according to common sense? His nickname is the God of Gamblers.

Although the team is not well-known, the opponent has two well-known players in the future, so Xu Beifang still feels some pressure.

After a quick round of BP, the BO3 game maps arrived: Mystery of the Dead City, Purgatory Town, and Scorching Sand City

Both sides gathered their emotions and began to officially enter the BO3 game.

Map: Mystery of the Dead City


CT: ZywOo, Nice, apEX, NBK, RPK

The game officially begins.

The first map is not the current strength of the Little Bees, but the map has been selected, and they can only think about how to win it.

apEX gave the command: "In the beginning, Nice will single-defend at A, and the load will be hung in the middle. NBK, you two will focus on defending area B. I will be on the police side later to see which side is under pressure and which side to return to."

When the countdown ended, Xu Beifang bought a semi-armor and came to Area A.

He hid in the dead center and kept swaying to conduct reconnaissance. The single-A defense and the pistol round did not give him much room to play.

Nexa knew that Nice liked to press forward, so they played very carefully overall. They made default settings at various points on the map at the beginning, just to be wary of Xu Beifei.

Then one minute later, they launched a wave of bomb attack on area A.

"Dead fire! Two consecutive instant flashes. Nice was completely defeated at the dead center. The bandit army rushed forward and directly captured Nice." Masisi was explaining quickly in the live broadcast room.

"Police Bai Qi was trying to smoke a cigarette, but they couldn't get any information because of A's cigarette. In an instant, the A bag point was full of people. The thunder bag was put down. This was a 4 In the endgame of 5, can the head side create a miracle? The little fat man is still alive on the court."

"But nexa chose a tricky angle and killed the defensive ZywOo directly. The apEX that came back to defend was also destroyed by nexa's half-armor P250! After a melee, the little bee didn't even touch the package point. All killed."

After losing the pistol round, Little Bee went directly to the unarmored P250, trying to find an opportunity to quickly transition the game to the long gun round.

But after entering the long gun round, they still couldn't start to score points.

The opponent's rhythm was great and the attack went very smoothly.

It wasn't until the 8th round that Xu Beifang suddenly stepped forward, got a double kill at the beginning, and then won the round.

But at this time the score had reached 1:7, and the Little Bee called out its first timeout.

In the case of forklifts, which were given to the French for free, they urgently needed to make adjustments.

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