CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 161 ENCE: How to fight if there is a top in the server?

Winning the pistol round in the early stage and Xu Beifang's wave of four kills made Little Bee's momentum very good.

But it has to be said that today's Li Zizi has not become the kind of player who only lets them play the default command according to his teammates.

He used an economic bureau and a timeout, and did not engage in firefights with the little bees for nearly two minutes, gradually cooling down the French old men's touch.

And after entering the long-range game again, Li Zi directly called the double sniper defensive strategy in the team.

On the map of Sha Er, if the CT side has a sniper rifle, he can greatly suppress the bandits' attack. When the CT side has two sniper rifles, it will be exponentially more difficult for the bandits to control the middle and A-level maps.

The balance of the score began to slowly tilt towards ENCE. The score reached 5:7 unknowingly, and due to continuous defeats, their economy also had problems.

During the 6657 live broadcast, Play Machine frowned when he saw this situation.

"There's really nothing to say. I killed three Beans in the last round, but both Zaiwu and Nice were killed when they passed the point. ENCE gradually developed its hand, and Little Bee was a little difficult to deal with."

"The average economy is now 3,000 yuan. Should I just give Nice a Hero 553, or should I just give it a regular ECO?"

Playing the machine, I still look forward to Xu Beifang's heroic spear. Whether in VP or yesterday's game, Xu Beifang can achieve good results in this ECO strong start round by consuming resources.

But unfortunately, he still failed to see apEX make such a radical choice.

Compared to his character, apEX's commanding style is relatively stable.

Xu Beifang fired a half-armor P250 and added a smoke bomb.

apEX's idea in this game is to wait for a group to go to the trail, and then use a series of props to send the bag thief into the bag point, place an A bag, and win the bag.

So at the beginning, he went directly to the B2 floor, and he and NBK carried P250 to clear the B1 floor, and then walked to the small A.

"ENCE is quite an interesting team. They don't like to default to the late position. They are a team that is very good at adjusting their play style through the opponent's economy."

"Knowing that the opponent had no money, allu's sniper came over to confront the gangster, and then xseveN took the MP9 and pressed directly to the B1 floor."

MP9's gunfire rang out, catching NBK and Xu Beifang off guard.

The opponent moved too fast and had already reached their left side. NBK who was walking in front was directly shot by a shuttle.

[xseveN used MP9 to kill NBK]

Xu Beifang immediately moved back and pulled. The opponent's MP9 was not used well and he did not fire in short bursts rationally. This caused the opponent's bullets to be consumed very quickly.

xseveN The bullet hit Xu Beifang, so naturally he didn't want to let him escape, so he took the MP9 and fired all the way.

Xu Beifang heard the sound of the other party changing ammunition.

Now it's my turn!

After hiding for a long time, just waiting for this moment, Xu Beifang directly performed a spin jump on his face, and the P250 frantically pulled the trigger at xseveN who was reloading on the B1 layer.

[Nice used P250 to kill xseveN]

When there was a firefight on the outer spiral staircase B, Allu's big sniper in the middle also killed RPK.

After RPK was killed, Zaiwu was not idle. He took advantage of the time when Allu's big sniper was pulling the bolt, touched it all the way from the right side of the center, and then made a big pull, directly causing trouble for Allu.

Allu's big sniper was held straight against the COSCO oil barrel. He didn't even expect that there was someone on the right side. He quickly pulled the sniper rifle down, but it was empty!

It is an unarmored Glock in terms of carrying cargo, but for a big sniper pulling the bolt, it still has considerable combat effectiveness.

"Allu didn't expect that someone would come to the right hand of the middle goal at this time. Zaiwu tore his hand directly with an unarmored Glock! Zaiwu even picked up a sniper rifle! When it comes to the endgame of 3 on 3, this point will not be Will there be a chance of survival?"

[Sure enough, it’s the familiar allu again]

【Today is botallu】

[The six-path sniper god has arrived and Sha Er is no longer working]

[ENCE is like this, I feel like it would be very strong to bring allu over and form a team with REZ]

The audience in the live broadcast room saw the big sniper being torn apart by the unarmored Glock, and they all started thinking about botallu for a while.

Playing Machine helped Allu defend: "Actually, this wave has been loaded with objects. Allu just didn't think much about it. The first time he took a look at the gangster's house, he didn't see anyone. And his teammates entered B1 The layer is over, giving Allu the illusion that the right side of the center goal is safe now, plus RPK just peeked out of Zhongyuan, so he has been wary of Zhongyuan."

"Wherever I expected the load, it rushed out from the right hand side of the middle door. Everyone was frightened."

"However, although it is 3 on 3, there are not many opportunities left for the little bee. The half-armored Nice only has one shot of health left. The load is full of health but has no armor. The apEX status is good, but it is only one P250 for half armor.”

Zaiwu wanted to throw the sniper rifle to the armored Xu Beifang to play with, while he took the MP9 and went out to pull the gun line.

But Xu Beifang took a look at his blood volume and rejected the idea.

He only has the health of one shot, and there is no room for error at all.

Although the carrier has no armor, at least it will take a few bullets for the opponent to kill him.

He also threw MP9 to apEX, preparing to draw the gun line for the team.

"Let's go to Little A. There should be only one in Area A across the way. Try not to make any noise."

They had just received a wave of information on the sand and B1 floor. According to ENCE's character, they must quickly return to defense.

"I have a smoke bomb on me. You can pick it up when you die later." Xu Beifei reminded him and pulled him out.

After being pulled out horizontally, he was shot to death by Aerial, the big A, almost instantly.

Zaiwu did not live up to his expectations. The big sniper peeked out and locked a shot on Aerial's body, successfully getting the kill.

But after entering the endgame, apEX was the first to get sick, and an evil spirit flew from the bag point to the audience, directly making the endgame more difficult.

Although he was sure that the opponent was fighting back from behind the stage as a team, Zaiwu also took the initiative to find an opportunity to try.

But knowing that Zaiwu had a sniper rifle, their grouping speed was too fast, and they also used a fire to burn two boxes, forcing Zaiwu in the end game to set up a sniper in the middle of the road.

In the end, he was killed after destroying one.

Zaiwu pursed his lips, feeling a little guilty because he wasted the chance that Nice had created for him.

"It's a pity, it's only a little bit short, but it's already good. Four spears fell on the opposite side." Xu Beifang looked at Zaiwu and comforted, "Remember that we were ECO in the last point, and four spears fell on the opposite side. It’s impossible to use dual snipers in this round, and Allu’s big sniper may not have any items to use.”

Although the little fat man is always very optimistic on weekdays, he knows that Zaiwu will blame himself for his mistakes, but he doesn't like to show it.

"There are two rounds left in the first half, everyone, come on!" Xu Beifang shouted, "If we win this round, the opponent will not be able to score another point, so we have a chance to end the first half at 7:8."

If we can end the first half with a score of 7:8, it will be considered a balanced game.

Thinking of this, everyone in Little Bee felt much better.

"Zaiwu, you use the big sniper to get the information about the middle gate. Then, Nice, you should follow NBK to area B. The next time we hit A, small and double A."

When the countdown ended, Xu Beifang followed NBK towards area B, preparing to control the map according to the plan.

Then they heard a big sniper gunshot in the middle.

[ZywOo used AWP to penetrate the wall and kill xseveN with a headshot]

When xseveN's teammates looked over, he spread his hands. The meaning was obvious - what can I do?

This time, in order to save a smoke bomb, I jumped directly over the point, but was shot down in the air. It can only be said to be extremely unlucky.

"Do you want to return to defense?" Allu stood at the police house to help throw A big flash. When he saw someone suddenly falling on the sand, he hurriedly asked Xiao Lizi.

Xiao Lizi frowned, "There's no need to reply yet, sergej, just light a cigarette and go to B to make up for the defense."

"Allu, let's support Little A later. I will stand close to the wall, and you will stand straight in the sniper position of Little A."

Even if he suddenly dropped out of the game due to unexpected factors at the beginning, DiCaprio did not panic and still made adjustments rationally.

"Oh! What a load of gun!" This kill was an unexpected surprise for Little Bee.

The corners of Zaiwu's pursed lips also curved a little, "The other side is smoking in the middle, and I can't see the follow-up information."

Xu Beifang and NBK controlled the map outside B in an orderly manner, and then asked apEX for his opinion: "Should we still play A with a small team on A? Do the tactics need to be changed?"

"No, continue to play small A. The opponent may turn to the sand or area B. The defense in area A is weak now." apEX explained his thoughts.

Zaiwu heard the words and added an Xbox smoke bomb at the bandit's house for Xu Beifang and NBK to pass.

"I'll shoot a flash grenade, then I'll pull it hard, and you'll follow up with a shot." Xu Beifang explained his thoughts.

After getting NBK's response, he gave a very rubbish wall flash.

This kind of flash bomb is not very efficient. The most important thing is to force the CT that may be hiding nearby to turn around and flash away, which is considered a conspiracy.

A flash bomb hit the wall, and his bomb would eventually explode behind Xu Beifang and the two of them.

He directly pulled out. As a breakthrough player, Xu Beifang knew clearly that the first breakthrough player often did not need to get the kill, but to open the gun line.

He pulled directly to the right, and then saw Little Plum turning around the corner.

"Da da da……"


[Nice used AK47 to kill Aleksib with a headshot]

[allu used AWP to kill NBK]

There was a rapid exchange of fire between the two sides, and Xu Beifang disgusted Xiao Lizi with the flash of light.

Allu is a great sniper and plays very smartly.

After hearing the sound of the flash, I immediately hid against the wall. After the flash explosion, I peeked out and killed NBK with one shot.

After Xu Beifang heard the sound of a big sniper shot, he rushed forward to give chase, but heard the sound of landing and an incendiary bomb flying up from below.

"There is a big sniper below platform A, please be careful!"

He failed to catch the opponent in the first time, so he did not pursue him head-on, but reminded his teammates.

Because if the sniper is not killed, the opponent has already adjusted to counterattack, and he will be at a disadvantage.

"The two sides of small A fought one for one, and the RPK and apEX of big A also rushed out vigorously. Aerial set up the headshot line and took away one first... RPK was in a hurry, and the flash bombs of the loaded items did not explode. He rushed out as soon as he opened it.”

"There was only one apEX left to fight with Aerial in the big pit. CT in the big pit gave himself a self-flash. apEX covered his eyes and jumped to the blue box, but he was still eaten."

"The great situation was ruined by A University's nonsense again."

The situation reached 2 versus 3, and it was another two-person endgame left to Zaiwu and Xu Beifang.

"2A1B, nice, should we switch points or continue to fight at A." Zaiwu asked Xu Beifang's thoughts.

Xu Beifang took a deep breath and put himself into a state of rapid thinking. The previous failures in consecutive rounds were still in front of him. Although knocking out several of the opponent's spears could damage the CT side's economy, it would play a big role.

But at the end of the day - he wants to score points! He wants to win! !

clam down.

Xu Beifang threw an A-small over-the-top cigarette and gave a flash bomb to give the other party a false signal that he was going to hit A-small.

It was a great start, but because Big A didn't perform well, it suddenly turned into a numerical disadvantage situation, and the pressure suddenly came up.

The only good news may be that the thunder bag was on Zaiwu's body and did not fall on University A.

They still have a chance to operate.

"Let's play a wave of B in the middle. Do you want to change the load to AK? I can hand it to you. Later we will go solo to fight. I will push in from the sand." Xu Beifang explained his idea, "You go Just use the B pass to refill the gun."

His idea was to take the initiative to get the information and pave the way for Zaiwu.

Regardless of whether the usual games are good or the data in the game, Zaiwu is more suitable for handling the endgame than himself.

"There is no need to change the gun, then I will directly help you smoke the policeman in the middle."

After the loaded smoke grenade was given, I started to walk quietly to the B channel with my P250 to search for points.

The two areas put pressure together, making it impossible for the other party to judge the situation.

"The end game of the Little Bee Twin Stars, the bandit went to the B channel, and Lu Bu went to the middle door to place the order."

"Actually, it is quite dangerous to advance to the middle at this time, because Allu actually never returned to the slope from the beginning to the end. They planned to use the A package point to fight."

"After giving the police a cigarette in the middle, Allu realized that something was wrong and chose to let Aerial keep A. He will take care of the information in the middle."

"But judging from ENCE's positioning, it seems that they not only want allu to look at the middle lane alone, but also plan to have sergej and allu clear the sand information together!! This time, they are going to form two sides with cheese. Lu Bu is going to become a meat pie!"

Because he was not sure about the other party's information, Xu Beifang activated the JKS point search mode he learned yesterday. After several deliberate practices in ranking, although he was still unfamiliar, he was able to meet his own needs.

Pass the police smoke slowly, being careful to avoid any gaps in the smoke.

Aim at the dog hole, scaffolding, the box outside door B, and the corner of the sand wall.

No one was identified at the first time.

Zaiwu was holding a large sniper at the B-package point. He was not in a hurry to reveal the information. He had to wait for Xu Beifang to find an opportunity.

Or wait for the other party to make a mistake...but it's basically impossible.

Xu Beifei quietly advanced towards the dog hole, keeping the frequency of three steps and one turn. This operation made netizens in the live broadcast room of Play Machine a little confused.

[Here I go, I got dizzy when playing PUBG in 3D, and now Xiao Xu also gets dizzy when playing CSGO]

[Master Xu, stop turning, I'm going to vomit]

[Watching CSGO endgame for the first time makes me sick]

【Oh, it looks like the real thing】


The sand was so quiet that even Xu Beifang once wondered whether it really made sense to be so cautious.

But suddenly, a CT came out of door B and pulled him out. After locking his eyes, his forearm exerted force instantly——

The crosshair was quickly pulled over, and the AK47 opened fire!

"Da da da……"

[Nice used AK47 to kill sergej]

After knocking off the first kill, Xu Beifang seemed to be blessed. He turned his head suddenly and placed the crosshair next to the policeman's smoke - there was a CT holding a sniper rifle, and the smoke grenade was jumping out.

"Nice's exaggerated way of handling the endgame still didn't let him miss the timing. He successfully caught Sergej who wanted to save B, and smoke bombs also popped up on Allu's side..." The live broadcast made the voice of the machine player suddenly become louder, "But Nice!! Nice turned around immediately!! This wave defeated all the people on both sides!! The endgame of 2 on 3 suddenly became 2 on 1!!"

"Aerial is the only one left in ENCE to defend in the A pit. He may be a little confused at this moment. Why is it that he suddenly can't win the game where he had a numerical advantage!!"

A sudden firefight broke out on the sand, leaving Aerial to face this 1v2 endgame. Although he was very surprised, he was also very stressed.

But he still wanted to try. After all, if they lost this point, they really wouldn't have much money available in the final game of the first half.

But across the map, the opponent has already found a gun position. When he comes to look for the other side again, he will be greeted by a sniper position that kills the load with one shot!

Little Bee's 2V3 made a successful comeback! !

"Lu Bu once again saved Little Bee with his personal ability. He became a spinning superman on the sand! This wave of ENCE never expected that they were not facing an ordinary rifleman, but a Chinese giant top! !”

In the 6657 live broadcast room, the originally dull atmosphere became heated due to this rotating wave of 1V2.

Playing Machine watched the kill replays and sighed: "Aerial really has no choice in this wave. There is too little room for him to operate! It's not his fault. There are gyroscopes in the server. How can ENCE fight!!"

"After finishing the frontal attack, Nice immediately turned to look at Jing Jiayan and killed Allu instantly. This person was so terrifying."

"This wave is really exaggerated, brothers! If you don't win consecutive games, you will be annoyed by Lu Bu, so just start the game!"

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